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Results 31721-31770 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
31721 Nicholson, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Nicholson, 5 April 1793 1793-04-05 I have this morning seen Mr. Randolph who informed me he gave you his opinion just before on the...
31722 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 5 April … 1793-04-05 The Ship John Buckeley is just arrived here from Lisbon, which place she left on the 23. of...
31723 Randolph, Edmund Meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, [6 … 1793-04-06 At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Sinking fund, at the Office of the Secretary of State on the...
31724 Hamilton, Alexander Cochran, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Cochran, 8 April 1793 1793-04-08 Treasury Department, April 8, 1793. “Enclosed is a List of certificates of transfers issued by...
31725 Ellery, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 8 April 1793 1793-04-08 [ Newport, Rhode Island ] April 8, 1973 . “… Inclosed is the declaration of Aaron Usher late...
31726 Ross, David Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from David Ross, 8 April 1793 1793-04-08 I expected before this Copies of your and Co Mercers Communications & the Statement to the...
31727 Hamilton, Alexander Theus, Simeon From Alexander Hamilton to Simeon Theus, 8 April 1793 1793-04-08 I have collected and reviewed the Papers relating to Mr. Prioleaus Petition. If you persist in...
31728 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 8 April … 1793-04-08 The papers of to day, which I take it for granted are forwarded to you will inform you of a...
31729 Bingham, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Bingham, 9 April … 1793-04-09 The Committee of the Board, (on the subject of the Loan) were unfortunate in not finding you at...
31730 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 9 April 1793 1793-04-09 [ April 9, 1793. On April 11, 1793, Hamilton sent to George Washington “a communication of the 9...
31731 Hamilton, Alexander Jay, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, 9 April 1793 1793-04-09 When we last conversed together on the subject we were both of opinion that the Minister expected...
31732 Hamilton, Alexander Jay, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, 9 April 1793 1793-04-09 I have already written you by this Post. A further Question occurs. Would not a proclamation...
31733 Jefferson, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Jefferson, 9 April … 1793-04-09 Having received full authority from mr William Short to superintend & controul the disposal of...
31734 Hamilton, Alexander From Alexander Hamilton to ———, [10 April 1793] 1793-04-10 Mr. Winstanlly brought me a letter of Introduction from Chief Justice Jay; stating him to be a...
31735 Hamilton, Alexander Bingham, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Bingham, 10 April … 1793-04-10 The computed probable exigencies of the Treasury were my guide in asking of the Bank an...
31736 Hamilton, Alexander Carrington, Edward From Alexander Hamilton to Edward Carrington, 10 April … 1793-04-10 [ Philadelphia, April 10, 1793. On April 26, 1793, Carrington wrote to Hamilton : “I am favored...
31737 Hamilton, Alexander Colt, Peter From Alexander Hamilton to Peter Colt, 10 April 1793 1793-04-10 I have received two letters from you of the 28th. of Feby & the 27 of March—which the urgency of...
31738 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 10 April 1793 1793-04-10 Having completed the purchase of Lands lying in the State of Pennsylvania from sundry...
31739 Higginson, Stephen Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Stephen Higginson, 10 April … 1793-04-10 France having declared War against Britain &c, Questions may arise tending to involve us in their...
31740 Hamilton, Alexander Willing, Thomas From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Willing, [31 April … 1793-04-10 You will receive with this the Draft of an agreement for the loan heretofore arranged —which if...
31741 Jay, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Jay, 11 April 1793 1793-04-11 Your Letters of the 9th. Inst. were this Day delivered to me, as I was preparing to go out of...
31742 Jay, John Enclosure: [Proclamation by George Washington], [April … 1793-04-01 By George Washington President of the U. S. of am⟨erica⟩ a Proclamation. Whereas every nation has...
31743 Morris, Gouverneur Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Gouverneur Morris, 11 April … 1793-04-11 In mine of the sixteenth of February I mentioned to you the Case of Colo. Laumoy and that I would...
31744 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 11 April … 1793-04-11 Treasury Department, April 11, 1793. Encloses “a communication of the 9 instant from the...
31745 Lee, Charles Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Charles Lee, 12 April 1793 1793-04-12 Having resigned the Office of Collector, at the District of Alexandria, my successor who I have...
31746 Lee, Henry Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Henry Lee, 12 April 1793 1793-04-12 I had the honor to receive your letter of the 22d. Ultimo and submitted the same to the Council...
