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Results 31701-31730 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg permission to introduce to your warm civilities, Lord Daer, son of the Earl of Selkirk. He was introduced to me lately as a very valuable & philosophical acquaintance, & my short intercourse with him has confirmed every report I had heard of him. His political principles are well known, & very friendly to us. He means to stay some time at...
Draft: Boston Public Library Inclosed you have Coppys of Seven note of hand from Sundry Persons who have Since Run away in my Debt, and I am Told are Gon Towards Philadelphia the Jerseys and Penciliania. I have therefore Taken the Freedom per this Opportunity to ask the Favor of you to make Inquiery after the within named Gentry, and if to be found pray Secure them, or Oblige ’em to pay the...
AL : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of acquainting You by means of my Particular Freind Mr. James Joseph de Bay Manufactor of Lace in the New Street near the Play House at Brussells, That on the 27 past I Recieved a Letter from Miss Lydia B. of Preston Acquainting Us That on the 24 past She and her afflicted Sisters had the Misfortune to loose the very best of Mothers. She...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I have little agreeable to say, and your Time must be much better employ’d than in reading any Thing I can say, I shall the less intrude on you. I imagined you would be on the Return before this: but I heard there was not that Expectation, I wrote you a few Days ago per Capt. Miller. My Son is about embarking, and perhaps may sail before this for London:...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I emptied my Budget Largely by unfortunate Capt. Davis and as our Friend Smith comes in Capt. Shirley it will save Mee a very Long detail of what has passed between Mee and your proprietor as He has been privy to most of It, in General I can tell you He is Ardent in promoting Enlish Schools for teaching the Germans, as you will see by the Scheme When Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me Suis fait honneur en entier de votre Portrait a mon beau pere, qui étoit avec moi, et Principalement ma femme, qui a été au Comble. Je vous en Réitere mes très humbles Remercimens votre Portrait fait sur mon ame million de fois Plus de Plaisir que Les accessoires que j’ai cru devoir y faire. Jai été trop sensible a La maniere honnête et délicate avec...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received yours by the last post—and return you a thousand thanks for the money you are so kind as to Alow me which I have Drawn on you for. I am affraid by the Manner and Shortness of your letter that you [are?] displeased with the freedom I have taken [in my writing?] to you. But alass Sir if you [were in my situation?] without friends or money you...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee presents his most respectful Compliments to Dr. Fraklin and will have the pleasure of waiting on him tomorrow forenoon to take leave and hopes the Copy of the Treatys will be ready for him. Addressed: Honble / Benjamen Franklin Esqr. Notation: W. Lee 23 March 1778 to BF. He had requested these copies on the 19th. BF , answering on the 24th, pointed...
LS : American Philosophical Society It is with the greatest Satisfaction, that we Observed by the Publick papers the Declaration of Independence from Great Brittain to the United States, a Situation which we Have heartily wished to the latter for many Years past, and by which means our Country, will be now abel to enter in the most frindly & advantageous Alliance with the same; to convince the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the honour to in form your Exelency that I am At libirty And have Arranged with DAutun to A great advantage there is A ballance due me by him of 30,000 Livers wich I Hope he will pay me in A few days then will have it in my power to remet to your Exelency the 12 Louis you was Kind Enough to lend me When in destress for wich I Ever shall Greatfully...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis on ne peust plus reconnoisant de la bonté que vous avez Eut de repondre a La Lettre que Javois Eut L’honneur de vous Ecrire Je suis pleinement satisfait de votre reponse. Le 1e. moment ou mes affaire me permetront de quiter Je nauray rien de plus pressé que daller Vous presenter mon Respect. Jay L’honneur d’Estre avec Une grande consideration...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En ma qualité de Secretaire intime de notre céleste amie, j’ai l’honneur de vous rappeller de sa part la promesse que vous Lui avés faite de Lui procurer pour ses enfants des Lettres de crédit sur la nouvelle angleterre. Dans ce cas elle desireroit une Lettre de 24,000 l.t. pour chacun d’eux; elle en a déja Sur Les isles; mais ou je suis bien trompé, ou...
Extract: Papers of the Earl of Dartmouth deposited in the Staffordshire County Record Office William Strahan was one of the few British political correspondents whom Franklin retained after leaving England. The Scot had bought himself a seat in Parliament in 1774, and consistently supported the government’s American policy. The outbreak of war, much as he regretted it, did not shake his faith...
