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Results 31651-31680 of 184,431 sorted by author
In answer to your Letter of this date, I am directed by the Commander in Chief to inform you, that it is his pleasure, that two Brigadiers from the Masstts Line should continue with the Troops for the present, they will determine, under your direction, which of the three retires. As the present position of the Troops is only temporary, it is probable, that when the whole Army of this...
Agreeable to your request, I have it now in my power to inform you, that all your future supplies may come by the way of Kings Ferry, as the Army, in the course of this Week will take a position in that neighbourhood. I am sir Your Most Obedt Servant MH : Charles Stewart Papers.
I have received your two Letters & one to Colo. Humphrys, who is very sick at present with a fever; the business you requested of him, I have negociated with the General, who directs me to inform you, that he thinks Capt. Bushnell entitled to forrage for a horse since the period of Capt. Gillelands resignation—not however on the principle of his belonging to the Corps of Engineers, who are...
It is of great importance at this Crisis, to have the best possible information of the state of the Enemy’s affairs at N. York. His Excellency the Commander in Chief has commanded us therefore, to inform you, it is his wish that you will use your utmost endeavours to obtain such information, and that you will devote all the time & attention you can spare from your other Duties, to this very...
I understand, that Mr. Asbury Dickins; now Chancellor to the American Consulate in England, has made application to his government to be appointed the Successor of the late Consul, General Lyman; and, having been very intimately acquainted with Mr. Dickins, during the whole of his residence in this country, and feeling a deep interest in his welfare, I am tempted to address myself directly to...
My friend, whom Mr. Short has mentioned in the enclosed letter, procured it for me thinking you might have it in your power to serve me upon my landing in this country: but, conscious that I can have no other pretension to your notice at present than merely that founded on a recommendation, and wishing to avoid the importunate part too often acted by men in my situation, I have chosen this as...
In the Aurora of the 1st instant, there appeared two letters , which, if they are authentic, no one in the world but YOU could have enabled the editor of that, or any other paper, to publish.—The first purports to be a copy of a letter (dated at the Hague, August 6, 1792 ) from Mr. SHORT, the then American Embassador at the Hague, to yourself, recommending ME to your notice— The second...
29 October 1811, Portland. Encloses a bill of exchange dated at Madeira, 12 Sept. 1811, and drawn by James Leander Cathcart on JM for £378 sterling. “You will oblige me, by paying this sum into the State treasury, receive from the Secrey. thereof, a draft or Check on the Maine Bank in this place, which your Excellency will please to forward to your Hble Servt.” RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC 1...
The Instructions of the Inhabitants and freemen of Albemarle county to their Representatives in General Assembly. You are desired to signify to the house of Representatives our approbation, and thanks, for their prudent, noble, and spirited conduct from the time of their appointment to that of our happy deliverance from the insidious tyrannical Government of the British king. They have, during...
We have this day Sent twenty Seven Soldiers Inlisted the twenty Sixth day of last Month, under the Comand of Majr Wood Jones to be delivered to the Officer appointed by the Govr to receive them at Fredricksburg. the whole Number Inlisted Voluntarily. Most of them are Men of Midling fortunes and were in good Bussiness and we beleive go with a hearty desire to Serve their Country. many being...
The States of Georgia and Alabama are about to run the boundary line between them, according to the articles of agreement and cession concluded between the United States and Georgia in 1802. One of the persons appointed by the State of Georgia has written to me, suggesting certain difficulties, and requesting me to apply to you and Mr Gallatin, (the only surviving Commissioners who made the...
§ From John Coburn. 20 August 1806, Mason County, Kentucky. “I was induced during the last year to apply to the Executive of the United States for some respectable appointment, within some branch of the Government, to which I was qualified. “I was so fortunate as to obtain a number of recommendatory Letters, from some of the most intelligent and respectable Citizens of this State. Those...
28 February 1805, Mason County, Kentucky . “Amidst the numerous applications to which you are necessarily exposed, I have taken the liberty of addressing you, altho a stranger to you. I should not venture this mode of application unaccompanied with some evidence more worthy your attention. It is painful to be the writer of my own claims to the patronage of Government—But if the pretensions I...
31 January 1811, Mason, Kentucky. Reminds JM that he accepted a judgeship in the Louisiana Territory and claims that he has faithfully performed his duties, despite the fact that he has not yet moved to the territory because of “the reluctance of my family to abandon their relatives and connexions in Kentucky.” Since he has been employed in judicial positions for about twenty years and...
I take the liberty of communicating to the Executive, the wish of Mr. Adam Beatty of Kentucky, to be appointed in the room of Judge Sprigg of the Orleans territory, who it is said has resigned. I conceive it a duty, to recommend Mr. Beatty, for an employment, for which I consider him well adapted. He has acted as the Attorney for Kentucky, for some years, with great reputation. His Standing at...
