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Results 31721-31770 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I find that my letter of the 23d ultimo, (which was written in haste,) proposing an arrangement...
I wrote to you by the Mail this morning to acquaint you with the illness of our dear Father, & it...
Au moment de partir, Monsieur, puisque tout est disposé pour mettre à la voile demain matin, il...
It is with peculiar satisfaction that I prent to you, at the request of the Officers & privates...
I have been duly honoured with your letter of the 8th. inst. and have presented a copy to each of...
Quoique je puisse & doive être certain que V e. Exc e. a régulierement connoissance de mes...
Captn Barney has just arrived here in the miniature Ship called the Federalist; and has done me...
It is with singular pleasure that I address you as Chief Justice of the supreme Court of the...
11 January 1813, Washington. “Candour and the respect that I entertain for R. Attwater Esquire...
I have had a severe Fit of the Gout which has confined me six Weeks; but it is now going off, and...
I nominate George Hodges of Massachusets, now Surveyor of the port of Salem, to be also Inspector...
I did myself the Pleasure to write you 10th and 22d June, to which please be referred; I therein...
My school being too small this session to permit any sufficient inducement for the continuance of...
If I could have communicated any thing by the last Post certain and satisfactory, I should most...
31735[Diary entry: 30 April 1785] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 30th. Mercury (by Mrs. W’s acct.) in the Morning at 68—at Noon 69 and at Night 62. Wind...
my sea Kale plants are quite too small to transplant, they are however out of the way of the fly...
I have received your letter of the ninth inst. and shall not fail to be attentive to your desire....
I received by the last mail the Letters of two, so that I fare as you do, and the Stormy Weather...
Your exertions in my department during my absence will never be obliterated. I regret my long...
Your favor of Jan. 25. is recieved and I have to renew my thanks to you for the map accompanying...
The Brigantine Hope, No. 52, was registered in this district on the eleventh day of October last,...
When I wrote you my last Letter, a press copy of which, is enclosed, I had little or no...
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America, To all who shall see these presents,...
MS not found; abstract reprinted from Thomas G. Morton and Frank Woodbury, The History of the...
At the particular desire of General Mifflin we have undertaken to give you a detail of our public...
17 January 1805, New York. “A return of the power under cover of your Letter of the 11th. Instant...
Your letter of the 12th. of May arrived here while Maria and myself were on a visit to my Sister...
1. The Ordinance, in the paragraph respecting counties, speaks of laws adopted or made, which...
31749Advertisement, 23 February 1786 (Washington Papers)
ROYAL GIFT. A JACK ASS of the first race in the kingdom of Spain, will cover mares and jennies...
In execution of an act of the Legislature of this State, and in conformity to my own wishes, I do...
The bearer hereof, Mr. Lear, proposing to establish himself in commerce in the new city of...
I have recd. from Mr. Lear engaged in settling the accounts of General Hull, a request of what I...
FC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of Samuel Patteson. Addressed to “The Virginia Delegates...
31754[Diary entry: 23 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
23. Snow, just sufft. to cover the ground, fell in the Night. Wind at No. Wt. in the Morning &...
31755[Diary entry: 8 August 1795] (Washington Papers)
8. Same as yesterday with R[ain] af[ternoon].
In answer to your letter of the 1. October instant I inclose you copies of the Contracts for...
317573 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted at Gardiners. This morn the Weather clear’d away. As warm and brilliant as May. Kept...
The President of the United States requests the attendance of the Secretary of State, at nine...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of a consultation with the heads of departments tomorrow at 12. a...
The Secretary of State received the enclosed this morng. which he desired me to forward to the...
A letter from mr Warren Ashley of Norfolk informs me that a case sent from London to his care for...
Ma derniere du 14 e. étoit partie, lorsque celle de Mr. votre fils à mon Epouse nous apprit que...
In the Draught of an Incription for Colo. Tilghman’s Tomb I have taken the Liberty of mentioning...
It is not, I presume, unusal or improper for persons to offer themselves as candidates for...
The interest you have taken in the history of the interesting Republic of Geneva has been such,...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to enclose the within letter, in order to know...
Centinels are again Posted at my Lodgings. This I suppose a mistake L: Col: Parke having inform’d...
The time which has elapsed since my last has sufficed to shew that the combined armies are really...
Ca. 1 November 1809. Signatories express their disapproval of the petitions circulating in favor...