31747 Morris, Gouverneur Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Gouverneur Morris, 12 April … 1793-04-12 I wrote to you Yesterday and mentioned the affair of General Laumoy. A View of that Gentlemans...
31748 Morris, Gouverneur Willink, Wilhem Enclosure: Gouverneur Morris to Wilhem and Jan Willink … 1793-04-12 I expect that this Letter will be delivered to you by Major General Laumoy who will produce to...
31749 Treasury Department Collectors of the Customs Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors of the … 1793-04-12 The Collectors stand charged with the sealed blank Certificates of Registry which have been...
31750 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 12 April … 1793-04-12 In due course of Post I have received your Letters of the 5 and 8 instant. & thank you for the...
31751 Hamilton, Alexander Davidson, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Davidson, 13 April 1793 1793-04-13 Treasury Department, April 13, 1793. “… I shall regret your final determination to resign at the...
31752 Macomb, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Alexander Macomb, 13 April … 1793-04-13 I take the Liberty of enclosing you an order of Mr Udney Hay to receive the Sum allowed to Mr....
31753 Whipple, Joseph Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Whipple, 13 April … 1793-04-13 Portsmouth [ New Hampshire ] April 13, 1793 . Writes concerning “a Small Seizure in this district...
31754 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 14 April 1793 1793-04-14 Though exceedingly mortified and hurt at Mr. Perry’s being refused that inspectorship I did not...
31755 Knox, Henry Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Henry Knox, [15 April 1793] 1793-04-15 [ Philadelphia, April 15, 1793. On April 18, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Knox : “The requests...
31756 Hamilton, Alexander Low, Nicholas From Alexander Hamilton to Nicholas Low, [15 April … 1793-04-15 I send you the inclosed rather because I promised you I would think of the subject than because I...
31757 Hamilton, Alexander President and Directors of the Bank of New York From Alexander Hamilton to the President and Directors … 1793-04-15 [ Philadelphia, April 15, 1793. The catalogue description of this letter reads: “Notifying them...
31758 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 15 April … 1793-04-15 I have the Honour to acquaint you that the Suit commenced against me by Mr. Edward Dexter in the...
31759 Holmes, Isaac Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Isaac Holmes, [16 April … 1793-04-16 [ Charleston, South Carolina, April 16, 1793. On May 10, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Edmund Randolph...
31760 Hamilton, Alexander Kean, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Kean, 17 April 1793 1793-04-17 A warrant lately issued for money for the Quarter Master’s department 40000 Dollars which Mr....
31761 Hamilton, Alexander Appleton, Nathaniel From Alexander Hamilton to Nathaniel Appleton, 18 April … 1793-04-18 [ Philadelphia, April 18, 1793. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] LS ,...
31762 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 18 April 1793 1793-04-18 [ Philadelphia, April 18, 1793. On May 22, 1793, Hamilton wrote to George Washington : “The...
31763 Hodgdon, Samuel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Samuel Hodgdon, [18 April … 1793-04-18 [ Philadelphia, April 18, 1793. On April 20, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Hodgdon and referred to...
31764 Hamilton, Alexander Knox, Henry From Alexander Hamilton to Henry Knox, 18 April 1793 1793-04-18 The requests contained in your letter of the 15 of April have been complied with. There are two...
31765 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 18 April 1793 1793-04-18 T. Lear has the honor to return to the Secretary of the Treasury the Contract made with Abijah...
31766 Olney, Jeremiah Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jeremiah Olney, 18 April … 1793-04-18 I have been honored with your Letter of 2nd. Instant on the Subject of Exportation permits; from...
31767 Ternant, Jean Baptiste de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jean Baptiste de Ternant, 18 … 1793-04-18 Le M. f. previent le S. d. la t. des E. U. qu’il a donné à Conyngham Nesbit et compe. deux...
31768 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, Thomas … 1793-04-18 The posture of affairs in Europe, particularly between France and Great Britain, places the...
31769 Hamilton, Alexander Enclosure: [Questions in Preparation for a Meeting], 18 … 1793-04-18 Question I. Shall a proclamation issue for the purpose of preventing interferences of the...
31770 Jefferson, Thomas Cabinet Meeting. Opinion on a Proclamation of … 1793-04-19 At a meeting of the heads of departments & the Attorney general at the President’s Apr. 19. 1793....