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Results 31721-31750 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pardon I beseech you, this one trouble more, which I am pained to give you; but being in the most perplexing suspence, I think it a duty to inform you of it. I besought you Sir, in the three last letters I had the honor to write you to transmit your favors to Mr. Barry or me, under cover to Lewis Hameken Esq. Danish Consul at this place, and recommended to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mércredi vous prendrés encore le thé sans moi, samedi vous le prendrés avéc moi; si cétte idée vous cause seulement la centiéme partie du plaisir qu’elle me fait, vous devés estre bien content mon chér papa; il est un point dit on, ou l’amitié ne peut plus augmentér, je le crois, et crois en mesme temp que la miénne en est la pour vous; cependant chaques...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. St pierre a gentleman of this province was possessed of a plantation wich he had Called New bordeaux Seated in the Meridional Caroline upon the Side of a river wich discharge itself into the Savanah, and there he had been Killed by the indians about two years agone. His heirs who Live at Caën, had Consented to give up all their rigths in My behalf. But...
Enclosd is the return of the Rigiment agreeable to the directions given me, by Colo. Banister. An officer will set out tomorrow for Boston, for the purpose of procuring c[l]oathing, I should of sent him off on my arrival here, but have waited for the making of a coat, which is to be the fashion of the Regiment. I neglected to mention to you when I was in your company, that Lieut. John Baylor...
By the enclosed Copies of Letters which were forwarded to me by Genl Ten Broeck and came to hand this forenoon, your Excellency will receive the disagreable Intelligence of the destruction of the valuable Settlements of the German Flatts by the Enemy and the Loss of 100 head of Cattle which were destined for Fort Schuyler. As I have not received any Account of this Affair or of the Disposition...
I had the honor of writing to Your Excellency yesterday from Fort Clinton —since which I have received intelligence by a New York paper that Admiral Byron in the princess Royal of ninety guns—accompanied by the Culloden Capt. Balfour of seventy four, arrived at New York on the 16th instant. the same paper mentions that an armed Sloop from Hallifax announces the arrival of the following...
I writ to Your Excellency the 16th by Titsworth. The present is to inclose an Act of Congress of the 17th for marching Pulaski’s Legion to Trenton, there to receive Your Excellency’s Orders. I have the honor to be &c. LB , DNA:PCC , item 13. The heading of this letter on the manuscript includes the notation: “by Colonel [Moses] Hazen.” For this resolution, see JCC Worthington Chauncey Ford et...
I was Honoured with Your Excellencys Favour of the 19th Inst. about noon to day, it accompany one to Coll Ogden[,] Barber & some others as Coll Ogden is gone to Philada to day on some private Bussiness I opened his letter, but as I did not know what he wrote to Your Excellency last I can return nothing on that subject. I suppose he thought by this time to have much to send you and so did I,...
On the 17th & 18th inst. went down the Sound from the Eastward upwards of one hundred Sail of vessels, part of them loaded with forage—Among them were several large ships. I have not been able to learn whether there were any troops on board. By the last Accounts from New York, five Brigades embark’d on the 16th and all the Pilots for the sound impress’d about the same time. I have two very...
I this Morning received your favor of the 17 Instant with the Letters to which it refers. your last favor was misdated as you suppose—and will be altered agreable to your request. By a New York paper of the 17th, it appears that Admiral Biron arrived the preceding day, with the princess Royal of 90 Guns & the Colloden of 74 —His whole fleet has now got in except the ship that put back to...
I have this Day nothing worth taking up a moment of your Excellenceys attention unless you find it in the Inclosed Letters which I am Requested to forward I have the Honor to be my Dear General your Excys most obedt Servant ALS , PHi : Etting Collection. On the manuscript Sullivan inadvertently wrote “Excellencelleneys.” These letters have not been identified.
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Wherever it is in my Power, I should certainly pay the greatest Respect to the Recommendation of Madame de la Fayette, but it is absolutely impossible for me to do what is desired for this M. Rolandeau. He was an Officer in the American Service; he left his Regiment without Leave and came to France. If he would return there it should therefore be at...
I have received information that the Ship Nile, Captn. Goldsmith has been taken, and carried into Marseilles. She was bound from London to Leghorn, and had on board Twenty Packages of Baggage belonging to me. These Packages are marked, and numbered in the following manner AB A Monsieur Monsieur Antoine Martinelli Negotiant, pour remettre a Monsieur l’Abbé Niccoli a Livourne No. 1 a 20. My own...
Your Favour of —— I have Received and will answer Immediately on My Return to Nantes at which place, I have Left all the papers, Rilative, to that business; I shall have a very fine Ship Ready for Sea, Immediately, and would be Very glad to take in, two or three hundred Tons of the publick goods, which Now Lays at Nantes for America; as to the Freight, I Really am unacquainted with; but If you...
J’ai reçu, Messieurs, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 17 de ce mois. Je ne doutois pas que les reflexions que je vous proposois Sur la Necessité d’etablir pour les reprises faites en mer une parfaite reciprocité entre les deux nations ne vous parussent de toute Justice. Je Suis fâché que vous n’ayez pas entre les mains une Copie des loix des Etats unis relativement à...
