George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Colonel William Malcom, 29 August 1778

To Colonel William Malcom

Head Quarters White plains 29 Augt 1778


I have recd yours of the 27th inclosing a weekly return of the Garrison.1 I observe that ten men of your small Regiment are upon furlough, I desire that they may be recalled as soon as the terms expire and that no more may be granted, during the active part of the Campaign. I have wrote to Govr Clinton and have desired him to call in from 500 to 1000 Militia to the Highlands, and I have no doubt of his complying to the utmost extent in his power.2 A Lieut. Colo. Brown of a Massachusets Regt of Militia has represented to me that the Regiment is deficient in Arms and wants to draw from the Continental Store. It is very probable this Regiment is one whose time of service is near expiring, and that they now want to get hold of public Arms.3

I have spoke to Genl Knox upon the subject of sending more Artillery Men to Fort Arnold, he tells me, that he cannot, without leaving part of the Artillery here unmanned, possibly spare any more. I shall desire the Qr Mr Genl to make an enquiry into the disturbance among the Artificers, and know by what authority their Wages have been raised to so extravagant a sum. I am &c.

Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Malcom’s letter has not been found, and the return has not been identified, but for a report of the troops at West Point, see Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s “Monthly Return of The Continental Army under the more immediate Command of His Excellency George Washington Esq.” for 30 Aug. 1778 (DNA: RG 93, Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775–1783).

3Abijah Brown (1736–1818) was lieutenant colonel of Col. Thomas Poor’s regiment of Massachusetts militia, raised in May for defense of the North River and discharged on 20 Oct. 1778. His representation, if written, has not been found.

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