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Results 31561-31590 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the honor to transmit three copies of the annual account of the contingent expenses of Government defrayed out of the appropriation of 20,000 dollars for the year 1808. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Sir Your obedient Servant DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
During a very Interesting session of Congress and near the close of a long Administration, I can readily believe that every thing not immediately connected with national affairs must be troublesome and Intrusive— I will detain you but a moment to refer you to an article under the Agricultural head of the inclosed paper which proceeds from the same motives which dictated your patriotic and...
I nominate the persons, whose names are stated in the inclosed letter from the Secretary at War for the military appointments therein respectively proposed for them. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The last letter, which I had the honour to receive from you, dated January 3d, I have before acknowledged. Permit me to remind you, that I have in expectation something farther from you, concerning the misnamed Aristides. I am perfectly ashamed to speak to you again of my Chathams, but it is unavoidable. The three concluding numbers, the printers refuse to publish. In two of them I had...
I recd. from the hand of Col. Livingston your favor of Novr. 23. His return having been unexpectedly sudden, I could not conveniently then acknowledge it, and in the hope that I might be enabled by procrastination to communicate some thing or other sufficiently interesting on our public affairs, I have arrived at a very late date, and without the advantage of making any amends for it. We have...
I have received your Letter of the 29th. Ult:, accompanying one from B. T. Reed, and other papers relating to the capture of the Schooner Lively, and the condemnation of her Cargo by the British Vice Admiralty Court at Antigua. This is one of many cases, in which the proceedings of that and other British Admiralty Courts have shamefully violated the rules of justice & the rights of Neutrals....
Appraisement of Horses &c taken this 11th. Jany 1809 viz 1 Sorrel Horse, blaze face Supposed to be 10 years old } £12. --. — 1 Bay Horse Do. 6 years old 15. 0. 0 1 Bay Horse Very Old no value 1 Ox Waggon 16. --. — 1 Do. Chair --. 10. -- £43.
Mr. Pitkin will do himself the pleasure to dine with Mr. Madison on Saturday next, agreeable to invitation. CSmH .
I must apologize to you for not having been more prompt in procuring the information you requested of me on the 2nd inst. I now enclose you a letter from Mr. Moss to whom I wrote on the Subject, by which it will appear from some mismanagement in the post office at Alexandria the delay has taken place, it does appear that the person of whom you wanted information is the Same Josiah Watson, who...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following appointments in the troops to be raised by virtue of an act entitled “An Act to raise for a limited time an additional military force” passed on the 12th day of April 1808 viz Tully Robinson of Virginia to be appointed Major in the Fifth Regiment of Infantry. Isaac Coles of Virginia to be appointed Captain in the Regiment of...
This will be handed to you by Mr Strobia, who is so obliging as to take charge of the two boxes containing the Terrines, as well as of the small box, about which I lately wrote you. I am Dear Sir Your Very humble Servt. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Having Some time ago [rece]ived a Warrant in the Navey of the [Uni]ted States, and in the year 1801. got [perm]ission to resighn under the Peace, esta[blish]ment, at which time I enter’d the Merchant I have bin ever since, but for these Eighteen months, which for want of [emp]loyment has obliged me to remain on but having a wish to enter the service [agai]n, I have takeing the liberty of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Doctr. Thornton & his thanks for the opportunity of examining Molina’s book now returned. he finds it is the book of which Miranda gave him the original, & made it the subject of his jesuitical letter for blinding his followers. Privately owned.
Mr. Pedersen presents his Compliments to Mr. Madison and has the honor herewith to transmit to him a Copy of the Regulations for privateers given at Rendsburg the 14th. Septr: 1807 by the Father of His Majesty the present King of Denmark, in consequence of the war with Great Britain: Mr. Pedersen begs leave to add, for the private information of Mr. Madison the substance in English of the said...
Les circonstances en tant que regarde l’Embargo sont encore à peu près les mêmes qu’elles étoient lorsque Vous me fites l’honneur Monsieur de m’adresser Votre Lettre de 30 Decr. 1807 m’accordant de la part de Son Excellence Mr. le Président permission d’expédier deux bâtiments en lest pour transmèttre la correspondance ordinaire, et ayant aujourd’hui des Depèches à expédier aux Indes...
