Alexander Hamilton Papers

Enclosure: No. IV: [Probable State of Cash, July 1–October 1793], [18 March 1793]

No. IV.16
Probable state of Cash From the 1st of July
to the 1st of October 1793.

Dollars   Cts
To amount of sums expected to be receiv’d this quarter on accot. of Imports & Tonnages, per return to the 7 of March
Drs 391,047.67.
Ditto per Estimate 200,000   
To amot. of sums expected to be received on account of spirits distilled within the Und: States 200,000   
To balance against the Treasury  325,447.28.
By amount of one quarters Interest 712,298.68.
By ¼ of the current Expenditure for 1793  404,196.27.

16LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.

Index Entries