Results 31-80 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
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319 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Fine Weather. Settled roads. Drank Tea and spent the Evening at Coll. Chandlers, very gaily, with...
3210 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Fair Weather. Spent the Evening at Major Chandlers, with Major Greene and Mr. Maccarty. Charming...
3311 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Serene Weather, but somewhat cool. I am constantly forming, but never executing good resolutions....
3412 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
A cool, but pleasant morning. Heard Mr. Welman Wellman preach the Lecture, and drank Tea, with...
3513 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
A pleasant morning. Saw my classmates Gardner, and Wheeler. Wheeler dined, spent the afternoon,...
3614 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Good Weather. This afternoon took a Vomit of Tartar Emet. and Turbith mineral, that worked 7...
3715 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Charming Weather. A.M. staid at home reading the Independent Whig. Very often Shepherds that are...
3816 Monday. (Adams Papers)
A most beautiful morning. We have the most moderate Winter that ever was known in this country....
3917 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A clowdy Day. Dined at Mr. Greenes.
4018 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
A charming morning. My Classmate Gardner drank Tea with me. Spent an Hour in the beginning of the...
4119 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
No man is intirely free from weakness and imperfection in this life. Men of the most exalted...
4220 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
A dull Day. Symptoms of Snow. Writing Tillotson. That is, copying out extracts from the published...
4321 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A Snowy day. Snow about ancle deep. I find by repeated experiment and observation, in my School,...
4422 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Suppos a nation in some distant Region, should take the Bible for their only law Book, and every...
4523 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Fair weather. Crawford spent the Evening here.
4624 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A fine morning. We are told that Demosthenes transcribed the history of Thucidides 8 times, in...
4725 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Fair and cold Weather. An extream cold night.
4826 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Fair cold morning. An extream cold Day.
4927 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
A fair, cold day. Drank Tea at Mrs. Paines. All day, in high health, and spirits. Writing...
5028 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A raw cold day. Attended Mrs. Brown’s funeral. Let this, and every other Instance of human...
5129 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Leicester with Thayer. Heard him preach all Day. Dined at Mr. Whitneys. Returned home and...
52[March 1756] (Adams Papers)
Wrote out Bolingbrokes reflections on Exile. For JA ’s lifelong study of, and his extensive...
53March. 1756. 1 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Wrote out Bolingbrokes reflections on Exile. For JA ’s lifelong study of, and his extensive...
542 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A snow fall last night, half leg deep. Began this afternoon, my 3rd. quarter. The great and...
553 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Fair Weather. Natural Phylosophy is the Art of deducing the generall laws and properties of...
564 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
A fine morn.
575 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home, Mr. Barnes dined here, drank Tea, and spent the evening at Coll. Chandlers. The...
586 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Rose 1/2 after 4. A clowdy morn. Wrote Bolinbrokes letter on retirement and study.
597 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty all day. Spent the Evening and supped at Mr. Greenes, with Thayer. Honesty,...
608 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Major Chandlers. Fair Weather.
619 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A charming Day. Spent the evening up Chamber.
6210 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
A misty morning. Sun brake out about noon. Spent Evening at Gardiners.
6311 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at the Colonels. Drank Tea at Mr. Paines with a number of Ladies, and spent the Evening at...
6412 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Clowdy. Laid a pair of Gloves with Mrs. Willard that she would not see me chew tobacco this...
6513 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Some Snow last night, a clowdy, raw morning.
6614 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty all Day upon Abrahams Faith, in offering up Isaac. Spent the Evening, very...
6715 Monday. (Adams Papers)
I sometimes, in my sprightly moments, consider my self, in my great Chair at School, as some...
6816 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Sat out for Uxbridge, arrived about 12, dined. Rode to Aldridges after Mr. Webb, and brought him...
6917 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
A fine morning. Proceeded on my Journey towards Braintree. Stop’ed at Josiah Adams’s. Baited at...
7018 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
A cloudy morning. Spent the afternoon at my Uncles, and part of the Evening at the Doctor’s....
7119 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
A rainy morning. Went down in the afternoon, to the Point. Spent the afternoon and Evening and...
7220 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
After breakfast, rode to my Uncle Hunts, dined there, came Home, went to see my Aunt Owen, drank...
7321 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Vernal Equinox. Heard Mr. Wibird preach two excellent Discourses from Eccles. 9.12. Spent the...
7422 Monday. (Adams Papers)
A fair but cool morn. Mounted for Boston, arrived about 11 o’clock, went to friend Wm. Belchers,...
7523 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A fine morn. Breakfasted with Slewman at Prentices, mounted for Braintree, arrived about 1,...
7624 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Sat out for Worcester. Dined at Dedham and rode from thence in the rain to Mendon, supped and...
7725 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Uxbridge. Tarried at my Uncle Webbs and lodged with Mr. Nathan Webb .
7826 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
A delightful morning. Rode to Grafton, dined at Josiah Rawsons. He exerted his rawsonian Talents...
7927 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
The Stream of Life sometimes glides smoothly on, through flowry meadows and enamell’d planes. At...
8028 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty, spent the Evening at Coll. Chandlers, in Conversation concerning Lands and...