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Results 31051-31100 of 184,431 sorted by author
thro’ forgetfulness inattention or Some other Cause I am unable to hint to Cap. Slaughter the...
the trouble you undertook at the Call of benevolence & friendship has afforded me much...
I came to the Forest the morning you left it for Albemarle , to see you about the land, I wished...
I am pleased to find you viewed my letter in the light it was intended,—a Real Concern for your...
1811 Day Morn 3 Jan 1 23 2 18 43 3 30 38 4 25 37 5 39 60 S6 45
M r Beverly Roy Scott eldest son of Our acquaintance Maj r Sam l Scott , feeling the amor Patriæ...
we have sent you of the Cyder in the tallest bottle which we had marked N o 1 & not 3 as you...
Reflecting on an expression of yours Relative to an Idea Sometimes entertained by you of...
This Indenture made on the 18 th day of May 1812. between Thomas Jefferson of Monticello in...
Your fellow-Citizens, the People of Madison County in the Mississippi Territory, assembled in...
Father being out on business, I am to inform you that it is no charity in giving the asparagus...
[New York] May 12, 1776 . “Being the officer of the guard at the old City-Hall over the prisoners...
I hardly Expect you recollect me, I am the Brother of Parson Charles Clay once of albemarle C o I...
The last mail brought me the letter which you did me the honor to write on the 30t. Ulto. stating...
(Confidential) I have been informed, through a respected channel, with which I presume you are...
I should not venture to take the liberty of addressing this letter to you, if you had not have...
The inclosed letter has been transmitted to me by Mr. Bemis with a request to address a letter to...
I received in due course of the Mail your obliging letter of the 6t. Ulto. and was extremely...
I received your letter of the 10th. Instant, transmitting those of Messrs. D’Espenville and...
I duly received your letter of the 24th. ultimo, transmitting one for Mr. Gallatin, which I have...
H. Clay presents his respects to Mr. Madison, & sends him a bottle of wine made from the grape of...
Mr. Rabello being about to visit Boston and your residence, and being very desirous of the honor...
I fear that I cannot add to the stock of information of which you must be already possessed...
Mr. Horace Gray of Boston , who will present you this letter, is making a tour of the Southern...
Mr. Alvan Stewart , who will deliver to you this letter, being desirous of the honor of your...
I recd. with much pleasure your obliging note of the 13t. inst. Anxious to deserve your good...
Mr. Clay has the pleasure to accept the invitation of Mr. Adams and Mrs Adams to dinner on...
Mr Boyle haveing accepted the office of Judge of the court of Appeals of this state, I presume it...
Mr. Clay has the pleasure to accept the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Adams to dinner on thursday...
Mr. J. Caldwell, who will present you this letter, being desirous of the honor of your...
I am not sufficiently acquainted with the etiquette of appointments by the Executive to the Army...
I was particularly gratified to be favored from yourself with your sentiments on that interesting...
Having been informed that Dr D. Drake of Cincinnati may possibly be nominated as one of the...
Mr. Clay has the honor to accept the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Adams to dinner on Thursday next—...
Mr. Henderson, an eminent Attorney and Counseller at Law, residing in the State of Mississippi,...
Mr. Clay has the honor to accept the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Adams to dinner on Tuesday next....
Mr. Clay’s respectful Compliments to Mr. Adams and Mrs. Adams and he regrets Extremely that...
Knowing that we cannot differ on the question of the object of the Internal Improvement bill,...
M r Madison has transmitted to me the enclosed letters respecting a box of seeds sent from the...
In the Month of July last I had the honour of waiting on your Excellency with a Warrant of...
I have been informed that Mr. John Harrison of this City has been named to you as a person proper...
I formerly took the liberty of recommending to your notice Mr. John Harrison of the City of...
As the Judiciary bill now pending before the Legislature invests the Executive with the power of...
Savannah, December 30, 1789. “I received your very obliging favour of the 2d. Octr last...
Our friend and colleague Michael Leib has signified to us his intention of retiring from public...
I took the liberty when I was at the City of Washington, of recommending as a fit person for a...
There is now before the Senate a Bill for opening two land Offices in the Mississippi Territory...
In a belief the office of Governor in the Mississippi Territory, will be vacant, on the fourth of...
From repeated assurances in this, and several of the adjacent Counties, I am induced to declare a...
I Propose to pay the President of the United States Eight Dollars pr accre for what is Call’d...