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Results 3151-3180 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Monsieur Vôtre fils à été ici pendans cet hiver, et nous a été recommender de Petersbourg par nos amis et M r Dahne. Nous Lui avons fournis L’argent necessaire pendans Son Sejour qui n’a eté que d’un mois, et il nous à eté un Vrai plaisir d’avoir pû Lui rendre tous Les Services qui ont pû dependre de nous. C’est une jeune personne qui S’est acquit beaucoup d’amitié ici et qui merite bien qu’on...
Since I received your favour of the 27th of May on the Subject of Representation I have heard of a Letter being in the post office in Boston for me which I flattered myself was from you in reply to my answer to yrs above mentioned but some body has taken that with one other out of the office and embezzled them. In my answer to yours of the 27th of May I let you know that I was convinced, that...
I wrote You from Ostend the 27th Ulo and stated what I had done with Dr. F. I arrivd here the last mail day but too late to look about me and to write so fully as I could have wishd. I found the intire kick up of the great ones to make much noise and to give universal pleasure. As the Parliament is not setting no fixd measure of the new people is yet talkd of and the reports are various and...
I have been so much engaged, in consequence of the Arrival of so many Vessels, that I have not been able to communicate so much information on the business of the Navy as I ought to have done. The United States—The Constitution, the Delaware, the Montezuma, the Herald, and the Revenue Cutters, Govr. Jay, the Virginia, the Scammel & Genl. Green, are all in different ports in the United...
The day before yesterday I took the liberty to trouble you with a few lines by M r. Prentis, & expressed my determination to do it more at large by the next opportunity, which now offers in D r. Bancraft. Knowing my way of thinking you must, I suppose, have been surprised at hearing my return to Europe. The friendship with which you have constantly honored me, ever since I had the pleasure to...
I do myself the honor to enclose you the minutes of the last week and to repeat my wishes to see you here as soon as possible, and as I hear Mrs Adams has quite recovered her health and that your own is restored I flatter myself those wishes will soon be gratified. I have every day less fears of an unfavorable election of the two first officers in the Government—People seem to look with solemn...
Je viens de voir Monsieur Dubourg à qui je dois l’honneur et l’avantage d’être Connu de vous, qui m’a dit que vous m’avies écrit au sujet de Livres que vous voulies vous procurer. Il faut que la personne que vous aves chargée de votre lettre, ne se soit point acquittée de sa Commission, Car je n’ai reçu aucune lettre de votre part. Si elle me fut parvenue, vous deves etre persuadé que j’aurois...
You have very fairly & fully discharged your epistolary account of the preceeding year; which is an encouragement for me to begin anew. There is both pleasure & profit in corresponding with You; & notwithstanding some desponding expressions, I trust your strength & spirits will not be exhausted, till the business is completed. Finesse & subtilty are ministerial qualifications; & the only...
Your Letter my dear John gave us great uneasiness on your Grandfathers account and we feel very anxious lest the violence of the shock should have injured his health. We hope to hear from you frequently and that your Letters may be welcomed as harbingers of good instead of ill news for the future— I propose to leave this City on the 14 as your father wishes me to travel in the Carriage I shall...
Whereas Philip Desh and Jacob Kline, both Mauungy Township, in the County of Northampton, and State of Pennsylvania having been some time Ago apprehended and Committed to the Goal of Philadelphia, for Treason, and are still there confined, and Whereas the said Philip Desh, and Jacob Kline, and their Wives and Children, having so earnestly requested of us the Subscribers to Petition his...
Je dois voús Commúniqúer, qúe Monsieúr v: d: Capellen dú Mars me marqúe, qúe la Province de Geldre a prise úne Resolútion poúr votre admission conforme a celle de La Hollande mecredi passé.
I have today translated a letter dated 8 August from an American shipowner at Nantes who complains that two of his vessels were taken coming out of Paimboeuf and requests certain facilities in regard to the privateers. Because it has been impossible to read his signature, the second time that I have met with this embarrassment, I have copied it on the enclosed piece of paper and ask you to...
I have the pleasure to forward to the care of your Son in Boston, a packet which I presume comes from your friend Mr. Hollis—neither Lord Wycombe nor Mr. B. Vaughan are in Town. but your Letters I have been careful to forward. The Campaign by Sea as well as by Land is thus far severe & bloody—In the Naval Engagement the French Suffer’d a severe loss, which they consider as compensated in a...
We whose names are hereunto amend, of Capt. Bishops Company the second Regiment of Artirilists and Engineers, can but express to you Sir, that notwithstanding what may be the decision of a Court Martial held at Philadelphia on the conduct of our Capt. respecting his treatment to his Men, we freely and candidly acknowledge that partiallity we bare to him and hope that he may yet be continued to...
I am now to acknoledge the receipt of your favor of Jan. 25. Colo. Franks sailed in the packet of this month from Havre for New York. This arrangement of the packets opens a direct communication between Paris and America, and if we succeed as I expect we shall in getting Honfleur made a freeport, I hope to see that place become the deposit for our Whale oil, rice, tobacco and furs, and that...
