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Results 31251-31300 of 184,264 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society With respect to the reception which I meet with here I beg leave to refer you to the Accounts which I know you will receive from Mr——— by whose hands I had the honour to receive your esteemed favor of the 7th. of September.— His Excellency —— I understand makes propositions respecting certain Commissions.— Whatever you may find Consonant with the good of...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I shall send you on monday next by Mr. Montory Patterns of a Shirt a Hat & a pair of Hose. The Shirt you will find to be made of a strong fine Dowlas or morlaix Linnen exactly as discribed by Congress, and the Workmanship is well executed, I will venture to say better than any Soldiers Shirt in the french Army; you will observe that the puckers at the...
AL (copy): American Philosophical Society I have read with a particular attention And affection, in the Journal des Scavans Novbr 1774 p 179 the French Translation of your Letter to Mr. Brownrigg upon the proprety of Oil to stilling the Waves, and there after the Relations of Profr. Allamand, which have maked the Experiment in the ditch round our Citty, with the same good succes, and his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am this moment honor’d with a Letter from Mr. Lovell, who acknowledges the Reception of Your Excellencys Favor of the 13th. Sepr. and from which, he has extracted & transmitted to me, few Lines:— by which, I percieve that, as Mr. Gerard was at the date of your Letter, & had for several preceeding Months, been absent, you had not been able to obtain...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ever since my last of the 11th Sept. have I been laid up, by the most excruciating Fit of the Gout, that ever I had: and I have now but scarce Ability to write a Line or two. Nothing worthy of Note has happen’d since in Relation to the Post-Office, except that Mr. Babcock has left New-Haven, and I sent a Commission to Mr. Kilby in his Stead, who has given...
Draft: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Three of the Inhabitants of Laycock Township brought me your Letter of this morning and in answer The Governor orders me to tell you that whenever Arms and Ammunition are put into his hands he will dispose of them in the best manner he can for the publick Service. I am Sir Your humble Peters first wrote “subjected to,” but struck out the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honor of writing you by last Post relative to a Quantity of warlike Stores I wished to take on Freight for America, & hope in due time to be favored with your Excellency’s Answer. I now enclose your Excellency a Draft on Monsieur Grand for 330 Livres in part of the 600 you was pleased to lend me, I did not perceive till this Morning a Mistake had...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Dean vient de me dire, Monsieur, que vous alliez demain à Versailles; ainsi je n’irai point vous chercher à Passy, comme je l’avois compté; mais, comme je pars demain pour aller passer quinze jours à Rouen où est mon Régiment, je vous serois bien obligé, si vous avez bien voulu jetter les yeux sur la traduction de la Constitution de Delaware, de vouloir...
ALS : Musée de Blérancourt About a Week ago Captain Read brought us, what made us all very happy, a Letter from you, of the 4th. October; we had been so long without hearing from you, that we esteemed it quite as a New years Gift. It was delivered us the day after your birth day, When, by your account to Doctor Bond, some time ago, you must have got back to the Age of Sixty three— We have...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society Avant de nous hazarder à vous présenter Mr. Jean de Neufville, Négociant d’Amsterdam, pour faire des affaires avec lui, nous nous sommes consultés longtemps, l’ami de Mr. De Chaumont & moi, & nous avons pris toutes les précautions & informations prudemment possibles, pour nous assurer de la propriété d’une telle démarche. Notre Ami, sous lequel...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon ami M. Gallard de Bayonne, est chargé, mon Cher Papa de vous voir, et a beaucoup de choses à vous dire; Je vous prie, ou Monsieur votre fils, de me faire savoir le jour et l’heure où il pourra avoir l’honneur de vous voir à Passy. Vous me feréz plaisir de le recevoir avec bonté, et l’écouter avec attention. Il est fort instruit, et entrera avec vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Our friend Saint Hutton offers me a chance for getting a letter to you, which tho I have long’d a long while for, & have not had, or you w’d have stood a chance for one of my superiour epistles which I know you did not dislike because you always answer’d. Why did you come to my native country? Or continue so long time in it, and then so quarrel with some ,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho you had never done anything with a design to give me pleasure I shou’d love you for that constant disposition everyone that knows you know you feel to give pleasure to all your fellow creatures. But you have My honour’d friend often given it to me in the very Manner and thing adapted to gratify, and make truly thankful for it. The Piano Forte I ask’d...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Chateau de Glaye, near La Ferté-Bernard, Maine, February 7, 1778, in French: Your knowledge of the natural world makes me hope that you will help some one who since his retirement from service has given himself to the study of natural history. I should like to acquire live animals and birds of both sexes to breed in France. Any success I may have, even if...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania May Please your Honour Mr. Franklin to excuse my Impertinence for Writeing to you. I am at present In distress at St. Mallous haveing Deserted the English Prisn Three times this war I have not money nor cloths to Shift my Self and can not find any of my Contry[ men ] here. The Last time I deserted it was at plymouth. I pased for an English man and shipt...
