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Results 31711-31720 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the Secretary of State, and proposes, if convenient to him, a Meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, on Saturday. The Secretary of State will please to name the hour and place. AL , Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress. See Jefferson to H, March 23, 1793 ; H to Jefferson, March 24, 1793 .
Treasury Department, April 4, 1793. “Your letter of the 28th of February has been … received. The forms of oaths you allude to were transmitted from the Comptroller’s Office… on the 23rd Ultimo. A Circular letter from this, of the 29th of the same month … contains an answer to your other enquiry.” LS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; copy, RG 56, Letters to the Collector at...
We had the honor to address you the 25 Jany. and 25 February, since when we have [not] received any of your respected favors. Mr. Short in answer to the Letter we wrote him the 24 January to Madrid, of which we forwarded you copy, has authorised us to open a Loan of Two Million of guilders for the United States at Five per cent Interest, to face the Reimbursment and Interest due the 1 June...
The 25th: Section of the act entittled “an Act concerning the registering & recording of Ships & Vessells” provides for the payment of the following fees to the Officers of the Customs. For the admeasurement of a Ship encluding Cents 200 Tons 200. For a Certificate of Registry 200. For a Bond  25 $4.25. In Districts where there is no Naval Officer, two thirds of the fees, are to be recd. for...
Your letter of the 28th. of March came to hand yesterday. I regret much every embarassment which is experienced by the Mercantile Body—whether arising from the public operations, from accidental and unavoidable causes, or from a spirit of enterprise beyond the Capital which is to support it. That valuable class of Citizens forms too important an organ of the general weal not to claim every...
I return herewith the statement sent me in the case of Lemuel Toby and the Ship Lydia, in order that a further enquiry & statement may be had. I am not at present satisfied of the innocence of the transaction, as it respects all the parties, who may be concerned, and as it is a shape in which fraud may present itself with great success, I am solicitous for a pretty strict scrutiny. A Hogshead...
[ Philadelphia, April 5, 1973. On the back of Forrest’s letter to Hamilton on November 7, 1792 , Hamilton wrote: “Answered April 5. 1793 with thanks &c.” Letter not found. ] Forrest was a Federalist member of the House of Representatives from Maryland.
I enclose you a copy of a Letter from me to the district Judge of this date requiring a revision in the Case of Lemuel Toby and the Ship Lydia. You will see that I am not at present satisfied of the innocence of the transaction. The Invoice & Bill of Lading ought to be seen before there is time for fabrication. I request your particular attention to a scrutinous investigation of the...
Mr. Hamilton presents his Compliments to the Secy of State—elects his office as likely to be most convenient to him where Mr. H will accordingly attend tomorrow at 10 oClock. Friday   April 5 AL , Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress. See H to Jefferson, April 4, 1793 .
It is a good while My Dear Mac since I have either written to or received a line from you. I embrace the first moment I have been really able to spare to say some things to you which have for some time “lain heavy on my mind.” I have been conscious that I owed you an explanation concerning the issue of a certain Inspectorship and I have meditated it ever since that issue took place. In giving...