I was favoured with thy esteemed letter of the 5th. Ultimo with five parcels for William Pinkney Esqr. at London. Colonel Trumbull who delivered these dispatches to me, intended to remain here Some days, but on enquiry I learned that Maitland Esqr. of the House of Lennox & Maitland was going to set off for London, and being known to this Gentleman I requested he would take charge thereof, and...
Since the conversation which passed between us yesterday respecting the office of Secretary at war, I have thought proper to submit to your consideration the enclosed correspondence; which for obvious reasons, has heretofore been withheld. The letters addressed to me may be considered as coming directly from the leading Clintonians in N. York; particularly the last, which was written at Albany...
Painful necessity having compelled me to adopt the advice of many of my friends, and submit the enclosed papers for your Consideration:—I trust to that advice for my apology in troubling you with my Personal concerns,—As well as to the disposition you have ever manifested to patronize Republicans.— But before I proceed with the subject of this Letter, I will apologise to you for omiting to...
It is necessary to prepare instructions in conformity with the 10th Section of the new embargo act. I presume that the bond being now encreased to six times the amount of vessel & cargo, the general instructions must only relate to unusual shipments , either in quantity or kind: that is to say that the collectors ought not to permit the lading or transportation of any articles which it has...
Notwithstanding the bad success of my last application to obtain a Commission in the Army, for my Son Edward L. Lomax, I must beg leave to trouble you again upon the same subject. The Secretary of War I am an entire Stranger to, or would not have intruded upon your other business. I shall be extremely thankful if you will do the best you can for him. I did not expect I should have lived to the...
I was desirous to made enquiry of the Merchant about the Packet which carried your Lamp & Bridle-bit before I wrote, I cannot be certain of the Captns. Name and the Bill of lading is mislaid or I should have had recouse to it, I hope to be able to find it by a general search amongst my different deposits within a few days. I have received your favor of the 7th. instant enclosing fifty Dollars...
I recieved yesterday your letter of the 5th. & mr Randolph’s of the 6th. and I have this morning sent an extract of the latter to mr Nicholas. I sincerely wish it success, but I am afraid mr Carr has been misinformed of mr Patterson’s views, or, which is as likely, that mr Patterson has changed them. he has certainly concluded to settle on a tract of 5. or 600. acres which he gets from mr...
When at Monticello in September last, on looking over some military books; in a work of Marshal Saxe’s, he suggests the idea of a bridle for the use of Cavalry, which he thought might be formed so as to command a horse, without having any thing in the mouth. The very great advantages which wou’d be derived from such a contrivance, made so strong an impression upon my mind, that I determined to...
I recieved yesterday the Chask Sent by your Servant, and now do myself the honor to Enclose the Bill, Kuhn on yourself for $200.68—and am Dr Sir/ Your friend & Servt. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
By Th. J. President of the US: It is hereby declared that by the representation of the Secy. of the department of State, it appears to my satisfaction that 1196 dollars have been disbursed for objects in relation to the contingent expences of intercourse between the US. & foreign nations the specification of wch disbursments at this time is deemed inexpedient; This certificate is therefore...
This is the first time I have had the pleasure of seeing the distinguished men of our neighbors the Wiandots, Ottawas & Chippeways at the Seat of our Government. I welcome you to it as well as the Poutewatamies & Shawanese and thank the great Spirit for having conducted you hither in safety & health. I take you and your people by the hand and salute you as my Children; I consider all my red...
The following comments were written, within a few days after the appearance in public of this Text “The Proclamation of the King of Great Britain requiring the return of his Subjects, the Seamen especially, from foreign Countries, to aid, in this hour of peculiar danger, in defence of their own. But it being an acknowledged Principle that every Nation has a right to the Service of its Subjects...
1. The Embargo to be raised on the first of June. 2. The nonintercourse to take effect on the same day--and authority to our merchants vessels to arm in defence on that day--& if attacked to capture &c. 3 The Congress to be convened on the 10th. day of May--with a view either to declare war--or further to invigorate the Nonintercourse system or to continue the Embargo. 4. In the meantime...
I have the honor to enclose you two documents Nos. 1 & 2. which contain all the acts of this Government, for the half year ending on the 31. December ulto. which are required by the Ordinance, to be reported to the Department of State. With high consideration I have the honor to be Yr. Mo. Ob. Servt. DNA : RG 59—TP—Territorial Papers.
Capt. Tingey received a letter the last evening from Capt. Fountain in which it was stated as a fact that the destination of the Troops from Hallifax is Battonrouch. Yours. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.