I have received the letter which you did me the honor of writing to me the 17th. instant. I made no doubt but that the reflexions which I made on the necessity of Establishing a perfect reciprocity between the two Nations with respect to reprisals at sea, would appear just to you. I am sorry that you have not at hand a copy of the Laws of the U States on this Subject which might have prevented...
In order to get rid of your present accumulations you will be pleased to take the pills agreeable to the directions; and to prevent future accumulations observe the following table of diet. This will have a tendency also to correct your wit. I would advise for your breakfast two cups of tea sweetened, with brown sugar, and coloured with about a teaspoonful of milk. I prefer brown sugar to loaf...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères <Paris, September 21, 1778: I have learned that the ship Nile , Captain Goldsmith, has been taken while bound from London to Leghorn and brought into Marseilles. She carried 20 packages of my baggage addressed to Monsieur Antoine Martinelli, merchant, to be delivered to the abbé Niccoli. My name doesn’t appear on them as this might have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, September 21, 1778: I received yours of –– [August 31], and will answer on my return to Nantes where I have left the relevant papers. I have a very fine ship ready to sail immediately and will gladly take two or three hundred tons of the public goods now at Nantes. Since I am unfamiliar with the terms and conditions of shipment, write me your...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress (two), National Archives (two); transcripts: National Archives (two) <Versailles, September 21, 1778, in French: I have received your letter of the 17th. I knew that the principle of reciprocity in the matter of recapture would meet with your approval. The regulations of Massachusetts of which Capt. McNeill informed you are...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives; copy: United States Naval Academy Museum This serves only to cover my letters to the Duke De Chartres and his Squire as mentioned in my last. Unless you entirely Approve of these letters I beg you to suppress them. If you Approve them I could wish it may be consistent and convenient for you to see, or Write a line to, the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Au milieu de l’affliction où nous sommes mon Illustre Docteur je ne puis m’empêcher de vous faire souvenir de la promesse que vous nous avez faite de venir nous voir ici à Viry chez mon frère. Nous lui avons parlé de cette promesse il en a été ravi et il desire vivement que vous l’accomplissiez. Vous savez combien un ami comme vous peut adoucir les maux...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope your lord Ship will Take it in consederat[ion] Since it was my Mesfortune to be Taken by american Privatear as I was on my voyage to Newfoundland I was taken By the gennrell Putnan from Newlondon commanded by Thomas allen whare of he Rancomd my vessell and Send me For England after my Sending two men for the Rancom. And as I was on my Passage to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme il y a 7 jours que je suis malade et que je me propose de jour en jour de vous aller voir et vous demander mon déportement (?) pour rejoindre [ mon régiment ], dans cet intervalle de ma maladie le marquis d’Ossun et Madame de la Fayette m’ont fait remettre deux lettres pour vous mettre en main. Etant malade et ne pouvant que vous les envoyer, je vous...
I arrived at this Place the 18th Inst. and find that Provisions can be made nearly Equal to what I represented to your Excellency, altho’ I found some Gentlemen were Endeavouring to purchase for Private Use I have not as yet had any advice from Mr Cuyler Commissary for the Northern Department for which reason I send Capt. Young to him that the Purchase might not be delayed Inclosed Your...
I have the Honor to acquaint Your Excellency that General Mac dougals Division arrived here Yesterday, and The whole Left Wing are now encamped upon a Height, to the East of this Town; about one Mile upon the road leading to Hartford; in my Judgement, exactly the position your Excellency recommended: I apprehend the Troops posted upon the Sound, and to the Southard of Danbury, are order’d to...
By Capt. Daviss who returned from the Iland this morning I have Recd the following Intelligence which he received from two credible Persons who left N. York last Saturday in the afternoon viz. that a Day before yesterday all the Light Horse were ordered to the City in order to Imbark that many of the Transports had Arm[i]ngs built for the Conveyance of Stock, and that Genl Jones was to Imbark...
Enclosed I have the Honour to transmitt your Excellency the act for regulating the impresses of Forage and Carriages within this State, together with <t>he Copy of a Letter from Governour Clinton to me on <t>hat subject, in consequence of which General Gates then commanding in this department <t>hought proper to grant me a general Press warrant, <in> executing of which I have been so carefull...
On fryday last a Vessel arrived at Piscataqua in forty Days from Nantz, in France, Dispatches were yesterday brought up to the Count de Estaing, the Master of the Vessel reports that on the 27th July last a Navel Engagement happened off Ushant between the Squadron of his most Christian Majesty Commanded by Monsieure de Chaffault and the British Fleet Commanded by Admiral Keppel which lasted...
I am to aknowledge the reception of your late favor —your excellency’s Sentiments were already known to me, and my heart had Anticipated your answer—I however Confess it gave me a new pleasure when I Receiv’d it—my love for you is such, my dear general, that I did enjoy it better (if possible) in a private Sentimental light than in a political one—Nothing makes me happier than to See a...