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Results 31721-31750 of 184,431 sorted by author
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance Edwd. C. Delavan Esqr. Chairman of the Executive Comtee of the New York State temperance Society. Mr. Delavan has visited our State, to be present at the temperance Convention which has taken place here—He anticipates some advantages to this great cause, if he can obtain the assurance of your countenance in its favour—He is more-over desirous of...
Thinking that fresh Shad wou’d be a rarity, I avail myself of an occasion I had of sending up to the University, to forward you a few of the first we have obtained this Season. CSmH : Jefferson File.
I will thank you to send by the Bearer, a copy of the Resolution of the Board of Visitors assigning to me the duty of examining the Proctors Books with its date that it may appear at the head of my Report— P.S. We are making the effort & hope to finish our labours tonight CSmH : Jefferson File.
Yours of the 24. Ulto. upon the subject of Mr. Longs appointment in the University of London—and communicating his wish to be released from his engagement to us after the expiration of the present course of Lectures at the University of Virginia, came duly to hand. There is but one view of the subject, which produces a moments hesitation upon my part, in a prompt & full compliance with Mr....
Yours of the 5. inclosing D r Cooper s 3 letters, did not reach me until late the day before yesterday—or an answer wou’d have been more promptly returned. I agree with you as to the reasonableness of D r Cooper s propositions, and concur in your proposal to accept them May it not be as well to add, in case a Bankrupt law passes & D r Cooper obtains the appointment he mentions—then, we wou’d...
25. Went to Monticello to Breakfast—Accompanied M r Jefferson with M r Southal & M r Garrett to view the site—in which the changes proposed by M r Jefferson as to the position of the buildings appear to be judicious in as much as they are calculated to save much labor in removing Earth—Returned with
I think your proposals to the Raggis reasonable and more liberal than they cou’d have expected—and for the interest of the University , by far more eligible, than any of their own propositions :— I have therefore copied your proposals, over your signature, and added my own in the form of a letter to M r Brockenbrough —You will receive it herewith. I am sorry that you have declined calling upon...
I returned yesterday from Charlottesville, & hasten to acknowledge the receipt of your package, containing several letters from Candidates for Mr. Longs Chair, together with your own, written under the impression that there would be a meeting of the Board of Visitors the 10th. of last Month. As there is now no immediate prospect of a meeting of the Board, I shall take the papers above...
I have recd. yours of the 8th Instant, with the letters from Mr. Long & Mr. Barbour inclosed— I send you herein the result of Dr. Harrisons investigation of the deficient parts of "Valpy’s Edition of Stephens’ Thesaurus" by which it appears, the expense will be small to compleat this valuable work and I should concur with you in ordering it to be purchased immediately—The subscription price of...
I have just risen from a conference with General Cocke on the subject of the Law-Professorship at the University the result of which I beg leave to communicate to you. Some two or three years ago, after our contract with Doctor Cowper had been dissolved, General Cocke & myself felt greatly desirous to get Judge Carr appointed to the Law-Chair, but your answer to the letter which I wrote on...
I thank you for forwarding the Seeds from M r Rodney .—I rec d them safely a few days ago. and hasten to send you herein the few Sea Kale seed I have left.—I am sorry you did not make known your wish to get this seed until I had reduced my stock so low.— I shall make a point of attending the special meeting of the Visitors at the time proposed RC ( CSmH: JF ); endorsed by TJ as received 22...
After acknowledging the rect. of your late favours, the one containing the Bills of D & N. and the other a copy of your communication to the Proctor respecting the reinstatement of the Hotel keepers: permit me to call your attention to the inclosed letter of Mr. Wm. Matthews. I can see no objection to Mr. M. being permitted to make up such a school for Military instruction at the University as...
Being pursuaded you wou’d gladly promote the views, of a practical agriculturist of Education, who is about to go to Europe , chiefly for the purpose of bringing back to his native State , whatever he may find applicable to our wants in the various branches of rural economy;—I take pleasure in introducing to your acquaintance, M r Wilson , who will deliver this.—He designs to embark in the...
In a letter I received from my Friend Mr. Delavan, soon after his late visit to Montpelier, he requested me to inform you, of the success of his application to Mr. Adams and the President to follow your Example in giving their countenance to the temperance reformation: but immediately after getting his letter, I perceived the information referred to, was carried to you through many channels of...
I have taken the liberty to order my Servant to call at Monticello and get (by your permission) a few plants of the scotch broom.— Yours respectfully RC ( CSmH : JF ); at foot of text: “M r Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Mar. 1813 and so recorded in SJL .
