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Results 31651-31700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to propose Docr. R. Chew for Surgeons Mate, and Wm. P. Graham for second Lieut. of the Corps of Artillerists in the service of the United States. I have the honor to be &c. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 107, LSP ). Richard chew was among the military nominations TJ sent to the Senate in his message of 18 Nov. 1803. William P. graham resigned his commission in October 1803 ( Heitman,
I have received your kind Letter and thank you for your friendly Congratulations I begged a Copy of the inclosed Volume of my Friend Judge Peters for our Accademy: but as he sent me one in boards I will get that bound for myself that I may Send His the Sooner. to our Accademy I ask your Pardon for sending you Such a Scrawl, being in great haste, your humble sert MBAt : American Academy of Arts...
Permit me to Call to your recollection the application which was made in the month of July last, to the President of the United States by an Agent of Governor Ankarheim of the Island of St: Bartholomews for a Supply of Flour & Provisions &c: &c: for the Government and Inhabitants of Said Island. It has been both unfortunate and disagreeable to me that this application to the President of the...
I had wished, my dear General, to have awaited the departure of the Benjamin Franklin, which I think still will not be delayed more than 3. or 4. weeks. she is so fine a vessel & has so good a captain. but on reading your note , I yesterday set mr Barnes (my confidential agent here) to looking out for a vessel bound to any port of Europe from Nantes Southwardly. he sent me in the evening the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here in September last, with a purpose of visiting France and of paying my respects and offering my Congratulations on the restoration of Peace, and to you for the honor you have acquired in this business, as I cannot now do it personally permit the offering in this mode with my best wishes for a continuance of your health and strength of which I...
Late Storms have made sad inroads on the aged building I now occupy, the fence round the flat over the Kitchen is carried away with the spout wich conveyed the rain water, from the building, and on Sunday morning last 4 out of 8 of Lombardy poplars, I had last spring twelvmonth planted about the house were by the weight of snow broke down, as I planted the trees for my own convenience to shade...
Your favor of the 9th. came to hand a few days ago only; and the usages of the season, with some additional incidents, have not allowed me time for more promptly acknowledging its friendly contents. You were right in supposing that some arrangement of the mass of papers accumulated thro’ a long course of public life would require a tedious attention after my final return to a private Station....
I thought (too hastily) that the desperate debt alr e ady taken off from the 2940.30½. but as by your Thomas’s report – 932.25 of that is sperate, I co the balance 2008.05½ taken from the sum it leaves 21,815.92½ applicable to the instead of 23,823.98 and makes the whole
Tho I have nothing to write which can either amuse or instruct, yet I cannot let slip this Opportunity of doing myself the honor to trouble your Excellency with a few lines by my friend Captn. Lewis Little Page with whom I had the pleasure to become lately acquainted and who I confess has both pleased and instructed me. His na’al [natural] Genius, and Career hitherto both Political and...
Copy: Library of Congress I received but a few days since your favours of January 17. and 18. I send here with the Commission desired for Capt. Ryan & The fearnot. I heartily wish you and him all the success you desire and deserve. The Bond is to be executed and Left at Mr. Coffin’s, where you will find the Commission, as the English have paid no Regard to the written paroles taken by the...
I return you Sprigg’s letter, & inclose a recommendation from Govr. Sullivan in favr of Waterhouse as successor to Jarvis. I think Waterhouse’s claim, in consideration of his services in Vaccination (for he is the father of it in this country) is so pre-eminent that, with the recommendations of Sullivan & Gerry, it must be stronger than that of any other can possibly be. if so, the sooner we...
Your letter of the seventeenth inst. has been delivered to me. I not know that I can promote your appointment Situated as you are I do not think it advisable to promote your appointment in the regiment commanded by Cos. Ogden and Moore; unless you could can make it acceptable to those — officers. but I have however written to the Secretary of War on the subject expressing the favorable opinion...
