Results 311-360 of 184,431 sorted by author
The weather is so extreemly cold that my Ink almost freezes whilst I write, yet I would not let a...
I received p r. post yours of the 17 th this day. I shall forward your Letter to the Children. I...
Tho I cannot stile you a plant of my Hand, in some measure I own you as a child of my care, and...
I received yesterday yours of th 14 & 17 I am happy to learn that you are well, and hope the...
I cannot let my son return to America without a few lines to you, nor will I doubt their being...
By Mr. Guile who is bound to Amsterdam and from thence to France, I embrace this opportunity of...
I received your two kind favours of 7 th & 12 of this Month. I have written to you regularly...
I have coverd to you the dispatches which are for Thomas Welch to take with him. I hope in the...
I was fearfull before I left Home of Such a Seige as has taken place. whatever else may be...
I received your Letter this Day when I was in Paris—for the last time! I took my leave of it, but...
I received yours of the 21 July upon my return from a Ride. your Father said he had a Letter for...
I have sent you the Cloth the coat & Boots. the Glass I have not yet been able to find. inclosed...
your kind Letter of various dates came safe to Hand. I was allarmed at not hearing from you, &...
Yours of the 26 th of Jan’ ry I received last evening. You talk of not rising till june. why I...
I received your kind Letter of Nov’ br. 19 th by this days post. I had previously received two...
I received by our Thursday Post, yours of Decbr 18 & 23 together with the Bennets Strictures. you...
William Shaw I presume has given You the reason why you have not received a Letter in reply to...
your obliging favour of Feb ry 27 was brought me in the absence of mr Adams, who is gone to...
My last Letter to you was written in Sepbr. I closed it, because I knew not how to think upon any...
I received by the last mail the Letters of two, so that I fare as you do, and the Stormy Weather...
I have the Satisfaction of inclosing to You a Letter from our dear Daughter at Berlin, received...
I have not received a Line from You of a later date than the 3 d Instant the last week is the...
Your favour of June 19 th I duly received indisposition has prevented my replying to you before....
Your Brother Thomas has performed the painfull office of announcing to You the Death of Your...
Aya—Eliza —and is it thus you honour the bare resemblance, thus place round your Neck the Ideal...
In a Letter which Mr. Tyler wrote me not long since he informd me that Mr. Alleyne was about...
I believe I must devote this page to the History of Farming. our people have carried up the Hill...
I have sent by Gen’ ll Lincoln the Little trunk You was so kind as to send my Gown in. I have put...
I received your favour of June 26 th , and rejoice with you in the Birth of an other son, and in...
The Roads and Weather prevent my leaving this place this day as I had designd; mrs cushing and...
341Monday Mor’g 28 June. (Adams Papers)
A very dissagreeable Night. Wind at the southard near the Banks of Newfoundland. The morning...
on twesday Evening I received the Mercury, and read in it, the arrival of Capt Jenkins in the...
Your kind favours of the 19 th 23 & 26 of Nov’ br came safe to Hand, together with the pamphlet....
I have not written to you for a long time it was my intention to have written by miss Palmer, but...
Last week Captains Folger & Callihan arrived by whom we received all your Letters & Bills. the...
I began a Letter to you yesterday which I designd to have finishd last evening, but as we had a...
I received yours of February 13th, and was happy to learn that you and your little ones were...
The young Gentleman who is the Bearer of this has acted for about 7 months in the capacity of...
To know that one Cannot freely say that Black, is Black; even tho it be “darkness visible,” or...
mr Blodget is going passenger in Captain Callihan and has offerd to take a Letter to you, who are...
Your Letter of July 22d was by Some mistake in the post office at Boston Sent back as far as...
I received by Col Franks Your obliging favour and am very sorry to find your wrist Still...
Two vessels are notified, one for England, the other for Hamburgh. I will write by both, but the...
When I wrote you by Captain Dashood, I was obliged for want of time to break of before I had...
I wrote to you last Sunday, and on Wednesday received your kind Letter. we have begun to pack up...
I have to thank you for your very inteligent Letter of May 4, and am glad to find one writer who...
The Gentleman who is so kind as to convey this to you is from Carolina, his Name is Smith. He is...
I could not omit so favourable an opportunity as the present of writing you a line by Mr. Warren...
I have been much dissapointed in not receiving any Letters from your Father or you by the late...
I Hope you have before now received my letter, which was ordered on board with Captain Lyde, but...