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Results 31081-31110 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Some time in Jan: 1808, I informed you that De Witt Clinton at a caucus held at Ben: Cheethams, of what he called his house of Nobles, declaired that he was in possession of information which induced him to beleive that Mr. Jefferson and yourself were acting under the Secret influance of Bonaparte, and that you had a Majority in Congress attached to you & were hostile to the liberties &...
Notwithstanding our Legislature is to be convened this Week notwithstanding they May pass some warm Resolutions & even warmer May be Urged by a branch of the Essex Junto at New Haven; I am persuaded the peace of this State may be Voched for & the Laws of the Union May be enforsed here; I should Not be afraid even at the expence of My Head to be answerable for that part of our State lying East...
When you can find leisure, read this & the paper enclosed; & I will promise you not to request your attention again political subjects. They relate to our concerns with France & G Britain. On the 27th. of January last, a town meeting was held here, on the subject of the last embargo act. As the federalists conducting it were leading characters, & extremely opposed to Government, & their party...
A portion of the people of Allegany County having met together, to enter into Resolutions, approbatory of the measures of the General Government, and to express their readiness to support it, would be unwilling to let slip so favorable an opportunity as it presents, of testifying to you sir, their attachment, respect and esteem—We yield our willing praise in favor of your efforts for the...
I suppose that for the waggon &c. to get here on the 6th. of March, they must set out on Thursday the 2d. of March. and as the post will arrive that morning at Milton, it will be better not to set off till after the arrival of the post, as it is possible something may occur which I might wish to write to you before you set off, altho’ I do not foresee any thing. As your waggon will come empty,...
A good administration of a republican government is allways to be estimated by a free people, a blessing doubly valuable, as it secures to them their dearest rights & bestows upon them the practical enjoyment of all their liberties. Such, we believe, has been your administration, & such has been its result to the American people;—felt & acknowledged by every true Republican & although felt by...
My nephew Jno Fitzgerald about to depart for his military station at Norfolk, & meaning to pay his farewell respects to You, gives me an appertunity of handing You this.   I never left Washington with more regret, worse health and depressd spirits (after a confinement of sickness for three days in a dirty Tavern) than on sunday last, or I would have made my departing congee to You.   I got so...
The deligates from the various Towns in the County of Essex, & Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Convention assembled at Topsfield on Monday February 20th AD 1809, actuated by a deep sense of the extraordinary situation of our common Country and the loss it is about to sustain by the privation of your Councils, that we may hereafter enjoy the cheering consolation of having paid the last tribute...
In transmitting to you, the accompanying resolutions, to be laid before both houses of congress, we feel a high gratification, in this last opportunity of tendering our Sincere wishes, that in your retirement from public life you may enjoy the felicity, flowing from an undeviating rectitude of conduct, to which is Superadded the gratitude and approbation of the American people. That this is...
My last letter to you stated the plants which had been sent, & I was in hopes, after you had been enabled to distinguish them, you would have informed me of their respective conditions. but no post has arrived for this week from Milton & consequently no letter from you. in about three weeks I hope to be with you, and then we shall properly be devoted to the garden. what has become of mrs...
During this Session of Congress a law hath been made authorising the payment of certain pensions by the Secretary of War at the City of Washington. On enquiry I understand that no person hath, by the Secretary, at War, been appointed to perform the duties assigned by that Law, there may be an impropriety in making application to You in this case—however as there are some poor old men who...
Please to accept the inclosed copy of a letter to my friends in Tennessee—as an evidence of the sincere respect and unchanging esteem which I entertain for You—and may You be blessed with that happiness which irradiates the mind with perpetual Splendor. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation Lieut Nelson Luckett of the Marines to be appointed a Captain in the Regiment of Light Dragoons raised by virtue of an act entitled “An Act to raise for a limited time an additional military force”— Accept Sir assurances of my high respect and consideration DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
J’ai reçu plusieurs fois des plaintes du Vice Consul de Sa Majesté à Savannah relativement aux vexations Qu’éprouvent les Français non naturalisés par rapport au Service militaire. Dernièrement on a tiré au Sort, et des Français Sujets de S. M. ont été désignés même pendant leur absence; des Officiers Subalternes ont été chez eux pour les toiser et Sur leur refus les ont menacés d’user de...
I return you your list of the furniture of the President’s house, lately made, with mr LeMaire’s supplement of the Kitchen furniture, & an insertion by myself of some articles of plate lately obtained. I communicated also your letter to mr Madison, and bore just testimony to the satisfactory manner in which you had conducted yourself in the purchase of furniture for the house. in truth, I say...
intended to have proceeded from hence to Was[hington] the place ere your departure, but I find I cannot with convenience fulfil my wishes and intentions. In all probability therefore I shall have no opportunity of paying you my personal respects: accept therefore of my sincere good wishes for your health and happiness in your retirement. I send you the inclosed pamphlet drawn up by Mr Dallas,...