Engraved form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society The Literary Society desirous of extending their Scheme, and rendering it as general as possible, have presumed to enclose one of their Plans, and are induced to hope, should it meet with your Approbation, for the Honour of your Name as a Subscribing Member, and for any further Encouragement you may think proper to...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Schedel, négociant de Nuremberg en franconie, établi à Rouen, connu à La manufacture du Clos-Le-Prestre, desire d’avoir l’honneur d’assurer Monsieur Franklin de son respect, et de Lui faire quelques propositions etc. Feutry Lui a promis de l’informer du moment où M. Franklin pourra L’entendre. Endorsed: Schedel Manufacturier The only appearance in this...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society Il est essentiel, Monsieur, que Je puisse avoir l’honneur de conferer avec vous, avec M. Adams et avec ceux de Mrs. [Messieurs] Vos Collegues qui peuvent se trouver à Paris. Je vous prie en consequence, Monsieur, de vouloir bien inviter ces Mrs. à se rendre a Versailles avec vous Lundi avant dix heures du Matin. Il seroit bon...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, Library of Congress (two), National Archives; AL (draft): Library of Congress I have the honor of enclosing you an official Letter, directed to our Ministers Plenipotentiary at Paris. The Resignation of the late Secretary for foreign affairs, (occasioned by his Preference of the Chancellorship of the State of New-York, which he could not hold longer, &...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; draft: Library of Congress; copy: American Philosophical Society I have the honor of addressing this letter to you by Colonel Laurens, one of my Aid De Camps, whom Congress has been pleased to Commission for particular purposes to the Court of Versailles.— Justice to the character of this Gentleman conspiring with motives of friendship will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send your Excellency the Estimate of the Board of War with the prices— Your note to Mr de La Rouerie was dispatched immediately— As sunday is the day which the Count de Vergennes has appointed for my taking leave, I shall be deprived of the pleasure of dining with Your Excellency—but shall endeavour to pay you my respects as frequently as possible in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous allez voir qu’on me croit un grand saint auprés de vous, puisque des amis de versailles m’onts prié de vous Recommander Mr. Fossard premier huissier audiancier a La Prevôté de L’hôtel, qui desireroit passer en Amerique; luy meme vous expliqueroit ses intentions, et ses desirs; cela occationneroit un mariage entres Luy et Madlle. de Montauville; L’un et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your last Letters to us were dated October, but we have had the pleasure since of hearing you were well in January— I have wrote you repeatedly of late; By this Ship a Son of Mr. Jos: Fox, & another of Judah Foulke go Passengers, their Friends have applied to me for Letters of introduction to you. I have given them Letters, tho’ I hesitated a while about...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be deliverd to you by The Baron de Woedtkee, who appears to be a Gentleman, and a Veteran Charectors you will esteem him for he has with him other recommendations to your Notice, from some of your Paris acquaintance; if I had never fallen out with Royalty for any other reason, I should detest it, upon the poor Barons account, for the Tyrannical...
(I) ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society Your favour of the 9th: of October 1780, gave me great pleasure. The Scheme of a Bank, which you was pleased to say you would forward to a friend in Congress, I presume was sent to Mr...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Beg leave to inform you that I am one of the unfortunate persons that was captured in the Confederacy Frigate and sent a prisoner from New York for England but by accident happened to put into Ireland, where I made my escape & arrived here in France a few Months past.— I expected to have taken passage for Philada, in the last vessel that sailed from...
Copy: Library of Congress At the Embassadors Table I had the Pleasure of meeting Mr. Senrat the Bearer of this Letter. He hath just returned to Europe after a long Absence from his native Country France, which he quitted with a View of travelling at the kings Expence in Africa & the east Indies & returns loaded with the Spoils of these Countries in the Vegetable & animal World, He expressed a...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: American Philosophical Society, National Archives; transcript: National Archives I have this Day the honour of a Letter from his Excellency the Comte De Vergennes, on the subject of the Resolutions of Congress of the Eighteenth of March, concerning the Paper-Bills; in which his Excellency...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society <Passy, September [6?]–13, 1778: In order to understand our affairs and to be able to account to our constituents we should decide which expenses we will pay jointly and which separately. I think we should pay jointly for the rent of the house and furniture, hire of coachman, horses, and carriage, wages of maitre d’hôtel and cook, and table...
ALS : American Philosophical Society According to your request I have taken the liberty in writeing to you haveing enclosd five letters directed to the care Mr. Parr a particular friend of mine in Philadelphia. As my business oblidges me to tarry longer here then I first expected, and anxious that my friends should hear from me, I have taken this liberty of encloseing them to your care and if...
LS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty to introduce Messrs. Gerrey, and Buckingham, the Bearers to your kind notice to advise means for thier recovering some money due on some French Bills of Exchange, which they lost by accident and were accepted for payment premiture to thier presentation: probably you may put ’em in a way for to assert thier Rights if the evidence they have...
Since we parted I have been so much & so long indisposed as that (except short letters to M rs . Jay) I have denied myself the Pleasure of writing to my Friends. The Kindness you have shewn us both, has nevertheless not been forgotten, nor has my Disposition to acknowledge and be influenced by it in the least abated. We have lately had a Report here that you was very ill with the Stone, and...