James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Clayton, 8 September 1804 (Abstract)

§ From George Clayton

8 September 1804, Louisville, Georgia. “In compliance with the directions of His Excellency the Governor of this State, I have the honor to inclose you, a certified copy [not found] of the Act, passed by the Legislature thereof;1 to ratify and confirm the amendment, proposed by Congress to be added to the Federal Constitution, in regard to the election of President and Vice-President of the United States.”

Draft (GU: Telamon Cuyler Collection). 1 p.; signed by Clayton as “secty to the Executive depnt.”

1At a special session in mid-May 1804, the Georgia legislature passed “An act to declare the approbation and assent of this state, to the amendment of the Constitution of the United States … respecting the election of President and Vice President …” (Records of the States of the United States of America [DLC microfilm ed.], Ga. A.1a, reel 1, 20, 23–24).

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