George Washington Papers

General Orders, 28 August 1778

General Orders

Head-Quarters W. Plains Friday Augt 28th 1778.

Parole Hellespont—C. Signs Honor. Honesty—

The General observed on the 26th instant that there were several deficiencies towards a general movement of the Army—He expects every Exertion will be made to supply them without a Moment’s loss of time, that the Troops may in all respects be in a perfect State of readiness for marching at the shortest notice: The several departments of the Army will make their Arrangements accordingly—The Quarter Master General in particular will endeavour to furnish a full supply of Waggons.

Officers and Soldiers will keep close to their quarters that they may at all times answer to a sudden Call.

Commanding Officers of Corps are carefully to examine the State of the men’s Arms and Ammunition and will have the former in perfect order, and the latter compleat; If the quantity in their possession should be deficient they will draw a supply to make up the usual Complement.

The General finds with concern an inexcusable want of punctuality in the returns of the Cavalry—The Commanding Officers of Regiments will be responsible for the greatest exactness hereafter and may rely on it that no Apology will be admitted for neglect.

The returns of Arms and Cloathing directed in Genl orders of the 7th instant to be made to the Mustering Officers, will be omitted ’till further orders.

No Officer to appear on the Parade at Muster without his side Arms.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

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