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Results 31651-31660 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Dr. 1793. Jan: 1st. To balance in their hands 1.744.750. “ Residue of the last 3/m loan, to be recd: 360.000. “ balance for which the Commissioners will be in advance on the 1st March 1793.   72.265. Flo. 2,177,015. 1793. Contra—Cr.—. By premium on the residue of the 3/m loan at 5 ⅌ Cent 18,000.
Dr. To balance of Cash, per statement No. 1 664,180.89. To amount of Sums expected to be received during this quarter on Accot. of the duties of Imports & tonnage Vizt: per returns to the 7 March 1793. 747,691.96. per estimate in the cases of deficient returns. 200.000.   
Dollars   Cts Dr. To amount of sums expected to be receiv’d this quarter on accot. of Imports & Tonnages, per return to the 7 of March Drs 391,047.67. Ditto per Estimate 200,000    591,047.67.
The XXXIV Section of the Collection law provides that certain rates per Cent . shall be allowed for the Tares of Coffee Pepper and Sugar, other than loaf Sugar. Upon this provision, a doubt has existed whether the per centage ought not, in certain cases to be computed on the Cwt. or long hundred; or ought in all cases to be computed on the 100 lb or short hundred. The practice at different...
I have the honor to inclose for your consideration Sundry papers relative to certain Certificates of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, originally issued in lieu of Continental Certificates and lately offered to be subscribed to the Loan in state debt continued by an Act of the 8th. of March 1792, entitled “An Act Supplementary to the Act making provision for the debt of the United States.” The...
It appears from your Report to me of the 18 instant, and the Statements accompanying it, that it will be proper to take measures for securing a Loan of Eight hundred thousand Dollars; as authorised by the Act, entitled “an Act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year 1793.” I have therefore to request that you will cause such a Power to be prepared for my signature as...
I have the honor to submit a letter from Wm. Bingham Esqr. of the 26 of febry. last, together with the papers which it enclosed. It would seem that the United States in Congress assembled have already put the affair in a situation to make the consequences of the Suit a public concern; in which case it would appear adviseable that measures should be taken for a regular defence on behalf of the...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to submit to The President of the United States the Draft of a Power to make the Loan of Eight hundred thousand Dollars. In this, there is no referrence to the ideas lately submitted to the President, and which appear, by his note of to-day, to be approved by him; because it seems most proper, & is most usual for Powers to be simple & general. But it...
For carrying into execution the provisions in that behalf made by the Act, entitled, “An Act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year one thousand seven hundred & ninety three”; I do hereby authorise you the said Secretary of the Treasury to agree and contract with the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of the United States for a loan or loans to the United...
To The Secretary of State—The Secretary of the Treasury—The Secretary of War and The Attorney General of the United States. Gentlemen, The Treaty which is agreed to be held on or about the first of June next at the Lower Sandusky of Lake Erie, being of great moment to the interests and peace of this Country; and likely to be attended with difficulties arising from circumstances (not unknown to...