I returned a short time past from the Territory of Louisiana; during my stay there, the Legislature were employed in enacting several important Laws, for the Government of the Territory. It may not be considered as improper if I offer some few remarks respecting that Country. From the collected information derived from different sources, the most correct knowledge of this distant Territory may...
5 April 1805, Mason County, Kentucky . “Desirous to place before the Chief Magistrate of the United States, the best means in my power, to enable him to determine the merit of my pretensions, I have been compelled to trouble you, in addition to the inclosed Letter from General S. Hopkins, with sundry others—One from Judge Wallace, one from Judge Innes and one from Coll. Isaac Shelby our former...
Fame has taught me to believe, that to have access to you the voice of Justice & humanity requires not the aid of pageantry or numbers. Permit a fellow man, who has been long and deeply impressed on the subject of slavery in the United States to address you, with the respect justly due to your character and office. Having reflected for many years with extreme regret, on the situation of the...
10 January 1813, Maysville, Kentucky. Resigns his commission as judge in the Missouri Territory following passage of a congressional act making it “indispensible” for judges to reside in the territories over which they preside. Has performed the duties of his office “under circumstances extremely unpleasant—Traversing a wild and savage country in ten different journies.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LRD...
In consequence of my appointment, as a Judge in the Territory of Louisiana, I resigned the same office in Kentucky, and have spent some time in the Territory, in the discharge of my duty. Having exchanged a situation in the Michigan territory for Louisiana, my appointment took place in the recess of Congress. I shall be thankful to you for any attention you may think proper to bestow on the...
26 June 1805, Mason County, Kentucky . “In consequence of the determination of Mr. Sebastian, not to accept the appointment of a Commissioner, to adjust the claims to land in the vicinity of N Orleans —I am induced to communicate to the President of the United States, the wish of Genl. Henry Lee of Kentucky, to receive this appointment. The character and qualifications of this Gentleman, place...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Serai venu vous rendre plutot mes devoirs mais jen ai été empeché par une grosse maladie Causée par le trop grand chagrin que jai eu ces jours passés: jai été saigné trois fois, et je prendrai ma troisieme medecine demain; aussitot que je pourrais sortir comptez, Monsieur, que je ne manquerai pas de venir deposer à vos pieds mes humbles hommages;...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Si lexpression fait perdre aux sentimens il nest pas moins vrai que ceux dont je suis penetre pour vous ne peuvent varier ni augmenter. Je saisis avec bien de l’empressement le renouvellement de cette année pour en mettre lhommage a vos pieds et celui des voeux sincers et ardens que ma reconnoissance m’engage a faire pour la conservation de vos precieux...
Under–cover of the introduction which I had through Doctr: Franklin to you while under his Guardianship at Passy permit me to solicit your Suffrage and interest on the occasion of supplying the vacancy made in the Officers of the Revenue by Col: Motte’s death. I flatter myself the education which I received under his eye during Six year’s residence in France, fully qualifies me to give...
The momentous concerns which have so fully engaged your attention, since last I had the Honor of a few lines from you and a disinclination to brake in upon moments so precious to the Public, have been the reasons of my omitting to avail myself of the license you then gave me of continuing a correspondence so flattering in itself and so truely interesting to me: But at a time when every good...
4 October 1802, Charleston. Resigns his commission as marshal for the district of South Carolina because of “the injury which my agricultural concerns have received from my close and constant attendance on the duties of my office.” Recommends his brother [Robert Elliott Cochran] to replace him. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Cochran”). 2 pp. An undated letter from Robert E....
The notice which you have been pleased to take of me allready through the intercession of my friends particularly Mr Izard by appointing me to the office of Marshall for the District of South Carolina has made me presume to Solicit your attention and Suffrage once more for the office of Naval Officer—Now vacant by Col. Motte’s death —With diffidence I renew an application of this kind, so...
§ From Alexander Cochrane and Others. Ca. July–November 1809. “We the Subscribers, inhabitants of that part of Washington City near the Navy Yard, conceiving the appointment of an additional Justice of the Peace as essentially necessary for the preservation of Harmony and the facility of business, do under these impressions respectfully recommend for that office Mr. Henry M Queen as a...
My Brother who is with me at present has such an inflamation in his Eyes as to put it out of his power to leave this for his station. As his Furlough is at an end, and he can’t write, he requested me to give you the above information and to send you the enclosed Certificate of a respectable Physician of this place. He will leave this as soon as he recovers, which he expects will be in a short...
The enclosed letter was handed to me with a view that I should promote its object. I can only say that my Knowledge of the Country where Captain Kirkland wishes to recruit, induces me to believe that his request is a proper one. While I suggest my opinion to you on this subject permit me to recommend Captain Kirkland to your notice, in some of your Army arrangements. He is a young man with...