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Results 31721-31730 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have this morning seen Mr. Randolph who informed me he gave you his opinion just before on the question whether New Loan debt of this State was subscribable and that it was in the negative. It appears to have been thus decided principally to avoid any difficulty with the State. Inclosed is a Copy of a letter I addressed to the Committe on Ways & means, and should be glad you would suspend...
The Ship John Buckeley is just arrived here from Lisbon, which place she left on the 23. of February. The Messrs. Walls a respectable Mercantile House here have received a letter from Mr. John Buckeley a respectable Merchant of Lisbon, after whom the Ship is named, of which the following is an extract. “By letters from France by this day’s Post, we find, that an Embargo took place there the...
At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Sinking fund, at the Office of the Secretary of State on the 6 of April 1793. Present, The Secretary of State, The Secrey. of the Treasury, and The Atty. Genl. of the U States. It appears by a Certificate from the Register, bearing date this day, that there are at the disposal of the Board 25,445d.76Cts arising from the dividends of Interest payable on the...
Treasury Department, April 8, 1793. “Enclosed is a List of certificates of transfers issued by the commissioner of Georgia in which the time from which they bear interest has been altered, from the 1st of January to the 1st of April 1792.… I have thought proper to give You this information in order to remove any scruple which might arise on account of the alteration.” LS , The American Swedish...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] April 8, 1973 . “… Inclosed is the declaration of Aaron Usher late master of the Sloop Flying Fish of Bristol of the burthen of nineteen and an half tons. It is true that he took passage from Cape Francois in the Brig Sally of Newport Elisha Brown master, arrived here on the twenty ninth day of March last, and on the same day delivered up his License; and I believe...
I expected before this Copies of your and Co Mercers Communications & the Statement to the President with the Certificates respecting the Bribe —& I need say nothing farther than that particular circumstances render me more anxious for them than ever. It is still asserted here that you attended the Coffee House on the Evenings the Purchases were made and that it was a common mode of expression...
I have collected and reviewed the Papers relating to Mr. Prioleaus Petition. If you persist in your request, those which came from you will be returned to you; but as I shall certainly report on the case at the next session of Congress, which is the course the business must have—I wish to retain them ’till that is done. The claim appears to be of a nature, that I should reluctantly feel myself...
The papers of to day, which I take it for granted are forwarded to you will inform you of a confirmation of the War between France England & Holland & of such other leading particulars, as are contained in the English Papers brought by the Packet. The object of this Letter is merely to apprize you that the whole current of Commercial Intelligence , which comes down to the 11 of February,...
The Committee of the Board, (on the subject of the Loan) were unfortunate in not finding you at your Office or House, when they had the Honor of waiting on you this Morning. They were instructed to confer with you on a Point, which is the Object of the inclosed Letter, & to which I request your early Reply, as the Board are desirous of terminating this Business, at an adjourned Meeting to...
[ April 9, 1793. On April 11, 1793, Hamilton sent to George Washington “a communication of the 9 instant from the Commissioner of the Revenue.” Letter not found. ]