I Am the More flatterd By the Command Which His Excellency General Washington Has Been Pleased to Intrust to Me , As Independant of the General Good that May Be Hoped from this Expedition, It seems to Promise An Opportunity to Gratify the High Sense I Have of My Personal obligations to the State of Virginia. I Shall from time to time Inform Your Excellency of the Movements of the Continental...
The enclosed papers herewith sent shew the result of the inquiry into the charge against Capt White. The impression which the whole evidence makes on my mind is that Capt White judged very ill in doing as he did because the transaction was of a nature to subject him to suspicion, but that he acted from no evil will far from acting with any evil intention he committed the error through an...
31665[Diary entry: 14 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
14. Rid to Muddy hole, Doeg Run, and Mill & from thence went to Belvoir to pay my respects to Lord Fairfax. Dind there & returnd in the Afternoon. S. Carlyle wt. Ho[me].
Your excellent letter to me arrived at the close of the last week and was brought to me by John from Boston: The hasty letter written to my Father on the morning of the 5th. to announce the melancholy event of the preceding day was followed by so many others to different persons of your family at Washington that I was not anxious concerning the transmission of regular information to you from...
I inclose you a bill of loading for 1500 bushels of Coal, which Heth & N. contrary to their usual custom consented to have picked. The different dfts. of which you advise us have appeared, together with one in favor of Wm Burwell dated the 13th. of July for $:400—,of which we have never been advised. I am Dear Sir Yr. Very humble Servt. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I am anxious to know the state of your health, & whether it is such, as will enable you to attend the convention. I most earnestly hope that you will be able to attend it, for if I go, I shall be much gratified to meet you there, and whether I do or not, I am satisfied that your presence, altho you might take no part, in the discussion, would have a very useful effect. My health since, we...
Passing through Madrid some time since Mr Carmichael encharged me with two Toledo Blades for your Excelly which I hoped for the pleasure of delivering in person. But the period of my return to America being yet uncertain, I now commit them with this to the care of Capt. Sullivan of the Union, bound to Alexandria. Wishing them safe, I have the honor to remain, with the most perfect respect,...
Having reason to beleive from Intelligence lately received that the Time is not far distant when the Arrival of a Considerable Armament may be expected, I must again repeat my applications on the Subject of Arms & entreat your Honble body to use their utmost exertion that a supply may be obtained for the Regiments of this Colony, which in Genl are extremely deficient, some of ’em almost...
As I flatter myself that the information I am about to convey to you will from its extreme importance to the U. S. extenuate my temerity in addressing you, I take the liberty of Making the following statement to you Sir upon the correctness and fidelity of which I most solemnly Pledge myself to you that you may depend. When a prisoner with and detained by the Indians as a spanish agent in...
Your very acceptable favor of the 13th of November reached me yesterday. I am not able at this time to do more than barely acknowledge its safe arrival, but this I do with my grateful thanks. It will be, under many views, extremely valuable to me. I remain dear sir with devoted attachment and respect Your obliged and affectionate friend P. S. Your kind acknowledgement of the cheese I also...
From the very polite reception given to me last Winter when at the City of Washington by Mrs. Madison & yourself, I took the liberty shortly after of addressing you through the medium of Mr. Taylor touching an appointment for a Friend of Mine. As you were so obliging as to promise me your good offices in endeavoring to secure to me a Contract w. the Government for which I then solicited the...
If I have not hitherto mentioned the Applications made to me by the foreign Officers who have Certificates whereof the interest is payable in this City, it has not been for Want of sufficient cause, but because I did daily hope to have receiv’d some orders on that Subject. Many have spoken to me, written to me, and call’d upon me. I have given to all the general Assurances that Justice would...
Your favors of the 21st & 30th ult: I had the pleasure to receive a few days ago. The reward refused by the Pensylvania line evinces a becoming sense of propriety & gallantry. What might not our soldiery be brought to if properly fed, paid and cloathed. Mr De Grandchain delivered me your favor; he and Colo Wadsworth have had beds here and those attentions which your recommendations will always...
