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Results 311-320 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I did not receive your favor of Sepr. 2d. the only one yet come to hand, till yesterday. The account of your arrival and reception had some time ago found its way to us thro’ the English Gazettes. The language of your address to the Convention was certainly very grating to the ears of many here; and would no doubt have employed the tongues and the pens too of some of them, if external as well...
In return for the honor you did me by the Communication in your favour of the 15 th Jan y , please to accept my most sincere acknowledgements. I would by no means inconvenience you a second time were I aware how a Letter from me could reach the Board of Visitors of the College, and consequently once more take the Liberty of trespassing on your politeness to entreat, you will have the goodness...
Your favor of the 5th instant came duly to hand. Mr Blagdens last call for $1000 is, I must acknowledge, sooner than I had contemplated; but I will make arrangements with the Bank of Alexandria to meet it by the first of next month. If his progress in the buildings, & faithful execution of the work, keep pace with his demands (and this is all I require) he shall have no cause to complain of my...
I laid before the General Assembly of Virginia the letter which I had the honor to receive from you enclosing the Act of Congress for laying out and making a road from Cumberland in the State of Maryland to the State of Ohio, together with the partial report of the Commissioners: and I have now the honor to enclose you the Copy of an Act of the General Assembly, giving the assent of this State...
Ensign Crawford has referred a dispute to me concerning his rank in the Army. I must determine in his favour: and allow their officers to rank by the dates and dignity of their Commissions. For these reasons—vizt That Companies, tho’ esteemed and called Scouts, are raised and supported upon the same funds as those of the Regiment; have the same pay—entitled to the same priviledges and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay eu Lhonneur de vous Ecrire le 26 fevrier Dernier quil mavoit Eté remis d’Envois de Mr Grand de Paris deux Petites Caisses, avec injonction de ne les Expedier que Suivant vos ordres. Jesperois de Jour a autre les recevoir. Aujourdhuy Je recois Lettre de Mr Jn Williams de Nantes qui les Reclame: mais Je ne puis, ni ne dois les Expedier sans votre ordre....
Having been requested to relate all that I know of General Greene’s connection with the late John Banks and Company and to declare, how far interested he was in their speculations, and having acquired, in my professional line, a considerable knowledge of their affairs, I think myself bound to give the following information. In the summer or autumn of the year 1782, John Banks, and some other...
L : Harvard University Library We per this post have had the pleasing satisfaction to be honoured with your very Esteemed and agreable favour of the 1st Instant, for contents of which are exceedingly obliged to your good self, as are thereby informed that our letters have duelly kissed your hands. We returne you our [most] cordiall and sincere thanks for your Kindness in reccommending this...
I have received your favour of the 29th. with the Papers enclosed therewith and should have acknowledged the receipt of them immediately but that I observed you had inserted a larger Sum as the bala. of my Note than I thought could be due thereon & lest you may not have kept a regular acct of the payments I have made on that account I wrote Mr Cottringer to make an extract from My Books & you...
The inclosed papers are referred to us by Congress, and we wish for the assistance of your Ideas to enable us to make a more perfect report. we request you therefore to take the trouble of committing to paper your Opinion on the proposed terms for the exchange of Prisoners in the Southern department, and also any thing which you think will conduce to that End without Contravening your general...