James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Henry Clay, 10 April 1809

From Henry Clay

Kentuckey Frankfort 10 Apri⟨l 18⟩09


Mr Boyle haveing accepted the office of Judge of the court of Appeals of this state, I presume it will become necessary immediately to appoint Govr of the Illenois Territory in his stead. N Edwards Esqr Cheif Justice of our court of appeals is desirous of filling this vacancy, and it is with pleasure that I bestow my suffrage on his recommendation. The Honorable appointments which this gentleman has held (first a Judge of our Superior courts and then promoted to his present station [)] evince how highly he is estimated amongst us. In these he has acquitted himself with great ability and general satisfaction nor can a dou⟨bt ex⟩ist of his entire fitness for the office in question. I am Sir Yr Ob. servt

Henry Clay

Letterbook copy (ICHi).

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