I inclose a letter addressed to you by Mr. Murray, which came to hand this morning under cover from Mr. King. The draught of instructions preparing agreeable to your directions for the Envoys to the French Republic, will be ready in two or three days to submit to the consideration of the Heads of Departments. Judge Ellsworth was here when I recd. your letter on this subject; and I wrote...
the patronage it has always pleased to your Excellence to grant to the artists in general, Besides the feeling of your heart induce me to request the honour of your presence at the performance which is to take a place for my benefit on friday next the 18th instn: the public happiness and Wellfare, I know, take away from your Excellence all the time and attention, but it is equally his constant...
Je travaille à vous dégager du dîner, selon vos desirs, au moins pour quelque temps, et sans fixer rien de positif pour l’avenir. Mais vous ne pouvez pas vous dispenser d’assister au Déjeuner du 6 ici chez M et Me. Boreel, où toute la Cour et les Min. Etr. se trouveront à ce qu’on m’assure. Ce n’est pas mon sentiment seul. Je n’ai que cet instant pour ne pas manquer le chariot de poste. Je...
In the event of the Hon. Benjamin Bourn being appointed a circuit judge in the first circuit, under the act providing for the more convenient organization of the courts of the United-States, we beg leave to recommend to you the Hon. Ray Greene , for the office of judge for the district of Rhode–Island, now held by Mr: Bourn. Mr. Greene has been uniformly and deservedly esteemed in private...
Altho I am fearful, that my Correspondance has lately been Troublesome to your Excellency, yet I cannot help sending the inclosed Letter from a Friend, whose Heart is sensible to every Impression of public and private Virtue. He has been a long Time acquainted with his Excellency Mr Lawrens, and therefore esteems Him. He is touched, your Excellency will see at his present Situation, I must...
A Very long and uninterrupted course of sickness has hitherto prevented me the pleasure of answering your Letters dated Boston June 28 and Dec. 11:1773, The Letter dated June 28 was long before it reached me and being pillaged of those papers relative to the proceedings of the Council which are mentioned in it I fear it fell into bad Hands. In that Letter Dear Sir you desire me to inform you...
An address from the well disposed Citizens of this County was forwarded to you last fall being Myself Secretary of the Meeting & never having recieved any Information concerning the said address causes me to believe it has never been recieved— I am your Excellencys / most Obedient Servant MHi : Adams Papers.
I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 12th. ultimo on the 1st. instant. It reminded me of my duty, or rather the omission of it. Indeed I know not what appology to make you for not having wrote you before it came to hand. The favor I esteem the greater on that account. Business I feel almost ashamed to offer in excuse, when I consider how constantly you are engaged in matters of...
You have thaught proper to remove me from Office, it is presumed to have been on good information.—You have been imposed on, I am materially injured in reputation which to me, I have alwaise considered the most valuable Jewel Jewell in life. I have been tryed on sundry charge which I presume are such as you have thaught proper to dismiss me on, I am honourably acquitted by my country. I have...
I am much obligd to you for your two Letters of the 8th and 14th of this Month, which I receivd, together, by the last Post. The Caution given in the first of these Letters was well designd; and had it come to me as early as you had Reason to expect it would, I should have been relievd of a full fortnights Anxiety of Mind. I was indeed greatly “concernd” for the Event of the proposd...
I wrote your Excellency per the last post respecting my business in this City. I now take the Liberty by my worthy and good Friend Mr Texier to send you the Memore of this business which I declare to your Excellency upon my honour is the truth on my part And by which you will see how Cruelly I have been treated in Martinieque as also in this City. Had I have Lost my Intrest by shipwreck or...
An absence of 5. or 6. weeks, on a journey I take three or four times a year, must apologize for my late acknolegement of your favor of Oct. 12. after getting thro the mass of business which generally accumulates during my absence, my first attention has been bestowed on the subject of your letter. I turned to the passages you refer to the subject of your letter. I turned to the passages you...
I would not take pen in hand until I could reasonably suppose you safe arrived to your long wished for home, on which I now presume to congratulate you and sincerely hope you have met with Mrs. Adams and your Children well and every domestick concern to your entire satisfaction for all which I feel myself much interested from the sincere regard contracted for you in our short intimacy, which I...
When I took the liberty of referring you to Mr. Jacob Lewis for information relative to the Isle of France s , I presumed he might communicate something useful, because he would not, I conceived, have any interrested motive to deviate from facts: But when I learnt that he had returned home to Boston with his family, I thought it fortunate.—I had seen a letter from an American at the Isle of...
I have the honour to return you Mr. Murray’s letter’s decyphered; the first is, in different points of view, very interesting. The name he refers to I retain for another conveyance. General Pinckney is at Newark, where he proposes to stay ten days or a fortnight. He asked me (in his letter recd. the 16th) whether you would expect him to wait on you. I answered, that considering it must oblige...