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Results 31711-31720 of 184,431 sorted by author
some years ago you had a mortgage on an estate in Goochland known by the name of B. Dam , it was sold for your Benefit and purchased by W m Bentley for the representatives of W m Ronald late of this County—the object of this Communication, is to be informed if you have receiv’d from Bentley the money due you from the sale, If so be so good as to give me the most speedy information, as your...
Your letter to M r Jefferson of the 12 —upon the subject of M r Neilsons undertaking Pavilion N o 5 was forwarded to me in consequence of the indisposition of M r J. endorsed “ T Jefferson being unable to write, begs the favor of Gen l
It is my opinion that Doctor Cooper had better be engaged upon the terms he offers. Taking it for granted, after your notice in the Enquirer , that all persons holding subscription pap ers wou’d forward them to you at the time desired, I have taken no step in the business since—but in compliance with your request , will obtain all the subscription papers which I sent out, & will transmit them...
I have this morning received a letter from M r Timberlake, saying, that M r Michie has taken a school which prevents his accepting the office of Librarian— Accompanying this communication is a strong recommendation from M r Timberlake in favour of M r James M Bramham—who will deliver this but having no personal acquaintance with M r B can only inform you, what I learn of him from M r T–s...
By exposure to the late severe weather I have taken cold which has settled in my face, & from which I am suffering so much pain as to make it impracticable for me to undertake a journey to Albemarle today—I have sent up in case the more distant members of the board have failed to attend, to know whether it may be necessary still for me to make the effort to get up—it is probable, I may be able...
I rec d your letter dated the 5 Aug: two posts past, and owe you an apology for not acknowledging it sooner.—The last eight days every moment of my time has been employ’d in placing my affairs in the best posture I can for my absence in the public service —The call upon me was entirely unexpected and found me unprepared.— I am sorry that you deem’d it necessary to trouble yourself upon the...
Being the sole superintendent & director of a difficult & important job which employs many hands, who wou’d be almost idle in my absence; to leave home just at this time, or for a few days hence, wou’d be attended with unusual inconvenience to me: but all private considerations shou’d certainly yield to publick duty and your summons obey’d forthwith, did I not hope from the tenour of your...
Permit me to introduce to you, the Rev d M r Marsh, who in returning to his native State of Massachusetts from Hampden, Sidney his late residence, calls to pay his respects to you & see the University.— M r Marsh, I understand, was a fellow Collegian of your correspondent M r Ticknor—and has devoted much of his attention to Classick literature.— CSmH : Jefferson File.
I have received your letter of the 10 th March and shall not fail, without some unforeseen obstacle to attend the meeting, you propose, of the Visitors for the establishment of the College in the neighbourhood of Charlottesville . I accept your polite invitation—and will be at Monticello on Monday the 7 of April. I have been long desirous to obtain some of your Marseilles fig—and send the...
I have this moment rec d your letter of the 9. with the one enclosed to D r Cooper — I entirely approve of forwarding this private communication, not doubting, that it will lead to such a reply as will remove all difficulties in the way, at present of formal & definite propositions.— RC ( CSmH: JF ); endorsed by TJ as received 26 Apr. 1820 and so recorded in SJL . RC (