ALS : American Philosophical Society To His Excellency the Honorable Bengimin Franklin Ambassador to the united States of america at Paris The Memorial of the prisoners on board the patience brig. who were taken by the american Ship of War Ranger commanded by John Paul Jones Esqr. and Brought in to Brest the 7th day of May last Sheweth that your Excellency’s Memoriallists. whilst they were...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettes moy De faire part à votre Excellence D’un petit ouvrage que je viens D’imprimer Sur La guerre presente. Jattends avec Empressement La victoire Derniere Et complette De vos ètats unis pour achever de celebrer toute Leur gloire Et Leur indépendance. Je tascherai Si vous Le trouves Bon De Leur témoigner Dans La personne De Leur Digne plénipotentiaire...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You have undoubtedly been inform’d of my unhappy situation for three years past. I had engag’d too largely in business, contracted many bad debts, to no less amount than £30,000 which unfortunate circumstances have disabled me from satisfying those persons in England who had supplied me with Merchandise. The consequence has been, that I have been a...
Draft: Library of Congress I have the honor to inclose to you, a Letter and Memorial I have just reced from Baron De L’Estrade—an Old Veteran who served with us at the Seige of York—from my acquaintance with this Officer, joined to the general good Character he had—I feel strongly inclined to serve him but there may be many Reasons to render such an interference as he Requests improper—all I...
LS : American Philosophical Society Oserois-Je vous prier, Monsieur, de me faire l’honneur de venir diner chés moi Mardi prochain ainsi que M. votre petit fils. Le Chevalier de la Luzerne qui comme vous le pensés bien, desire beaucoup de multiplier les occasions de vous voir, s’y trouvera. Le Mardi est ordinairement votre Jour de Versailles, mais vous n’aurés pas cet obstacle Mardi prochain...
AL : American Philosophical Society T’other Day, and under Cover from Mr. Gordon, I recieved the inclosed Letters, Viz., one for yourself and one for each of your respectable Colleagues, Mr. Silas Deane, and Mr. Jno. Adams, by way of Amsterdam, where a Ship arrived last week from Boston, which port she left the 14 of last April. The Bearer, who came passenger in her, informed me that two more...
L : American Philosophical Society M. Anisson a l’honneur d’assurer de ses devoirs Monsieur Franklin. Il est bien fâché de ne pas s’être trouvé chez lui, lorsque M. son fils lui a fait l’honneur d’y passer de sa part; mais il etoit a faire un voyage dont il est revenu hier au soir. Il aura le plus grand empressement d’offrir à Monsieur franklin l’exemplaire qu’il desire, de son ouvrage auquel...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Arivés dépuis quélques Jours à Bordeaux je n’ais plûs Dissimule le Désir que J’ai d’etre Comptés parmis Les Hommes Libres De L’amerique, & dépuis içi J’ai renvoyés à S.M. Le Roy De Prûsse ma Commission, & la Clef de Chambelan—a present je n’attens plûs que La Paix, pour m’embarquer pour MarieLand, ou Nd Caroline. En attendent, je prie Votre Exellençe de me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I propose to Send this by the Marquis La Fayette. He is Much Hon’d and Caress’d among us. I wish I was Capeble of filling it with a Subject worthy your Atention, but I can only write what throw your Affection for me will be Pleasing, I am now Pritily Settled have had two Rooms New Papered an Painted, have Procur’d Some conveniances for my own Chamber (for...
