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Results 3111-3120 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Letter not found: from William Brown, 7 Oct. 1785. GW wrote Brown on 24 Nov. : “I am really ashamed, at this late hour to have the receipt of your favor of the 7th of Octor, to acknowledge.”
By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Whereas the Congress of the United States by virtue of the constitutional authority vested in them, have declared by their act bearing date the 18th day of the present month, that war exists between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the dependences thereof, and the United States of America and their Territories;...
Your letters of the 19, & 20 inst. the first communicating the orders of His Catholic Majesty for restoring the operation of the Treaty with the United States interrupted by the Intendant at New Orleans, the other communicating the clause inserted in the retrocession of Louissiana to France expressly saving all rights stipulated to other nations by the said Treaty; have been laid before the...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly respects to Mr. Rittenhouse. He has two young ladies at his house whose time hangs heavily on their hands, and the more so, as their drawing master cannot attend them. If Mr. Rittenhouse then does not take his Camera obscura with him into the country, Th:J. will thank him to permit them the use of it a few days, that they may take a few lessons in drawing...
I have no doubt you have occasionally been led to reflect on the character of the duty imposed by Congress on the importation of books. Some few years ago, when the tariff was before Congress, I engaged some of our members of Congress to endeavor to get the duty repealed, and wrote on the subject to some other acquaintances in Congress, and pressingly to the Secretary of the treasury. The...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Sir I have taken this oppertunity of wrighting These few lines to let you know the sewerahson [situation?] that i am in i belong to a meracahn ship belonging To the congres my ship left me behind i had the Misfortune of looseing my Cloathes the ship Left me at haver de grass and i went down to belone for to get a shipe and the comeserey Wou’ld not let...
Since my last we have the formidable Accounts of the Exertion of the powers and Malice of Britain which I suppose have reached you by this time or will tomorrow. It is reported here that the Fleet and Army are arrived at Hallifax and are determined to Attack this Colony again. This is Confirmed by some deserters from the Ship below who say that they have heard the Officers talk of their...
3118[Diary entry: 11 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
11. Rid to Muddy hole and returnd to Dinner. Found Mr. & Mrs. Ramsay & Mr. Stedlar here.
I send you an account of pay &c due to myself my Secy and Assistant Secretary down to the last of September inclusively which I request you to put in a Train of Adjustment without delay in order that the money which is wanted may be received. The last item not being within the establishment may require the sanction of the Secy of War to whom I have written on the subject. It may be proper to...
Nous avons appris avec beaucoup de satisfaction que vous etiés heureusement arrivé à New-york, et nous voyons encore avec un plaisir plus sensible s’approcher le tems où nous devons vous revoir et vous offrir de nouveaux et foibles temoignages de notre reconnaissance. Je vous apprendrai avec doulleur que je n’ay point encore reçu de lettres de ma Tante Bellanger, ny même de Mr. Mazzei, et que...