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Results 31451-31500 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettés moi de vous prier de me communiquer votre memoire sur L’aurore Boréale, Pour L’imprimer dans Le journal de physique. J’ose vous faire cette demande au nom de Tous Les physiciens. Vous savés combien tout ce qui sort de votre Plume est interressant Pour eux. Le mercure de France en donnera un extrait, mais un extrait n’est Bon que pour ceux qui ne...
314527th. (Adams Papers)
The weather begins to abate of its severity; yet people cross’d the river on the ice all this day. Townsend and Pickman this afternoon went to Salem. I was at home all the evening and Thompson spent part of it with me. He intends to quit his school, in three or four weeks; and I hope I shall then enjoy more of his company.
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 26, 1794. “I have received your letter of the 25th. inst: relative to anchors. You will find my letter of the 25th June, the highest supposed prices &c. of the anchors, and in mine of the 8th. inst. you will find the particular anchors yet wanted.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of...
31454[Diary entry: 3 May 1799] (Washington Papers)
3d. Wind fresh from No. Et. & very Cloudy. Mer. at 50 in the morning. About 9 Oclock it began to rain & contd. to do so until near 2 Oclk. when it ceased & became a clear afternoon. Mer. 43 at night.
I have been honoured with the receipt of your letter of the 2d. instant, and am to thank you, as I do sincerely for the partiality with which you receive the copy of the Notes on my country. As I can answer for the facts therein reported on my own observation, and have admitted none on the report of others which were not supported by evidence sufficient to command my own assent, I am not...
AL (incomplete draft): American Philosophical Society On December 8 Benjamin Wilson, the vocal minority of one on the Purfleet committee, amplified his views in a long letter to the Surveyor General of the Ordnance, Sir Charles Frederick, in which he took sharp issue with the other members. On the 10th Sir Charles forwarded the letter to the Royal Society and asked for an opinion on it; the...
In the last letter which I had the honor of writing to you, I omitted to return you thanks in the name of the Historical Committee for the very interesting MSS. which you had the goodness to forward to them on the Subject of opening the Isthmus of Darien . They are fully Sensible of its value & importance, & beg leave to tender you their thanks, with the assurance that your injunction on the...
This day Six Persons deserted from the Brittish Fleet and Came into this Harbour in a Small boat, the Information they give, is that the Fleet were to Return to their Station of Block Island this day, and that General Clinton was Imbarking his troops att White Stone, and were to Come down the Sound to Procede Against New Port, and that two Ships was dispatch’d from the Fleet to Convoy the...
31459Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
After the official adjournment of the Second Continental Congress on 1 August, another meeting was held on the morning of the next day. Adams may not have left Philadelphia, then, until 3 August ( JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress , 1774–1789, Washington, 1904–1937; 34 vols. , 2:239; Burnett, ed., Letters of Members Edmund C. Burnett, ed., Letters...
We have finished two large windows of this house with Venetian blinds in the place of window shutters, and shutting into the jambs as the shutters would. They are beautiful & convenient. the slats move on 2. pivots as mine do, and are made to lie close when shut into the jamb that they may occupy less thickness. I think the following windows in my house may be advantageously finished in this...
I had the Honour of receiving your Letter of the 8th. in stant, inclosing my Commission as Commercial Agent a t Calais, with instructions for my government. Be assured S ir, of my zeal & attention to the Duties of the Office, & that al l my views will be directed by a wish to promote the H onour of my Country & to facilitate the lawful pursuits of individuals who may demand my services. The...
  On yesterday the House of Representatives recommended, as Councillors, Dominique Bouligny, and Julian Poidrass.—Mr. Bouligny is a young man of Sense, and supports an amiable character;—but in my opinion, Mr. Poidrass is the most deserving man in this Territory;—he was President of the late legislative Council, and acquitted himself with great credit;—he has been a uniform friend to the...
