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Results 31551-31600 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have reason to believe that in my letter of yesterday No. 11, certain words were omitted in...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to communicate, for the perusal of the President, a...
Barre [ Massachusetts ] February 16, 1793 . “The foregoing Duplicate My Dear Friend I forward...
My last was of the sixteenth of January of which I now enclose a Copy. It has so happened that a...
My desire to doe what I think may encrease the prosperity of a Free Country makes me once more...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President, and has the honor to...
My dear Brother: You will receive this from a friend of mine and an admirer of your virtues and...
I transmit you a copy of a Letter from the Secretary of War to me, with the heads of instructions...
The President does not recollect the name of the person mentioned to succeed the Collector of...
It is with much regret, I find myself under an impossibility of presenting to day, conformably to...
[ Newton, Massachusetts, February 18, 1793. On May 6, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Ward and...
The last letter, which I had the honor to address to the House of Representatives, contained, a...
Market Prices of Public Stocks, Taken from Actual Purchases and Sales. Dates 6 per Cents. 3 per...
Prices of the Public Stocks Taken from the Gazette of the United States. Date 6 per Cent....
A Comparative Statement of Bonds for Duties Becoming Due from November 1792, to September 1793,...
Statement Shewing the Sums of Appropriation to the End of the Year 1792. Which Will Probably Not...
Dr. Probable State of Cash from the Last of December 1792, to the 1st of April 1793. Cr. Dollars...
Treasury Department, February 20, 1793. “A warrant has this day issued on the Treasurer in your...
I have reason to conclude, that in copying my letter to the House of Representatives of...
At a meeting of the trustees of the sinking fund, in the committee room of the Senate, February...
I have made the following arrangement with the Bank of the united States for the accommodation of...
I have the honor to transmit, herewith, a certain statement, which was intended to have...
I have made the following arrangement with the Bank of the united States for the accommodation of...
At Governor Simcoe’s desire I have the honor of inclosing the copy of a despatch, which I have...
The President of the United States requests the attendance of the at Nine o’Clock tomorrow...
Feb. 25. 1793. The President desires the opinions of the heads of the three departments and of...
The President having required the attendance of the heads of the three departments and of the...
In pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives, bearing date of the 19th of this...
I had the honor of writing to you on the 5th. inst from Madrid informing you that on my arrival...
I beg leave through you, to observe to the House of Representatives, that the statements...
[ Amsterdam, February 25, 1793. On April 4, 1793, Willink, Van Staphorst, and Hubbard wrote to...
I have to request that you will be pleased to advance to The Honorable Jonathan Trumbull Esqr....
Treasury Department, February 26, 1793. Requests “a further advance of one thousand Dollars to...
Whilst resident in Martinico, as agent of the United States, I had committed to my Trust, in my...
Treasury Department, February 26, 1793. Encloses “a small account against the United States, for...
[To the President of the Senate] The Secretary of the Treasury, in obedience to the order of the...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully...
Mint of the United States. For defraying certain expences which have been incurred by the...
J’ai l’honneur de vous addresser cy-jointe la copie d’une lettre du secretaire d’état, en vous...
Je viens de recevoir la reponse par laquelle vous m’informez des termes auxquels sera acquitté le...
I have the honor of your letter of this date inclosing one to you from the Secretary of State...
We had the honor to address You the 25 Ulto. and have now to advise you that owing to the attack...
Treasury Department, February 27, 1793. Has directed the treasurer of the United States to...
I have the honor to transmit to you an abstract of the goods wares and merchandize exported from...
As the day is near at hand, when the President-elect is to take the oath of qualification, and no...
[ New York, February 28, 1793. On March 2, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Burrall and referred to “your...
If the qualification is to be in private, T.J, A.H H.K and E.R, are of opinion, that Mr. Cushing...
On examining mr. Pearce’s acct. I find he has recieved a considerable Sum of Money from you &...
I have received your circular Letter of the 22nd. of January, covering the “Act concerning the...
I have the honor to transmit to you a return of the Exports of the United States for one year...