LS : National Archives; draft: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copies: University of Pennsylvania Library, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Le caractere dont vous etes revétu, Monsieur, votre sagesse et la confiance que je mêts dans vos principes et dans vos sentiments, m’engagent à vous communiquer la correspondance que je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. le Duc de la Rochefoucauld m’a fait demander de votre part une Douzaine d’Exemplaires des Constitutions de l’amérique. Comme je pense que c’est votre Intention de les lui donner en papier fin, & que Ceux que j’ai fait tirer par dessus le nombre que j’ai imprimé pour vous sont destinés, Je vous prie de les lui faire passer directement. J’esperois,...
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society In what manner shall I apologize for the liberty I now take, but sertain I am you will excuse me when you now that I am the Wife of the unfortunate Capt. Conyngham, one who I beleve you are not unacquanted with. In what language shall I address you Sir to endeavour to save the life of the best and tenderest of Husbands. To you Sir, I look up for redress...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library, American Philosophical Society I presume you are not ignorant of the imprisonment of my son John Trumbull in London,— I trust you have used your interest for his release, such confinement may prove very prejudicial to his health— I hoped it would not have been so long, he may want money have enclosed for that end, a bill of Exche. for thirteen hundred...
Your Excellencys Letter of June 11. is yet unanswered. I have the Honour to agree with your Excellency in opinion, that it is reasonable, that the Articles of Rent of the Hotel, Payment of Couriers, Postage of Letters, Salaries of Clerks, Stationary for the Bureau, and Feasts and Illuminations made upon publick occasions, should be deemed Expences of the States. Indeed otherwise it will be...
L : American Philosophical Society M et Mde. La Mise. De la Fayette prient Monsieur Franklin de leur faire lhonneur de Venir diner chez eux Lundy prochain. Feb. 21. There are five additional invitations for Monday dinners during the remaining months of BF ’s stay in France. All are engraved forms with MS insertions, issued in the name of the marquis only and written in English, with dates of...
Reprinted from William C. Lane, “Harvard College and Franklin,” Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts , X (1907), 237. At a Meeting of the President and Fellows June 24th 1771. That the Thanks of this Board be given to Dr. Franklin for his kind remembrance of Harvard College expressed in his many friendly Offices and valuable Donations to this Society, particularly in his late...
Mr Adams having Something of Consequence to communicate to the American Ministers Plenipotentiary, for the Peace, requests the Honour of His Excellency Dr Franklin’s Attendance, with the other Ministers, at Mr Adams’s Lodgings, at Eleven O Clock Tomorrow Morning. The Points to be considered are 1. Passports to be given to and received from the British Minister, for British and American...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Enclosed you have a Bill of Exchange on Monsieur Grande for the amount of your Salary from the first of July to the thirtieth September; this Bill has been purchased at the same price as those already remitted vizt. six shillings and three pence currency for five Livres— As Mr Livingston stands charged in the Treasury Books for all monies remitted for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur d’addresser la presente a votre Excellence Laquelle luÿ sera remise par le Capitain William Gibbons cydevant commandant le navire americain les quatre amis de Boston Lequel a eu le malheur d’Etre pris par les anglois allant d’amsterdam a Boston, il vient d’arriver ici d’Angletterre, et il se propose de se rendre aupres de votre Excellence...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been Wittness whilst I was in America of a Cir Constance which I think it Imports Your Excellency to Know; my Good Intention will I hope, apologyse for the Liberty I am taking, if your Excellency is acquainted With it; if unknown, it is Certainly my duty as a good Cytysen of that Country to Inform you of what Follows— In the Year 1775 Samuel Bayard...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Le mémoire que je prends la liberté d’addresser à Vôtre Excellence, a êté composé comme Elle peut le voir par le contenu, il y a bientôt deux ans: il n’est connu que de trois personnes distinguées à la Cour de France, à qui des Copies en ont été envoiées depuis: peut être auront-elles êté communiquées à V. E.; dans cette incertitude néanmoins l’Autheur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In my last to you, I acquainted you of my Intention to remove the Press and printing Materials, late B. Mecom’s, to this Place, and of my having shipp’d them accordingly: By a small Pamphlet you will receive from the Governor—you will perceive it done: I am just now finishing it. I then told you, I apprehended, that if you were desirous of doing any thing...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have a long time intended to address you this Letter concerning the Situation of your Grandson at Geneva as being such which I am persuaded would not receive your approbation if you was acquainted with the necessary circumstances. It is now some weeks that He had a Fever, the cause of which may be reasonably attributed to his unhealthy dwelling improper...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Petrie presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin.— He Sets out tomorrow Morning early, with two Friends, on a Tour into Flanders for a few Days; & as it is not improbable but they may wish to cross the Borders before their Return, he will be much obliged to the Doctor to favour him with a Pass. Addressed: Son Excellence le Ministre / Plenipotentiare des...
