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Results 31-40 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am Sorry to give you the trouble of this Commission: but I fear it will not be effectually done but by you—and therefore let me beg the favour of you to send for M r de La Blancherie and withdraw my Subscription to the Society of whose affairs he has the direction, and put a stop to his sending me the Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres et Des Arts.— he persuaded me at the Hague to...
In settling some business with M r Garrett to day I find (for the first time I have known it) $200— paid to M r Giacomo Raggi which is that am t more than he should have recieved—- In your statement (to M r Garrett) of M r Appletons acc t May 8 h 1822. You state it thus Proceeds of former remittance $1239 .00 to be paid to Giacomo Raggi 200
I believe Kitty Livingston has availed herself of this good Conveyance by Matthew Ridley Esq r . to write you very fully & of course she will have told you all the news both Domestick & Political— M rs . Morris has also written to M rs Jay & no doubt assures her of that Esteem & affection in which she holds both her and you. I need not tell you how Sincerely I join her in those Sentiments. You...
The Barer, Capt: John Whitney, is a Gentleman who Served in the late Continental Army with Good Reputation; is now out of Business, and wishes to be imploy’d in Some Service under your Excellency Control—He is a Gentleman with Whom I have an Acquantence, and is a Person of Good Sence; the utmost Confidence may with Safety be Placed in his Conduct and engagements. I am with the highest...
I Beg lave once more to adress yaur Exilency as the Onley and last means that I have for my life in my Latir to you By Mr. wodward I mentioned that Judge keltey and Cranch was willing to have my life Saved But Since there has Been a politicle partey that has Ecused Me with faulls Storeys in the washinton feaderelist I Bleive That Induced the Judges to not Concent to my Pardon I Bleive the...
3627th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting this morning. I was employed all day in studying mathematics, which are the most pleasing to me, of any of our studies. Spent, a couple of hours at Bridge’s chamber after dinner. Rain in the Evening.
To the Speaker & House of Representatives of the territory of Orleans The expressions by which the Representatives of the territory of Orleans, in their address of the 14th. of Nov. are pleased to convey their sense of my public conduct, are gratefully recieved by me, & placed among those testimonies which will constitute the happiness of my future life. the first reward we can recieve for...
38[Diary entry: 23 May 1797] (Washington Papers)
23. Wind Easterly & rather Cool.
I have this day paid to Col. Pickering (Mr Wolcott being absent) Seventeen hundred dollars to be given to you as part of the instalment due on Matthew Ritchie’s bond. I had reason to expect to be able to pay the whole while here and as Mrs Addison wrote me that since I left home your letter requiring the payment had been received I was peculiarly anxious for a compleat compliance. I have...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 10 Aug. 1762. On 26 April 1763 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “I have your favours of the 10th and 24th of August . . . now lying before me.”