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Results 3171-3180 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
A Very long and uninterrupted course of sickness has hitherto prevented me the pleasure of answering your Letters dated Boston June 28 and Dec. 11:1773, The Letter dated June 28 was long before it reached me and being pillaged of those papers relative to the proceedings of the Council which are mentioned in it I fear it fell into bad Hands. In that Letter Dear Sir you desire me to inform you...
An address from the well disposed Citizens of this County was forwarded to you last fall being Myself Secretary of the Meeting & never having recieved any Information concerning the said address causes me to believe it has never been recieved— I am your Excellencys / most Obedient Servant MHi : Adams Papers.
I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 12th. ultimo on the 1st. instant. It reminded me of my duty, or rather the omission of it. Indeed I know not what appology to make you for not having wrote you before it came to hand. The favor I esteem the greater on that account. Business I feel almost ashamed to offer in excuse, when I consider how constantly you are engaged in matters of...
You have thaught proper to remove me from Office, it is presumed to have been on good information.—You have been imposed on, I am materially injured in reputation which to me, I have alwaise considered the most valuable Jewel Jewell in life. I have been tryed on sundry charge which I presume are such as you have thaught proper to dismiss me on, I am honourably acquitted by my country. I have...
I am much obligd to you for your two Letters of the 8th and 14th of this Month, which I receivd, together, by the last Post. The Caution given in the first of these Letters was well designd; and had it come to me as early as you had Reason to expect it would, I should have been relievd of a full fortnights Anxiety of Mind. I was indeed greatly “concernd” for the Event of the proposd...
I wrote your Excellency per the last post respecting my business in this City. I now take the Liberty by my worthy and good Friend Mr Texier to send you the Memore of this business which I declare to your Excellency upon my honour is the truth on my part And by which you will see how Cruelly I have been treated in Martinieque as also in this City. Had I have Lost my Intrest by shipwreck or...
An absence of 5. or 6. weeks, on a journey I take three or four times a year, must apologize for my late acknolegement of your favor of Oct. 12. after getting thro the mass of business which generally accumulates during my absence, my first attention has been bestowed on the subject of your letter. I turned to the passages you refer to the subject of your letter. I turned to the passages you...
I would not take pen in hand until I could reasonably suppose you safe arrived to your long wished for home, on which I now presume to congratulate you and sincerely hope you have met with Mrs. Adams and your Children well and every domestick concern to your entire satisfaction for all which I feel myself much interested from the sincere regard contracted for you in our short intimacy, which I...
When I took the liberty of referring you to Mr. Jacob Lewis for information relative to the Isle of France s , I presumed he might communicate something useful, because he would not, I conceived, have any interrested motive to deviate from facts: But when I learnt that he had returned home to Boston with his family, I thought it fortunate.—I had seen a letter from an American at the Isle of...
I have the honour to return you Mr. Murray’s letter’s decyphered; the first is, in different points of view, very interesting. The name he refers to I retain for another conveyance. General Pinckney is at Newark, where he proposes to stay ten days or a fortnight. He asked me (in his letter recd. the 16th) whether you would expect him to wait on you. I answered, that considering it must oblige...