Adams Papers

Thankful White Adams Hobart to Abigail Adams, 24 March 1797

Thankful White Adams Hobart to Abigail Adams

abington March the 24 1797

Dear madam

I take my pen to make a Recuest to you in Behalf of Elisha adams as you are in high Surcomestances I was affraid to Right Butt have Ben [Prevld?] with to Dear madam the Case is this Elisha adams has Bought a Plase which he agred to give 1600 hundrede Dollers and has Paid 800 Dollers Try Be So kind as to Lend him 4 or 5 hundrede Dollers tis Not in my Power to Let him have the money I Shuld be exciding Glad if he Can get the money I wish it was in my Powre to help him1

I will Promice to Pay the Intrest I fear he will Not Be aeble to Pay for his Place un-les Some Person will Send him the Cash he Can Not Pay it in 1 year But may in 3 or 4 yers Dear madam Pray Be So kind as to faver him if it is in your Power for how Can I Endure to See him turndout of Dors I Beleve in a fue years he Can Pay for it the man he Bought it of is in Destres for the money

Pray madam Parden me if I have Intrud Excuse my Poor Speling and Riting I must in form you that he is under oblations to Pay the money By the first of aprel

I fel very anckches abot the affar

Pray Reade with Cander if I am Denide I Remaine your Sincer friend till Death

thankfull Hobart

N B the Barer will in form you of his Charicter

Pray Rite By the Barer2

RC (Adams Papers).

1Elisha Adams, son of Hobart and JA’s brother Elihu Adams, appears to have purchased a property in Abington, Mass., comprising approximately 44 acres (MBNEH: Direct Tax List of 1798 for Massachusetts and Maine, 12:596, 626). For the financial assistance provided by the Adamses, see JA to AA, 7 April, and Cotton Tufts to AA, 8 June, and note 1, both below.

2AA received this letter from Dr. Richard Briggs of Abington, whom she met while on the road to Weymouth (AA to JA, 29 March, Adams Papers; Benjamin Hobart, History of the Town of Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement, Boston, 1866, p. 136).

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