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Results 31081-31090 of 184,431 sorted by author
I am not sufficiently acquainted with the etiquette of appointments by the Executive to the Army to know whether you have any participation in making them. Supposing however that you may I take the liberty of recommending to the notice of the administration Mr. Thomas L. Butler, an amiable and correct young gentleman, who has resided for some time in this place, and who is the Son of Mr....
I was particularly gratified to be favored from yourself with your sentiments on that interesting subject which has engaged so much of the attention of Congress during its present Session; and it gave me a good deal of satisfaction to find, on perusing your letter of the 24th. Ulto, that my opinions were not widely different from your’s. I think there can be no doubt of the impropriety of the...
Having been informed that Dr D. Drake of Cincinnati may possibly be nominated as one of the Professors, in the University of Virginia, in consequence of the resignation of Professor Dunglison, I take much pleasure in stating that I have been long and intimately acquainted with Dr. Drake; that as an author, as a professional man, and a gentleman, he is among the most eminent of our fellow...
Mr. Clay has the honor to accept the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Adams to dinner on Thursday next— KyU .
Mr. Henderson, an eminent Attorney and Counseller at Law, residing in the State of Mississippi, who will present to you this letter, being desirous of your acquaintance, I take much pleasure in introducing him to you as a gentleman of high and Respectable consideration in his own State and worthy of it wherever he may go. RC (owned by Maurice R. Large, Farmville, Va., ).
Mr. Clay has the honor to accept the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Adams to dinner on Tuesday next. Mrs. Clay regrets that she feels herself obliged to decline the honor of dining with them at the same time, which was extended her— MHi : Adams Papers.
Mr. Clay’s respectful Compliments to Mr. Adams and Mrs. Adams and he regrets Extremely that confinement to his room by indisposition prevents him from having the pleasure of dining with them to day. Tuesday Morning Mr. and Mrs. Clay regret that a very bad cold with which he is afflicted deprives them of the honor of accepting Mr. and Mrs. Adams’s invitation to dinner on friday next. Mrs....
Knowing that we cannot differ on the question of the object of the Internal Improvement bill, however we may on the Constitutional point, will you excuse me for respectfully suggesting whether you could not leave the bill to your successor? If it receive his approbation, within the ten days, I am inclined to think the law is valid. The notification to the two houses of the passage of any bill,...
M r Madison has transmitted to me the enclosed letters respecting a box of seeds sent from the Museum at Paris—Altho’ I do not think that I have any thing to do with it. I have nevertheless complied with his suggestions in requesting Mess rs Mackay and Campbell to forward it for the use of the University of Virginia, to which I understand is attached a Botanical Garden: and I have taken the...
In the Month of July last I had the honour of waiting on your Excellency with a Warrant of Congress on your State for 1,200,000 Dollars, transmitted me from the Pay Office in Philada. for the purpose of supporting the Southern Army, at which time you inform’d me your Treasury was so drain’d, ’twas not in your Power to take the Warrant up, but assur’d me you wou’d advise me when it was that I...