To George Washington from Henry Bouquet, 31 August 1758
From Henry Bouquet
Reas Town Camp 31st Augt 1758
Dr Sr
The officer who commands the Escort you Sent wth Mr Hoops having not been near me I did not know till this moment that there was one, and adventured a Letter to you last night by a man going in the night, which I would be very Sorry should be intercepted.
The Beeves lost in driving are to be paid by the Crown, upon Certificate that they have been lost; Therefore I beg you will order the Commanding officers who escorted them from Winchester, and from Cumberland to give such Certificate.1
If you have any Person acquainted wth the Country between the Salt Like and the old trading Path by Reastown, Inquire of the Shortest distance between the two Roads and of the nature of the Ground, where the Junction could be made. I am wth a Sincere Regard Dear Sir Your most obedt hble Servant
Henry Bouquet
1. GW reported to Bouquet on 24 Aug. that fifty-seven of “468 Beeves” were lost or died between Winchester and Fort Cumberland, and on 26 Aug. Bouquet reported that twelve more were lost between Fort Cumberland and Raystown.