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Results 3121-3150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
J’ai eû ordre de ma Coûr de faire parvenir à votre connoissance, que quoique on ait differé jusqu’ici de repondre au project d’un Traité de Commerce, sur le quel nous êtions concertés à Londres, ne a moins, Monsieur, les desirs de Sa Majesté Trés Fidelle ne sont ni moins vifs, ni moins efficâces pour Conclure avec Les Etâts Unis d’Amerique ce même Traité, a des Terms et a des Conditions...
I do myself the honor to address you on a point of the treaty of Peace of 1783, become important in a case of ejectment pending in this State, for property which I purchased in the Island of Barbados in the year 1807, not doubting immediate possession on a title perfectly clear. The 6th. Act provides that “no more confiscations shall be made” The estate in controversy, was then, in 1783, the...
I am a great defaulter, my dear Sir, in our correspondence, but prostrate health rarely permits me to write; and, when it does, matters of business imperiously press their claims. I am getting better however, slowly, swelled legs being now the only serious symptom, and these, I believe, proceed from extreme debility. I can walk but little; but I ride 6. or 8. miles a day without fatigue; &...
I have taken the liberty to forward to you a pamphlet containing a few papers prepared for the 4th vol. of the Academy’s Trans with a request that you would do me the honor to accept it— It gives me great pleasure to find that the situation of your health permits you to accept a seat in the convention, where your advice & influence will be extremely important in preserving a constitution,...
The House of Representatives have passed the bill sent from the Senate for concurrence, entitled ’An act for granting lands to the inhabitants and settlers at Vincennes and the Illinois country, in the territory northwest of the Ohio, and for confirming them in their possessions,” with amendments, in which amendments they desire the concurrence of the Senate. Printed Source--Senate Journal.
The extreme bad traveling for some time past has prevented my calling and paying to you the debt of my most dutiful Gratitude While I sympathise with my country in the loss which they have sustained by the events of the late election it is some consolation that you will suffer less by the change than any other of your fellow citizens in the Union. Some few of them may be ingrateful for your...
Mr. John Adams  Dr.  To Mrs. Yard. 1775 Augt. 1st. To your Board & Lodging from the 10th May to this day 11 1/2 Wks.à 30s. per Wk. £17: 5 To your Servants Board for 7 Wks. 4 days à 15s. 5: 12: 6 To your Proportion to the Parlour and Candles 11 1/2 Wks. à 4s. 2: 6 To your proportion of the Liquor 13: 10 £38: 13: 6 38
Being here on a few days visit with Mrs. Gerry to her aged parents, & having left six small children, the eldest of whom has the care of the rest and of the domesticks, I am deprived of the honor of paying my personal respects to you at this time. When I wrote to Mr. Monroe, I supposed he was in Philadelphia: it being so announced in the news papers, his conduct in making an inmate of Paris...
I have the honor to submit to the honorable the Senate, by order of the President of the United States, an extract of a letter from James Seagrove Esq, temporary agent to the Creek Nation, dated the 28th ultimo, containing further information relative to Indian affairs in the Southern department. I have the honor to be, sir, with perfect respect, your most obedient servant, Printed...
My departure being fixed at the end of this month by the contract made by Mr. Lee with Mr. Bonnefil to transport the goods here belonging to Virginia, I dare, sir, to solicit a letter of recommendation from you in my favor for the Governor of Virginia. Also be so kind as to send me the reply to the letter I delivered to you from him. I apply to you all the more eagerly knowing that your...
I wrote you by the Post 3 Weeks ago but have not been honour’d with a Line since your Returnto Philadelphia. I should write oftener but every Thing of Importance is communicated in the Prints, and I am in no Secrets at Head Quarters, and I hate to set down to write when I can’t tell You something worth reading. About 10 Days ago two floating Batteries were ordered down Cambridge River to fire...
Since your Excellency has purchased our house in Fluwelen Burgwal where I am residing until May 1st, and where I must continue to be present in order to attend to my business affairs, I ask you permission to stay on for a month longer, or at least two weeks. In exchange, I offer to put the rooms and garden in order before your arrival and while hoping for a favorable reply, I have the honor to...
The employment of Individuals is a matter of Concern—The unfinished House in Chesnut street might probably be made of Much value to the State by being made into a Mint and Treasury I am with Much respect MHi : Adams Papers.
I had the honour of adressing your Excellency the 26th Ultimo advising that by the officious impertinence of the asesor to this Governour, I had been Arrested and my house Embargoed notwithstanding I had presented my Certifycate and Passport, given by the Plenipotenciarys of the united States Residing at Paris, and allso proved that I had always Subscribed a subject of those States, in the...
The time of M rs— A s. departure draws so near, & the Conveyance is so unexceptionable, that I can hardly be excused from forwarding a few Lines.— I wish it was in my power to write you a particular state of our public Affairs; but my life for six months past has been so recluse, and I have seen so few Persons from whom certain Information could be obtained, that you must not expect any very...