I have been Waiting with grate anxiety to receive Your Excellency answer to my Letter of the 27th. March last, which Your Excellency was pleasd to inform me You had forwarded to Congress for their Determination. I beg leave to Inform Your Excellency I am verry desirous to get the Bussiness of the Flag of Truce Settled as soon as possible, and to propose if it can be done without any Trouble to...
To avoid all disorders which may result from drawing by seperate Corps, I proposed in my last Letter to your Excellency, that the Light Infantry should draw nothing as a Seperate Corps, except their Rations, distributed by a Commissary Their Forage—by a Forage Master, and their Amuniton by a Conductor, who are to be appointed particularly for the Light Infantry —The Arms—Accoutrements, Camp...
Thincking the inclos’d a matter of importance take the Earliest Oppertunity of Transmiting it to Your Excellency—Should it meet your Approbation it Will give me pleasure. The lines mark’d ( check mark ) in the margent I Suppose to be the Object, Should your Excellency Wish any farther information, a line Sent to the Care of Col. Dayton, Can allways be forwarded, and on the receipt Shall be...
Yesterday I informed Congress of the sailing of the second fleet —I now do myself the honor to advise your Excellency, that one hundd sail with horse & foot on board under convoy of five ships of the line & two frigates, left sandy hook on the evening of the 26th Yesterdays storm must have injured them exceedingly, as they had got but a little distance from the coast —It is reported that the...
31680[Diary entry: 25 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
25. At home all day. A Mr. Johnson—a Muster Master dind here & went away afterwds. Thos. Davis came Express & returnd. William Johnson was sent by the Fairfax County Independent Company to consult GW on its new uniform. The members wrote GW to ask if they could “take the fashion of the Hunting shirt Cap and Gaiters from you,” and inquired “whether you Intend to send yours up that we may get...
This will be handed to you by Cornet Alexander Macombe, of the Cavalry of the U states, who when in Philadelphia will desire to pay his respects to you—He is a genteel clever young man & I trust the embryo of a good Officer. With respect & — Yr Obed Sr ( ALS [photostat], James McHenry Papers, Library of Congress).
Hopewell Township, New Jersey, June 24, 1778 . Orders Scott to Allentown to harass enemy. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Je Vous prie, d’agreer mes remercimens, de ce, que Vous m’avez bien voulu accuser l’arrivèe des Caisses. C’est une Satisfaction particulière pour moi—non pas comme Negociant, car je n’ai pas d’Ame pour çe metier, mais comme Litterateur—d’apprendre, que Vous y avez trouvè quelque Chose, qui Vous convienne. Je ne suis pas pressè ni pour le retour des Caisses, ni pour le montant de ce, que Vous...
31684[Diary entry: 22 February 1771] (Washington Papers)
22. Wind still in the same place but not so fresh nor so cold.
Your favour of the 25th of March came safe to my hands, but not till lately. My Tobacco Consignments to London, has been confin’d in a great measure to one House, and where there is no essential causes of complaint I have generally held it inconsistent with the rules of good policy & common justice to be always changing. True it is, my Tobacco has fetch’d less than I think it ought to have...
Your two Letters have arrived safe and as we are all about as well as usual I shall appropriate this morning to writing you although our lives are so very quiet that it will be difficult to find a subject for your amusement— Your disappointment in not seeing Miss Peter must have been provoking enough. It will however be a Lesson and induce you to be always so far beautified as to be ready on...
On Saturday evening arrived in this city Capt. Rogers of the Maryland, accompanied by Mr. Purviance, the bearers of dispatches from Messrs. Murray and Dawson. I have forwarded them to the Secretary of State, after they were perused by the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of the Treasury being absent in the country with his sick child. The latest letter from Mr. Murray is dated 9th. July,...
It is an ill wind blows no body any good owing to that I received your favor with the greatest sense of gratitude & love for the distinguishd regard you have always showed me which is returned & cherished with increasing interest I was sensible how much you avoided an explanation as to your departure & I was equally unwilling to enquire. I shall always rejoice to hear from you & esteem it...
