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Results 31141-31170 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Soon after I had the Honor of addressing your Excellency 18th Ulto—your favr of 9th April Came to...
Imediately after writing my Letter to you upon the Subject of the insolent Letter from Lewis I...
I return thanks to the Directors of the Lyceum of Nat. hist. of New York and to yourself for the...
I am this Moment informed of a safe opportunity of conveying you a Letter, and as such another...
As General Clinton is absent, I have taken the Liberty to acknowledge the receipt of your...
I hasten to reply to your letter of the 3d. instant. To Major Toussard I have hertofore written...
31147[August 1778] (Adams Papers)
Went to Church, to the Chappell of the Duch Embassador in Paris, where We had Prayer Books,...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of Mr. D. Foster to dine with him on Monday next, the 3rd....
Your letter of the 8th instant I have had the honor to receive, and this day I received a letter...
To find the Moon’s parallaxes in longitude and latitude, independent of the altitude and...
J’ai reçu avec grand plaisir l’honorée vôtre du 3 Nov. & j’ai fait déjà usage de son contenu &...
I sit down to adres you as father of your Country and as one who his the pour to redres the...
I have the Honor to enclose You a Resolution of the Legislature of the State of Newyork, together...
I have received your letter of the 9th: Never did I feel so much solemnity as upon this...
Resolved that the Executive be authorized to defray all expences incurred in saving the Tobacco...
I sympathize with you in the loss you have sustained, and rejoice that the event did not prove...
Passy, 16 July 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams...
That I might be in readiness to take the Field in the Spring, and prepared for any Service...
Your favor of the 14. instant, I received yesterday. It gives me real pleasure to find that my...
I received by our Thursday Post, yours of Decbr 18 & 23 together with the Bennets Strictures. you...
24 January 1811, Treasury Department. On the subject of the Senate resolution of 21 Jan. 1811,...
Your letter was delivered me in court to-day when it was impossible for me even to read it. I...
Agreeably to an Act of Congress, entitled An Act for the more general promulgation of the laws of...
In answer to your Excellency’s letter of March 31st. referred to the Board by Congress they beg...
I shall have occasion to draw on you for $150 payable on the 20th. inst: and I must request you...
Observing, some time since a Resolution of Congress for preserving an evidence of National...
the inclosed case is entirely unintelligible to me. can you make any thing of it? [ Reply by...
The last mail brought us the pleasure of yours, of Jany. 8th. Fanny did not bring the...
I am requested by several of the Magistrates of this County to mention to you that the Commission...
In answer to the representation of the French Minister of the delay, which has taken place in the...