George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General William Maxwell, 28 August 1778

From Brigadier General William Maxwell

Elizth Town [N.J.] 28th Augt 1778


I forwarded to your Excellency yesterday a Journal from Major Howel with an Acct of Lord Hows being saild to the East Ward, 6 or 7 of the Cork Fleet having arived in the Hook &Ca which is all confirmed; it is likewise confirmed that the 4 Regts returned that was going on board the Fleet. Genl Clinton is on long Islan, it is said with 8000 Men but one half is most likely as I have both informations, He was yesterday at Hamstead Plains,1 and was to proceed to great Neck, & that 40 flat bottom’d Boats went through Helgate the day before yesterday; his destination not known. A Contract for a 100 Transports to take place verry soon. Some Querys whether they do not intend to leave New york Statten Island and Long Islan, & take post on Rhode Island; where they will be more compact. I had 5 Deserters yesterday with their Arms & accoutrements from the 27th Regt on Statten Island they came over near Amboy. I expect the 3d N: Carrolina Regt inder Coll Hogan here to night.2 I am your Excellencys Most Obedient Humble Servant

Wm Maxwell


1The Hempstead Plains were a grassland running from eastern Queens County through Nassau County almost to the Suffolk County border on Long Island. Described in 1670 as being sixteen miles long and four miles broad, the plains have been reduced now to a small preserve.

2Col. James Hogun had assumed command of the 3d North Carolina Regiment in June 1778.

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