George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Thomas Walker, 2 September 1758

To Thomas Walker

[Fort Cumberland, 2 September 1758]

To Mr Walker—or Person acting in his Place1

Colonel Bouquet desires 100 Waggons, if possible, may be Engag’d in Virginia; and, that as many of them as can, may be sent to this place loaded with Flour, & the remainder with Indian Corn (Oats I suppose will do)—where they will receive further Orders.

I beg you will, therefore, use your utmost diligence to Comply with this request; and let me know also, immediately, how far you think you shall be able to comply with it—first in regard to the no. of Waggons, next the qty of Flour & Corn; & lastly, what time you think they may be got to this place. Such Waggon’s as cannot get Loads, must come up empty.

You must not expect an Escort from hence—I shall certainly be Marchd before you can need one. you must therefore apply to His Lordshp who I flatter myself will Order you one from the Militia, or from Captn Rutherfords Rangers, if they can be spard2—I am Sir, Yr Most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

LB (original), DLC:GW; LB (recopied), DLC:GW.

1Walker wrote GW on 14 Aug. that he was leaving Winchester on that day for home in order to recover his health, and Charles Smith confirmed on 15 Aug. that Walker was leaving. This letter from GW apparently went to Thomas Rutherford who was acting as commissary at Winchester in Walker’s absence. See Bouquet to GW, 30 Aug., GW to Forbes, 12 Sept., and Forbes to GW, 16 September.

2Lt. Charles Smith wrote on 18 Sept. that Assistant Commissary Thomas Rutherford would have thirty or forty wagons ready to leave Winchester on 22 Sept. loaded with flour and forage; and on 12 Oct. he wrote that the wagon train was being conducted to Fort Cumberland by twenty rangers and twenty militiamen from Culpeper County. Robert Rutherford was commander of the rangers. “His Lordship” is Thomas Fairfax, sixth Baron Fairfax of Cameron. He lived at Greenway Court in Frederick County and as county lieutenant headed its militia.

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