31689[May 19. Tuesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 19. Tuesday. 1778. We dined with Mr. De Challut, one of the Farmers General.... We were introduced into the most superb Gallery I had yet seen. The Paintings, Statues, and Curiosities, were as rich and costly as they were innumerable. The Old Marshall Richelieu, and a vast number of other great Company dined with Us. After dinner Mr. De Challut invited Dr. Franklin and me to go to the...
I have to acknolege yours of Aug. 27. & Sep. 2. The fever in town is become less mortal, but extends. Dupont the Fr. Consul is dead of it. So is Wright the painter. His wife also. Lieper is said to be dead, but that is not certain. J. Barclay ill. Ham. and his wife recovered. Willing on the recovery. The banks are not shut up, as I had been falsely informed when I wrote you last. I have some...
Your kind Favour by the Marquis, I have received, and it touched a thousand tender Springs, in my heart. You suppose I am informed of every Thing that passes at Philadelphia, but I am not: I never was and never shall be informed of any Thing that passes there but the Results in the Journals &c. I am very happy to learn that you are acquainted with my good Friend Mr De L’Etombe, who is a very...
As you pass by, Mr Lund Washington will put a sheep or two on Board your vessel in aid of your Sea Stores—My best wishes for a pleasant voyage & happy meeting with Mr Rumney & your friends attend you. I am with esteem Sir yr most Obdt Servt L (photocopy), DLC:GW . In October 1911 Goodspeed’s catalog, no. 88, advertised an “autograph letter written and signed by Washington,” with several words...
T. Lear has the honor to inform the Secretary of State that as it is a cloudy day the Indians decline doing business . Their meeting is therefore put off till monday 12 O’clock. RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 2 Feb. 1793. The business that brought a delegation of Wabash and Illinois Indians to Philadelphia is described in Minutes of a Conference with the Illinois and Wabash Indians ,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When I had the honor last of waiting on your Excellency at Passy, you were pleas’d to promise to give orders at Nantes for the Release of Captain Kinnear in Exchange for Captn Bell. The Death of Mr: Schweighauser no doubt is the Cause that nothing has hitherto been done in this affair, and unless your Excellency will please to give fresh orders to the...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Addressed by JM to “Edmund Randolph Esqr Richmond.” Docketed by Randolph, “JMadison Sept: 11. 1782.” Accompanying this manuscript in the Library of Congress is a copy of the letter, apparently made by a clerk, with a few corrections and comments in the hand of William C. Rives, author of the first major biography of JM. The Gentleman by whom I wrote this morning...
I receive here your favor of the 15 th and am gl ad you approve of the course proposed for Francis to confine his pur s uits to the important sciences exclusively. he may in the present year make such progress in them as to be able to pursue them to ad v antage th ereafter by himself. and if he can, for 2. or 3. years avoid the common error of premature marriage, he has s t ill time to make...
I have received your letter of the 20th instant, and the estimate enclosed. I sent yesterday to the 6th Regiment in north Carolina 15.000 dollars in drafts on Wilmington—these drafts will probably arrive in time to enable the paymaster of that Regiment to pay off the officers and men before the 15 June 1800. I have also, paid the balance in full to the paymaster of the 8th Regiment who was to...
31698[Diary entry: 11 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
11. Continued my Journey and reached Chas. Wests Ordinary after baiting under the Ridge at the blacksmiths shop.
Your favor of Feb. 12. has been duly received, and in exchange for it’s information, I shall give you that which you desire relative to American affairs. Those of Europe you can learn from other sources. All our states acceded unconditionally to the new constitution except N. Carolina and Rhode island. The latter rejects it in toto. N. Carolina neither rejected nor received it, but asked...
The trial of Fries for high treason which was commenced on monday the 6th. instant and which from that period has alone occupied the court was concluded yesterday at 10 oclock at night. The prisoner had the assistance of able counsel Dallas Lewis and Ewing and after a fair & patient trial before an impartial court has by an unexceptionable jury been found guilty. During the trial of the...