James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Rufus King, 30 April 1802

To Rufus King

Department of State April 30th. 1802


I enclose a protest by Capt. Newell1 of the American Schooner Sea Flower, which shews that the habits of the British Commanders in impressing our Seamen have not ended even with the State of War which was made a pretext for the outrage. The spirit lately manifested by the British Government, and which the Government here is sincerely desirous to meet and to cultivate justifies our confidence, that your representation on the subject will have its due effect. That Government cannot be made too sensible of the tendency of such flagrant abuses of power to exasperate the feelings of this Country; nor be too much prepared for the reformation on this subject which will doubtless be insisted on by this Country, in case of a renewal of the war, or whenever another war shall take place. With sentiments of great respect & esteem, I remain, Sir, Your most obt. servt.

James Madison

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