Suppose that for a few moments we should indulge in the regions of fancy and imagine a nation about to form into civil society Suppose their fundamental law to be that no member of the community should possess more land than he could actually cultivate Suppose them determined to be an agrest people without commerce without communication with foreigners. Could not thier exist in such a...
Yesterday brought me your Letter of the 7th which I was sorry announced a mishap which gave me some concern—I recommend you for the future on a rainy day to put your Seals in your pocket before you set out to school as a sure guard against such accidents— If your father will permit me I will lend you the American Revolution with pleasure as I am sure you will read it carefully and not injure...
Residing as we do, in a remote part of the State of New Jersey, it cannot be expected, we can with so much promptitude, discharge our duty, to you and our fellow-Citizens, as those, placed in situations, more exposed to the current of public information— Anxious, however, when in our power, to disclose to you and to the world, our loyalty; we at this late day, (in immitation of our Friends,...
The day before Yesterday Mrs. Adams was delivered of a daughter; but it grieves me to add, Sir, that it was still born. It was an exceeding fine looking Child. Mrs. Adams is as comfortable, as She has Just inform’d me, as can be expected; and has desired me to write a few lines to acquaint you that She is in a good Way, which I am very happy in doing. RC ( Adams Papers ).
Your favor of July 14 th with the pamphlet of letters addressed to D r. Calkoen came to hand a few days since. Many thanks to you for that production. Your predictions of the consequences of the British successes in the Southern States have been so exactly realised as to fill me with admiration of that political sagacity which could so accurately foresee the connexions between causes &...
I had the honour on the evening of the 11th instant to receive from the hands of the Secretary of War, your favour of the 7th announcing that you had with the advice and consent of the Senate appointed me “Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of all the armies raised, or to be raised for the Service of the U. S.” I cannot express how greatly affected I am at this New proof of public...
I am to thank you, my dear Sir, for forwarding M. D’Ivernois’ book on the French revolution. I receive every thing with respect which comes from him, but it is on politics, a subject I never loved, & now hate. I will not promise therefore to read it thoroughly. I fear the oligarchical executive of the French will not do. we have always seen a small council get into cabals & quarrels, the more...
The past week has scarcely been marked by any occurrence worth relating in a letter, the weather after having been intensely warm on Sunday and Monday cooled off and we have had an Easterly storm ever since. This makes me quite dull as I prefer the Sun with all his fires. General La Fayette after having thrust his benign countenance among us; has gone to other places to make them happy for a...
If anÿ man rejoice in the prosperity of the united States i wil hope that me shal not be denied a place amongst them, and I think it mÿ dutÿ to congratulate your Excellencÿ with the complete victorÿ of your arms in the chesapeak-baÿ and the Burgoynishing of that mighty Lord with his many thousand Slaves. Now wil the proud of the British nation be humiliated—now shal a venal and corrupt...
There is in Boston, a Lemmon-tree of a peculiar kind, called the Sweet Lemmon, Sent to your Grandfather, by a gentleman from Malaga—and I expect it will be in the custody of our friend Mr J H Foster, by Tomorrow. Your Grandfather is desirous of presenting this plant to the Botanical garden, in Cambridge, and wishes you to call on Mr: Peck the Professor, with his compliments, tendering the Tree...
“We must fight , if we can’t otherwise rid ourselves of British taxation, all revenues, and the constitution or form of government enacted for us by the British parliament. It is evil against right-utterly intolerable to every man who has any idea or feeling of right or liberty. It is easy to demonstrate that the regulation act will soon annihilate every thing of value in the charter,...
Assured that every degree of progress made in civilization, morality and religion will be pleasing to you, I have taken the Liberty to present the enclosed, which shows the state of Society and Religion in Marietta and its Vicinity— The necessity of leaving the City, early tomorrow morning deprives me of the pleasure of waiting upon you in Person.— With sentiments of the greatest esteem and...
When we contemplate the Wisdom and Firmness, the Integrity and Magnanimity of our National Executive; we rejoice that we are Men; we boast that we are Americans!— When Britain treated America with more than step-dame Cruelty, the daring Infant manfully asserted her rights and bade Defiance to her Foe. A surviving few of us acted on the memorable 19th. of April—We saw unsheathed the first...
Il m’a été informé que je dois m’adressér a Vr̃e Excellençe; Je le fais avéc confiançe. C’est au Sujet de deux balles de Lainages qui furent chargées a Londres pour mon compte sous la marque PSD N o 1 & 2. Sur le n re La Concorde, qui Fut pris par un de vos Corsaires dans sa traversée venant içy: ce n re était neutre, ainsi que moi etant Français; attestation que Je remis du consul de ma...
I have the Honor herewith to transmit to Your Excellency, An account which I have just printed of The origin of The Board of Agriculture and its progress for three Years after its establishment, by which you will perceive the nature of our Exertions for the Internal Improvement and general benefit of this Country. I shall much esteem your casting an eye over this paper when your leisure...