Conversations with M r Brockenbrough and other practical Mechanicks, together with estimates made by M r B. & myself have induced me to, suggest some changes in the Hotels & Dormitories designed to be connected with them, which are about to be erected at the University . In the Dormitories upon the upper level, connecting the Pavilions I wou’d propose no change. The beauty & convenience of...
You will receive herein sixty dollars which I understood you to say was the price asked for the Polyglot Bible, offerd to the University. Be so good as to order it, as my donation.— CSmH : Jefferson File.
At the time I united with Mr Johnson, in declining to assent to the immediate appointment of Mr. Ritchie to the vacant Chair of Nat. Philosophy in the U—I consider’d we were in some degree committed by our understanding with Dr. Jones to pursue, this course—I am now informed, by a letter from Dr. Jones that he has accepted the appointment to the patent office, at Washington. And seeing the...
I return you herein the letter to D r Cooper with my signature. According to my understanding of the decision of the board of visitors it contains the fullest expression of their wishes.— I am sorry to hear of your indisposition since I left Monticello — Accept the Assurance of my high respect & friendly regard RC ( CSmH: JF ); endorsed by TJ as received 14 Oct. 1819 and so recorded in SJL . RC (
I send herewith the Horse mentioned to you by M r Patterson & your grandson M r T. J. Randolph He answers the description they have given of his qualities as a Carriage & riding Horse. I have driven him chiefly in double Harness—he has been seldom in a gig but when tried performed very well & I am sure from his docile character may be trusted without risk. You are at liberty to take him on...
I write chiefly to acknowledge the rect. of yours of the 19. together with the letters it inclosed. I am content to make the effort with the present Hotel keepers under your view of our restricted powers, but I am in duty bound to add, that new developments daily convince me, that we shall have finally to get rid of the present set. I was informed this week at Fluva. Court by Mr. Gilmer of...
I have to acknowledge the rec t of your letter of the 23 d Octo: with an order on your correspondents in Richmond , for the price of the Horse I sold you. I am glad to hear he turns out to your satisfaction. Since the late intelligence from abroad leaving us no alternative, but national disgrace & infamy or a continuation of the war, I have been looking with great anxiety to Congress for some...
I have been inform’d by my Friends M r Coles , & M r Cary , that I was so fortunate as to obtain a place on your list of Subscribers, for two Ewes, to your Merino Ram. They are accordingly sent herewith.— There are also Six sent in conformity to the understanding existing between Yourself & Col o Fontaine . A Letter from Col o Fontaine to Col
I received your several communications, addressed to me in Richmond—and together with our Colleagues there Mr. Johnson & Mr. Cabell, deliberated upon them. In relation to Doctor Jones, it was finally agreed to suspend further proceedings until July—and I accordingly wrote him the accompanying letter. Mr. Loyall had previously assented to the suspension of this appointment in a letter to Mr....
I received your circular of the 27. May in due time. In a letter which I have just received from Mr. Short, he says, “I have lately taken up an idea from an expression which accidentally fell from a Gentleman with whom I was in conversation, & who is acquainted with Mr. Adrain, that he would accept the vacant Professorship in the University of Virginia if offer’d to him.” I deem it useless to...
Correct opinions in the liberal arts being the result of more cultivation than has fallen to my lot, and having the highest confidence in your taste in Architecture, I have taken the liberty to desire M r Neilson to call on you with the plan of my Building for the purpose of consulting you upon some points which he will explain:—not doubting, that such a trespass upon your valuable time will...
5. A Cloudy Morng. Left home at ¼ before 4 O’Clock, and reached Monticello at ¼ after 8—Found the Family just up from Breakfast and the three illustrious Gentlemen with whom I was to act waiting for my arrival.—After getting Breakfast— rode again over the grounds offer’d as a site for the College by M r Perry & already approved of by— M r Cabell , M r Jefferson
The extreme coldness of the Weather, rendering the passage of the Rivanna already difficult & probably impracticable by the time I should be returning home—must be my apology for failing to visit you at this time, according to my appointment by letter from Richmond. I therefore hasten to communicate to you the opinions of the Members of the Board of Visitors now in Richmond in relation to the...
It is proper to inform you before I leave the neighbourhood what I have done, in discharge of the duty assigned us, by the Board of Visitors at its last meeting— Doctor Dunglison accompanied the Proctor & myself in viewing the situation of the Eastern Range of Hotels & Dormitores when it was decided to be necessary, to construct two paved or brick-laid gutters in the rear of two sections of...
I am induced to fear, from what I hear from M r Neilson , of your daily expecting to hear from me, that the letter to Doctor Cooper which you some time ago sent me for my signature has not reached you;—it was immediately signed, inclosed in one expressive of my entire approbation of its contents, and put into the care of my friend Col o Miles Cary to be sent to the Wilmington post Office.—...