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Results 31711-31720 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have herewith troubled you with a Warrant for the purpose of reinlisting the Virginia Troops in your Brigade, and when you send it to the Paymaster Genl if you will direct the Officer who may carry it to call at Head Quarters, I will transmit you the necessary instructions or if an earlier opportunity offers I will do it then. I am Sir Yr Mo. Obet Servt p.s. Do not delay a moment in sending...
We have this morning received Your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th Instant; The Cloth order’d to be made up, by the Hon’ble Board of War, has lately been order’d out of Town by General Heath, & is accordingly gone & going out, except such quantities as were necessary to keep the Taylors at work, which we requested the General’s permission to retain; There will be some unavoidable delays on...
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 15 Inst. by Monsr Segond. I think it will be proper for you to join the Army with your Corps, as there yet remain more than Two months in which the Enemy may operate in the Field; However, you are not to proceed with it till you receive orders from Congress or the Board of War for the purpose. If Congress or the Board of War direct you to join the...
On consideration it appears to me best, that you should incamp with the division under your command on the East side of the River; so as to preserve as easy a communication with the forts, as the situation of the ground will permit. This position will be most convenient both for the benefit of water and for the greater facility with which you may form a junction with the rest of the army in...
I had the pleasure of your letter of the 15 Inst. last night and another of the 14 the day before. By a resolve of Congress lately passed all horses killed in action are to be paid for by the Quarter Master General on the oath of the party, a sum not exceeding 500 Dollars. We have pretty authentic intelligence of Lord Howes return with his squadron to New york—and a large fleet of transports...
There is nothing new in this Quarter Save that the Enemy have within two or three Days past pulled Down Several Houses on the North End of Rhode Island for what purpose is not known I Inclose your Excellencey a providence paper which Contains all the news in this Quarter I have the Honor to be Dear General your Excellenceys Most obedt Humble Servt ALS , DLC:GW . Sullivan may have enclosed a...
You have once or twice mentioned to me, in Conversation, certain Expressions in the Treaty, relative to the Fishery, on the Banks of Newfoundland, which you apprehend, may be hereafter liable to different Constructions, and become the subject of Controversy, if not the Cause of War, but as it is very posible I may not have perfectly comprehended your Meaning, I should be much obliged to you if...
I have the Honour to inclose, the latest Gazettes, which contain all the News of Europe. The News from America by the Way of London, which is contained in the Courier de L’Europe of the fifteenth instant, has raised our Expectations and encreased our Anxiety. We are not without Apprehensions that the Compte D’Estaing, may fall in with the combined Fleets of How and Biron. The English are...
His Excellency finds the relative situation of the country hereabouts something different from what his information led him to conceive and that Fredericksburgh is not quite that intermediate Point between Danbury and the Highlands, which would answer his views but is too far Northerly. He therefore desires you will halt on the ground this will find you upon ’till further orders. He will have...
AL (draft): Cornell University Library; French translations: American Philosophical Society (three), Bibliothèque de la Société Eduenne, Autun, Institut de France; copy or transcript: Yale University Library; incomplete copy: Huntington Library The following piece, originally published as “Lettre à Madame B.” but better known as “The Ephemera,” strikes a rare note in the canon of Franklin’s...