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Results 311-340 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Yesterday was to me a lucky Day, as it brought me two Letters from you, one dated May 27. and the...
A mind agitated by the Vicissitudes attendant upon the present juncture of publick affairs, &...
As I was seting quite alone this evening somebody came in from Boston with a Hankerchief full of...
If I could take a Walk or a Ride to N. Y. in the Evening and come here again in the Morning how...
This Morning I returned M r Genets’ Visit. The Conversation was confined to Some Inquiries I made...
I received your very agreable Letter, by Mr. Marston, and have received two others, which gave me...
This goes by Colonel Fleury, whom you know, who desires to carry a Letter to you. My three Boys...
I wrote to you the 14 th. Ins t. acknowledging the Receipt of Yours of Feb y. 21. & the 6 th. of...
I have rec d yours of the 5 th. — If you think it best, leave Thomas at Colledge: but I pray you...
inclosed is a Letter from Capt n. Brown who commands the best Packet between Providence and this...
Since the last Letter I rec d from you dated April 12 th poor Sukey compleated the Journey of...
Your fav r of 24 th marked by the Post office 22 d of Dec r. I rec d. Yesterday. M r Osgoods...
A few days ago, I received a Letter from my father dated at Quincy the 28 th: of October, and...
Inclose a few Sheets of Paper, and will send more as fast as Opportunities present. Chesterfields...
Should I my Dear Sister, too much alarm the Heart of an affectionate Mother, solicitous for the...
We had the Honor to write you 23d. March by the Ship Enterprize, Capt. Danl. Deshon and then sent...
I was very glad to receive a Line from you, by Mr. French, tho the Account you give me of the...
Notwithstanding my arms are so stiff, that I can scarcely move them, occasioned by cutting venson...
Though I have this day for the first time received a Letter from your husband, yet I feel...
I last night had the honour of reading a letter from you to my Pappa dated Jany. 4th. in which...
Mr. Short’s return the night before last availed me of your favour of Aug. 12. I immediately...
We go on as Usual—Congress resolving one Thing and the Democratical societies resolving the...
I intended to have wrote largely by this Opportunity, but have been confined ever since last...
I write now because I know how it feels to be disappointed not because I have any thing to...
Your Favour of the 2d. instant reached me on the 14th. The last Letters from me which you had...
Yours of 30. and 31 July was brought me, to day, by Captain Cazneau. I am happy to think that...
I dare Say there is not a Lady in America treated with a more curious dish of Politicks, than is...
Your Letter of the 23d. has made me the happiest Man upon Earth. I am twenty Years younger than I...
I embrace an Opportunity by two young Gentlemen from Maryland to write you a Line, on friend...
Receiv’d of M rs Adams one hundred dollars in Payment for a Portrait painted by me RC ( Adams...