A little transaction of mine, as innocent an one as I ever entered into, & where an improper construction was never less expected, is making some noise I observe in your city. I beg leave to explain it to you because I mean to ask your agency in it. the last year the Agricultural society of Paris, of which I am a member, having had a plough presented to them, which on trial with a graduated...
Store Room in the Garret 7. Pair of best brass andirons. 32. Brass. Carpet rods. 1. Pair Iron Dogs. Store Room no. 2. 1. Plateau in five parts with a set of ornaments 5. Brass lamps— 2 vase lamps. 1. Cabbin lamp 3. Glass sconces out of order 1. Mahogany Table & large clothes basket 12 pillars & 2 childrens Mattresses. 2. Bolsters 2. large fire tenders. 2. pair large Brass Andirons 1. large...
Mr Latrobe presents his most respectful Compliments to the President U.S.—& thanks him for the Inventory sent him. Mr. Latrobe’s object in going to Philadelphia is to take some measures necessary for the supply of sundry materials for the Pblic Bldgs, & articles of furniture for the Presids. house. He intends to return without fail on the 2d. of March. Before the President’s journey to...
The undersigned having been informed, that the Honbl. Judge Bruin of the Mississippi Territory has resigned his appointment of Judge of the said Territory from & after the 3d. day of March next, beg leave to recommend as a person well qualified to fill that vacancy, Obadiah Jones Esquire of the State of Georgia. If individual merit, strict integrity, and a warm & sincere attachment to the...
As the period is fast approaching, when you will become the first magistrate of the United states, in whom the discretion of making all appointments is confided, I have presumed, to hold myself up to your consideration, as a candidate for some appointment in the district of Columbia. When the motive, which has induced me to make application to you, at this time, is explained, I feel confident...
Permit me the honor of congratulating you, with Sincerity, upon Your elevation to the most honourable Station on Earth, That of Chief magistrate of your beloved Country: Far more hounerable than the Title of Emperor, King or Prince, Frequently usurped by Ambitious tyrants; or, devolved upon Knaves or fools, by hereditary descent. But, you were elected to preside over the destinies of your...
Inclosed is a recommendation in favor of Obadiah Jones Esquire of the State of Georgia. He is the gentleman who was appointed to the same office in the year 1804 or 5 upon the recommendation of the whole of the then representation of the State of Georgia. The appointment was solicited for him without his Knowledge or approbation, and having no desire to remove to that territory he declined to...
We take the liberty to enclose to you a copy of a catalogue of our books and to assure you, that we will take pleasure in executing, with promptitude, any order with which you may honour us We have the honour to be Respectfully Yr. Obt. Servts MHi : Coolidge Collection.
To the President, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled. The memorial of the subscribers, inhabitants of Frederick County in the State of Maryland, respectfully represents: That your memorialists have viewed with anxious solicitude, but with entire approbation, the unceasing and impartial efforts of the present administration to preserve...
It is a common observation that the present is a time of Political Phenomena. The extraordinary events which have occurred within the last thirty years, on both sides of the Atlantick, will without doubt amply justify the assertion: but the United States has been the only Country during this period, and unhappily for mankind almost any other where the good of the people has been the sole seed...
I submit a treaty concluded at Brownstown in the territory of Michigan, between the United States, and the Chippewas, Ottawas, Potawatamies, Wyandots & Shawanese on the 25th. day of November last, whereby those tribes grant to the United States two roads therein described: for the decision of the Senate whether they will advise & consent to the ratification of it. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I do myself the honor to Enclose a Postcript of a letter received last night from One from your friends.—Is it not easy to Counter Order this intention—I have the honor to be/ your Obedt. Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson. P.S. The Cotten Seed is the present federal Theme, however proper it might be for Mr Jefferson as Mr. Jefferson to comply with a Request from an Agricultural Society,...
Your favor of Jan. 25. had been duly recieved, and I was waiting in the hope I might find a moment of less pressure in which I might answer it somewhat in detail, when that of the 14th. instant came to hand. finding that instead of any relaxation of business it crouds more on me as I approach my departure, I can only indulge myself in a very brief reply. as to the rights of the US. as a...
My reason for mentioning to you this Morning the subject we conversed about, was that this is the mail day for Detroit, so that if you wished it you might have it in your power to counteract the effects of the intimation that has been given. It is said the Gentn. who is appointed a general in New-York, will not accept the appointment. Perhaps this appointment wou’d be accepted as full...