I informed you in my letter of the 8 th that although delayed by circumstances, I was not unmindful of the discharge of my remaining bond to Mess r Van Staphorsts; and my grandson is now on a journey to my estate in Bedford to expedite the fulfilment of this duty. but if I may be permitted to understand from your favor of the 10 th that some delay might be admitted on payment of the interest,...
I have recieved your letter of Jan. 24. and recieved it with sincere affliction, and with the more on account of the utter incapacity in which it finds me to yield any prompt compliance, with your call, a call to which former indulgencies render it very painful to me not to give effect. I will explain to you my situation. when the end of my service in the government was approaching, I resolved...
31465General Orders, 18 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
Lieut. Augustine Taylor of the 7th Connecticutt Regiment is appointed Pay-Master to the same from the 27th day of July last. Coll Greaton is appointed President of the Genl Court Martial which is to sit tomorrow morning ten ôClock, vice Coll Patten. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Augustine Taylor (1755–1816) of New Milford, Conn., who had graduated from Yale in 1776, had been appointed a second...
Since I wrote to you on the 19th Decem: last application having been made to me by Capt: James Robertson the former master of the Sloop Providence of Montego bay (now called L’amee Margueritte) which was captured in June last by the Vanqueur de Bastille to cause the said sloop to be restored to him upon a principle of her having been captured within the distance of three miles from the coast...
I take the Liberty to inclose to you a Letter from Mr. Dawson. I beg leave to account for the step by assigning a motive. My business to the City is an exhibition of a piece of invention for the purpose of procuring a Pattent; and considering it to be a curious piece of mechanism I flattered myself with an expectation you would honor it with your judgement if I had an oppty to bring forward a...
31468[Diary entry: 21 August 1769] (Washington Papers)
21. Tolerably cool & pleasant. Wind northwardly. Night Cool.
Your favour of Jany 29th. directed to me in Boston, was forwarded, and received a short time after. It is always a high gratification to be honoured with a line from one, whose character and public services are held in grateful recollection. I take the liberty of enclosing the papers of 24th and 31st inst. presuming you will be, at least amused by a curious exhibition, which may be called...
Augsburg (the Capital in Suebia) Mylord! febry the 26th[–20 March] 1790 The worthy Speech of Your Lordship of 8th Jany to the Congress, containing among other matters—accordg to the News Paper of Leyden No. 14 “ mais je ne saurois m’empecher de Vous faire sentir l’avantage qu’il y auroit a donner de l’encouragement effectif tantal introduction d’Inventions nouvelles & utiles de l’Etranger,...
I have the honor to enclose to you an Ordinance that we have just passed in Congress for establishing a temporary government beyond the Ohio, as a measure preparatory to the sale of the Lands. It seemed necessary, for the security of property among uninformed, and perhaps licentious people, as the greater part of those who go there are, that a strong toned government should exist, and the...
Th: Jefferson having discovered that in his notes of Mar. 8. 96 he had copied the draught of Sep. 1. 89. in the date of Oct. 21. instead of the proper draught which was of 2800.f Bo. [and had] […] and from thence had carried the same error into the […] of the statement of accounts dated Mar. 17. begs the favor of Mr. Harrison to make the following corrections for him. Notes of Mar. 8. 96....
I hope by this time, you have safely arrived at Washington and found Mrs. Adams family and friends in good health—I send by the same mail with this three of Parks of papers containing four numbers with the signature of Publius Valerius and will send the others as they appear. You will see in these papers that Dr Eustace’s brother has made an assault on Park for in consequence of a publication...
I fear our presumption in thus often addressing you will give offence but the unhappy state of my Mothers mind on account of Judge Johnson induces me once more to address a few lines to you by this particular request—to name the following Circumstances which convinces her twas Mr. Hort; he being an inveterate Enemy of Judge Johnson particularly—He came over in Octr and offended Mama by his...
I duly recieved your father’s favor of Sep. 25. and am happy that the Vice-consular commission which you must have recieved soon after was made to his liking. He desires me to say whether I still wish to have the commission executed as to the olives. I wish it, Sir, extremely. My honour is somewhat compromitted in that matter with the state of South Carolina, as it was on my earnest...
