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Results 31551-31600 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have the Honor to inform your Excellency that this morning General Stark arrived here to take...
Your Excellency’s two Favours of the 4th & 7th inst. I have been honour’d with; that of the 6th...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 9th instant with one for Col. V. Schaick hath been received...
Since my last Letter to your Excellency nothing material has occured worth mentioning—I am taking...
I had the Honour of receiving a Letter from the Board of War dated the 4th of December,...
Letter not found: from James Clinton, 5 Dec. 1778. On 31 Dec., GW wrote Clinton : “I have been...
Your Excellency’s two Favors of the 15th and 20th inst. I have been honor’d with. In Consequence...
I have been honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 22d instant, and am happy to hear that...
Enclosed I send Your Excellency a return of the Troops in this Department, by which, you will see...
I arrived at this Place on the Evening of the 6th inst. but the rear of the Troops did not come...
This morning I received a number of Letters from Fort Schuyler and Saratoga, the former...
Since my Letter of Yesterday, I have the Pleasure to inform your Excellency, that by an Express...
Letter not found: from James Clinton, 20 Nov. 1778. On 31 Dec., GW informed Clinton that his...
Yours of the 8th of this Inst. I just Receiv’d and am Glad to hear your Excellency has Ordered a...
Your Excellencys favour of the 14th Inst. I had the Honour to receive this Morning and am happy...
Yesterday when I wrote by Doctr Vasche I had not Discovered the P.S. of your Letter till he was...
My Letter of the 15th & 18th int. gave your Excellency an account of the Disposition of the...
Your Excellency’s Favor of the 30th Ulto I have been honor’d with in Consequence of which I...
The Articles Sent by Capt. Palmer for the Use of Fort Montgomery & this place I have Recd with...
I am honored with your Excellency’s favour of the 29th ulto and by a line from Gen. Heath of the...
In consequence of your Excellencys Orders I have inclosed my answers to your Queries Respecting...
When the american army penetrated into the Province of Canada, Major Hamtramek in our army and a...
I am just returned from an Excursion up the Mohawk River, in consequence of an Alarm given by a...
I have According to Your Directions Saught for an Armourer and found one who I have sent Down to...
Extract of a letter from General Clinton Dated Conojoharie. “Yours of the 27th instant, I just...
Upon the receipt of Your Excellency’s Letter of the 16th I marched the two Regiments with the...
St. Eustatius, 10 Aug. 1793. Clarkson having deputed him to act as consul during the President’s...
I have the honour to inclose my letter of Appointment from the President, as second Lieutenant in...
From the ill state of my Fathers Health, (whom I have since had the Misfortune to lose) I was...
21 February 1810. Informs JM that those Republicans who supported George Clinton in the last...
John Clopton presents his compliments to the President of the United States, and begs leave to...
At the request of Professor Cooper , we have examined a Collection of Minerals, selected for the...
J’ai l’honneur, Monsieur, de vous prevenir que M. De Marbois Consul général à Philadelphie m’a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens de recevoir une lettre dattée d’york towne en...
Letter not found : from Maj. Alexander Clough, 23 Aug. 1778. On 24 Aug., GW’s aide-de-camp...
I received Your Excellencys instructions Yesterday in the afternoon, the Horse being much...
Agreeable to your Exellency instructions I sent an Officer to town and the inclosed is his report...
I am inform’d by a person from New York, that the 27th Regt have sent thayr Baggage on board the...
I had the honour to recive your Exellencys favour yesterday, and shall use the utmost of my...
I have recd inteligance that Yesterday betwixt two and three in the afternoon a signell Gun was...
This morning I was in formd that genl Clinton had return’d to new york, the former intelligance...
On Satterday Orders where given in New york, for one hundred and fifty transports to be got ready...
The last night I recd a letter from Col. Hamilton informing me that your Exellency was not...
since my last I have recd the inclosed from Mr Morris but ⟨do⟩ not complye’d with his request as...
Letter not found : from Maj. Alexander Clough, 24 Aug. 1778. On 25 Aug., GW wrote Clough : “I...
Three french merchants who have been prisoners in New york four months, but had the liberty of...
since my last tho I have seen severall from New york I have not been able to collect any thing...
I had the honour to recive your letter at ten last night, at two this morning I marcht for...
It would give the Committee of Arrangement for the Approaching National Anniversary Unspeakable...
By the direction of the Committee of Arrangements for the Approaching national Anniversary I have...