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Results 31711-31740 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am indeed sorry to learn from General Smith, that for some time back, you have been much...
Your favour came to hand Just as I was about starting for this place. My fealing were very much...
What is the reason I do not get a Letter from my Mother I think I hear you say? Why I will tell...
I beg leave to have the honour of claiming your refference to the Copy of my last Communication...
Having entered into a mutual agreement by which Joseph Yznardy has delegated to Richd. S Hackley...
As it is your request that your constituents should write you their opinions concerning our...
I crave your indulgence: urged by necessity, I take this liberty. Most Respectfully Sir, I beg...
I write these few lines unto your Excellency, with hope, when they arrive at Your Hands, that you...
I inclose you the petition of Jacob Smith of Newport in the case of the ship Triumph, which is a...
I had already received & rejected a duplicate of Jacob Smith’s petition. There could be no...
The complaints against—Clarke, collector of York (Maine) respecting violations of the embargo, if...
We the deputies of our nation will communicate to our Father what we have heard since our...
I lately recieved from my old friend Mr. Thouin superintendant of the National garden at Paris a...
Yours of the 23d. is recieved. it was never till this day that I have been able to know of any...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 22d. it was the first information I had had of the...
I heard to day from a Virginia student who had recieved letters from home stating an Insurrection...
The Vice President being absent on account of the ill state of his health, the Senate proceeded...
At a meeting of the Merchants, Mechanics, Traders and Mariners of Boston convened on Tuesday...
Your favor of the 8th. Inst. was duely recieved, and has been considered with the Attention due...
I received from Mr. Canning Yesterday, after Lieut. Gibbon had left Town for Plymouth, an...
Will you be good enough to convey to the President of the U. States my grateful acknowledgments...
The inclosed petition from Deville was handed me by Genl. Turreau. I told him at once it was...
G Granger presents his compliments to the President, and in relation to the case of Moss of...
I yesterday received your much esteemed favor of the 24th, and lost not a moment in ascertaining...
Your favor of the 8th. by mr Cunow was duly recieved & I now return you the letter it covered. mr...
Will you excuse my taking the liberty of asking the favor of you to put the enclosed letter for...
According to the request expressed by the Senate in their resolution of Nov. 14. I now transmit a...
I receive very kindly your obliging letter of the 15th. of this month. Ever since my return from...
The Argus of to day, which I inclose, contains accounts of two revolutions, the one occurring in...
Mr. J. Otto who will have the honour of presenting this, is the Gentleman whom you favoured with...