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Results 31-40 of 184,431 sorted by author
Being a Resident of this place and since the prospect of having the seat of a great Empire (which the Rapid Increase of my native Country forebodes, and its Rising consequence among the nations Indicates) is likely to be fixed near us, I have been for one, well pleased. Being under the direction of the man who gave our Infant Empire its Consequence, and whose manly fortitude supports her...
I send you the first number of a series of papers which I intend to publish on matters of the greatest importance to these States; I hope they will be read with as much candour and attention as the object of them deserve, and that no conclusions will be drawn till these are fully developed. I am, Sir ,   Your most obedient humble servant, A.B. The Continentalist. No. I . It would be the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Daignés recevoir mes felicitations sinceres sur l’heureux Evenement qui vient de couronner vos vertus patriotiques et remplir les veux de tous les francois. J’ose suplier votre Excellence de m’accorder une nouvelle Lettre pour les Etats de georgie ou je vais passer avec Mr. Laplaine Capitaine au premier Bataillon. C’est moy que Mr. turgot a eu l’honneur de...
Je Serois bien flatté, Si j’etois le premier a Vous informer, que les Etats de la Prove. d’Utrecht ont pris hier unanimement la Resolution de concourir avec les Autres Provinces à Votre admission, comme Ministre Plenipot. du Congres des Prov. Unies de l’Amer­ ique; Je viens d’en recevoir la nouvelle de Mon frere, Membre du Tiers Etat de la dite Province: Je profite toujours de cette occasion...
I will be very flattered if I am the first to inform you that the Provincial States of Utrecht yesterday adopted unanimously the resolution concurring with the other provinces for your admission as minister plenipotentiary of the Congress of the United Provinces of America. I received this news from my brother, a member of the third estate of the said province. I take advantage of this...
The enclosed letters are respectfully presented, for Your perusal. The author has composed them from no other motive, than a sense of public duty; If th e y have no beneficial effect it will not militate against the design, but to him must remain a subject of regret. Some appology Apology is necessary. They were written, without sufficient documents to furnish a full View of the subject...
11 Nov . [ 1785 ]. Extend dinner invitation to TJ and David Humphreys for that day on the part of Chalut de Verin of the farmers-general; they are to be at the Place Vendôme at two o’clock. D’Estaing will also attend. The Abbés are grateful to TJ for forwarding the letter from Adams. RC ( MHi ); 2 p.; dated “Vendredi lle. 9bre.”; addressed.
17. Apr. [ 1785 ]. Accept dinner invitation for Tuesday, 19 Apr. RC ( MHi ); 2 p.; in French; addressed: “A Monsieur Monsieur Jefferson ministre plenipotentiaire des Etats-unis d’Amerique Dans son Hotel.” The two Abbés’ names are often misspelled, particularly that of Abbé Arnoux, whose name is also frequently confused with that of the Abbé François Arnaud (1721–1784). They lived on the...
Paris, 13 Nov. 1785 . Extend dinner invitation to TJ and his party for that day on the part of Chalut de Verin of the Farmers General; they hope “ qu’il ne lui restera aucune raison de refus .” RC ( MHi ); 2 p.; dated: “dimanche 12. 9bre. 1785”; addressed. Since 12 Nov. 1785 fell on a Saturday, the date of this letter has been corrected to the 13th. TJ evidently had declined the invitation for...
Les abbés de Chalut et Arnoux ont l’honneur de faire leurs compliments à Monsieur jefferson et de Le prier de la part de M. de Chalut de Lui faire L’honneur d’aller diner chez lui à St. Cloud jeudi prochain 30 juin. M. de Chalut fait la meme priere à M. Le Colonel humphries et à M. Williasmos il espere qu’ils voudront bien être de la partie. Les deux abbés iront diner à St. Cloud ce jour là,...