31476General Orders, 14 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The several regiments and corps composing this army under the immediate direction of the Commander in cheif, are desired to send their Annual returns to the orderly office without delay agreably to the forms which the Adjutant general will furnish; that a general return may be made to congress by the 1st of september next conformable to their order. The 5th Connecticutt Regiment for fatigue...
In a letter of July 3. 1792. I remitted you a bill of exchange drawn on you by the Treasurer of the US. for 123,750 current gilders, and desired you to enter it to the credit of the Secretary of state for the US. and to answer draughts which should be made on it by Mr. Pinckney for purposes unconnected with those of his general mission. I have now to inform you that Mr. Nathaniel Cutting will...
4 July 1803, Philadelphia . Asks JM to acknowledge the receipt of his letter of 22 June , enclosing his commission as U.S. consul for Demerara and its dependencies. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Paramaribo, vol. 1). 1 p. Acknowledged in Brent to Gardner, 7 July 1803 ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). A full transcription of this document
I am much obliged to you for your explanatory letter to myself, and your permission for my inspection of the two addressed to your Southern correspondent . I had intended to drop you a few lines upon the depending subject. But hearing that you are to be at the Supreme court of the U.S; and not being able to say to you much sooner than the first day of their session, what I wish; it will be...
I this day rec d your favours of the 8. and 12 th. but how this last could have leaped to this distance in five days I know not. It is impossible to Say precisely when Congress will rise: but I will go home as soon as possible; I hope in April. I am very willing to confide all Arrangements to you— I like shaw and his Wife: and I like Richards and Joy from your Account of them.— We will try a...
[ Paris, 30 Aug. 1789. Recorded in SJL under this date. Not found.]
ALS (draft): National Archives I have the Pleasure of informing you that it is propos’d to give you the Command of the great Ship we have built at Amsterdam. By what you wrote to us formerly, I have ventur’d to say in your Behalf, that this Proposition would be agreable to you. You will immediately let me know your Resolution: which that you may be more clear in taking, I must inform you of...
I took the liberty of applying to you for the above am t by Letter dated some weeks back, requesting you would have the kindness to remit me the am t to the care of Doctor May of this City, but as I have not had the pleasure of hearing from you, I presume it must have escaped your recollection, therefore beg leave to remind you, which hope you’ll pardon Having received all the Subscriptions...
31484General Orders, 17 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Colonel Bradford[,] Lieutenant Colonel North—Major Wylley[,] Brigade Major Woodbridge A regiment from the second Connecticut brigade to take post at the Notch and relieve Major Parr who is to join the light corps of the army. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Continental army chaplain Joel Barlow wrote Ruth Baldwin, his eventual...
Mr. Isaac Briggs being desirous of having an agency in carrying into effect the manufacturing plan instituted at Baltimore, I cannot refuse his wish that I would make him known to you. Mr. Briggs has a just & high reputation as a man of science, and with a general turn for mechanical subjects, has paid I understand some particular attention to the ingenious machinery used in the Cotton...
On the receipt of your favor of the 22d of February inclosing the Memorial of Mr. Stodder and Kerr with the protests and affidavits annexed, we communicated the matter to Congress, and have obtained an instruction to the Hon’ble Mr. Adams to represent the same to the States General of the United Provinces, and to claim such redress for the Memorialists as justice and the law of Nations...
Your favor of the 8 th was recieved on the 14 th inst. and I now inclose you fifty Dollars, my portion of the fee for your report, with many thanks for your patient & candid attention to this case, and great satisfaction at the prospect of seeing it terminated in my time. Accept the assurances of my great esteem & respect. PoC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “M r Thomas Ladd”; endorsed by TJ. Ladd’s...
314884. (Adams Papers)
Went to Boston with Mrs. Cranch. Returned.