Extract: the Royal Society Having for some time declined making any more Observations on the dark Spots that appear on the Sun’s Disk, I now send a Copy of the Figures I drew of them, which I desire may be presented to the Royal Society. Perhaps, some one or more of the Members may be pleased with them, in which case I shall not think my Labour lost. They were viewed with a Reflecting...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. De La Briche a lhonneur de Vous faire part que Madame de la Briche est heureusement accouchée d’une fille. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Francklin / Ministre plenipotentiaire de / L’amerique / a Passy La Briche (1735–1785), introducteur des ambassadeurs and secrétaire honoraire des commandemants de la reine , was the brother of the comtesse...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Excuse the Freedom of my Presumption, in Writing to you tho not Personally Acquainted. Still from the Charector you bear from every Loyal American, induces me to let you Know of my Misfortune of being taken Prisoner, and brought here from the Westindias, Where I commanded a Privatier fitted out by Wm. Bingham Esqr. Agent of the Honourable Congress of...
Printed in Gentleman’s Magazine , XXIV (1754), 88. *By the application of a rod of iron, or a wire, the effect of thunder and lightening is prevented. †The steeple and organ of St. Philip’s church at Charles Town, have been twice damaged by lightning. Charles Woodmason (b. c. 1720), came from England to South Carolina, 1752, settling as a planter and merchant beyond the Peedee River, where he...
ALS : American Philosophical Society On February 14, Peter Allaire had asked Temple Franklin to obtain from his grandfather a passport allowing him to leave for Brussels the following day. To Temple’s query at the bottom of the document, Franklin answered a large “No.” On the following morning, Allaire was arrested and taken to the Bastille, where he remained confined until May 24 under the...
L : American Philosophical Society Mr Charretier presents his respects to Mr Franklin, and sends by the bearer two parcels he brought from London. Mr. C was obliged to go to Versailles immediately on his arrival but will have the honor to wait upon his Excellency when he returns Addressed: B. Franklin Esqr / &c &c &c / at / Passy Notation: Charretier 23 Oct 1784— These parcels were doubtless...
LS : American Philosophical Society I have received with due respect & gratitude your Excellency’s most Esteemed favour 19th Inst. We apprehend that your Excellency’s Judgement there in Joined, for the Brig Dublin Thomas Griffitths, & for the 11. Ransoms taken by the Black Prince, will Suffice, & the request there in made to the admiralty, will, I hope, determine them without hesitation to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il m’est tombé entre les mains une Lettre à vous adressée. Je vous prie de l’envoyer querir par un de vos gens, de maniere à m’assurer qu’elle vous sera remise en main propre. La personne dans les paquets de qui elle est venüe est toute royaliste et malgré Les Egards qu’elle doit à Celui qui la lui recommande il étoit decidée à la jetter de côté. Je m’en...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By Capt. Thomas Hall I did myself the pleasure of writing you and then inclosed two Bils of Exchange in part to recompence your kindness and discharge the ammount of the Mace and Gouns for which you have Sir the sincere and greatful thanks of the Assembly. I inclose the second of each of the Bills of same tenor and date which wish safe. I have now the...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My two last to you by the Speedwell Captain Robinson to London and Capt. Troy to Dublin; contained the first and second Copies of a Bill of Exchange for £100. Sterling, which I hope are come safe to hand, and paid long before this Reaches; but in Case of both Copies miscarrying have sent you the third. Inclosed you have also the first Copy of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je profite du départ de Mr. Brantsen, nomé Minre. Plenipo: de cette Rep., pour aller, dans un parfait Concert avec les Ministres de la Cour de Fce. & ceux des autres Puissances en guerre avec la Gde. Brete., traiter des Préliminaires d’une paix générale conjointement avec Mr. l’Ambr. de Berkenrode,— pour vous faire passer l’incluse, laquelle ayant lue, vous...