This is my fifth Letter since my arrival, and having received no Acknowledgment from you of the Rec t : of any one of them I am a little uneasy for the Fate of them in particular for that which inclosed a Letter from Don Juan to the Minister;—my last was of the 18 th Ult o . in which I wrote you my Sentiments on political Affairs, nothing New has since occurred to induce a Change. Letters are...
I have been honored with your letter of the 30th ultimo, from Baltimore—and was happy to learn that you had proceeded that far on your journey without any material accident. I have seen Mr De Barth, who informs me that he is not able to discharge his bond—and that it is impossible for him to say, with any precision, when he shall be able to do it. The reasons which he offers for his want of...
The present will be handed you by Mr. Edward Fell Bond. Mr. B has resided during the last three years at St. Genevieve he Speaks the French & Spanish languages appears Sensible & well informed—he has purchased land in the territory of Orleans where he means to Settle.—he was born in Harford County, of respectable connexions, his politicks republican.—I am (personally) not Sufficiently well...
The particular care which you have taken in furnishing horses to bring Mrs Washington from Virginia to this place—and more especially the very polite attention which you were so good as to pay her personally through the most dangerous and difficult part of the journey, has made a grateful impression upon her—and she desires you will please to accept of her warmest acknowledgments and best...
I recd. your favor of the 29th. ulto. on thursday. That by Col. Lee had been previously delivered. Your letter for the Assembly was laid before them yesterday. I have reason to believe that it was received with every sentiment which could correspond with yours. Nothing passed from which any conjecture could be formed as to the objects which would be most pleasing for the appropriation of the...
I take the opportunity by Judge Irdell to write you this short Epistle, and to apologise in Some measure for the liberty lately taken upon two Occasions: viz of two Short letters of introduction by A Mr. Campbell and a Mr. Maitland to be delivered by their respective bearers and a liberty I am conscious ought seldom or ever to take place but between friends on the most intimate footing. I hope...
3 November 1803, Cap Français. “As probably there will be Many erroneous reports and publications in the American Papers, respecting a forced Loan of money, made a few days ago upon the american Citizens in this city,” hastens to send JM, for the president’s information, copies of his letters to General Rochambeau on the subject and Rochambeau’s reply. Will return to the U.S. “as soon as I can...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer of this letter is Mr. Cephas Dawes a Gentleman of a very respectable family in Pennsylvania, he was settled as a Merchant in the West Indies previous to the commencement of the war, and is a warm friend to the cause of America, which I hope will be my apology for taking this liberty with Your Excellency. Mr. Dawes will Carry with him some of the...
§ To Anthony Merry. 28 August 1806, Department of State. “You will receive herewith Duplicate Copies of a Protection, proving the Citizenship and describing the person of Robt Smith , which was granted to the said Smith by the Collector of the Customs at Philadelphia on the l9th May 1797. From a late Communication to this office, it appears that this man had been recently impressed into the...
I have received by Mr. Carroll your favor of March 1. inclosing accounts of John Morton Jordan & co. and Perkins Buchanan and Brown against me. I am happy that claims, stated to be 18. and 19 years old still find me among the living to answer them. With respect to John Morton Jordan & co. I never had a connection of any kind, nor ever exchanged a word or letter, nor ever demanded or received...
Your favour of the 14th. found me deeply immersed in researches, not astromical or mineralogical or metaphisical; but after old Papers, Trunks Boxes Desks Drawers locked up for thirty Years have been broken open because the Keys are lost. Nothing Stands in my Way. Every Scrap Shall be found and preserved for Your Affliction for your good. I am now employed very anxiously and laboriously,...
Copy: Yale University Library This Oppertunity by a French Vessel permits me to Acquaint you, that I am at present on my passage with the Boston and Ranger, have Captured a Brig laden with Provisions for the British forces at Pensacola, Ordered her for America Cargo, Beef Pork Flour, Butter &c. &c. The Ships Crews are in general healthy and Officers and Mens in high Spirits. Capt. Hinman who...