Results 31-40 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
July 11—The Board met. Present James Breckenridge, Joseph C. Cabell, William H. Broadnax, and Thomas J. Randolph. John H. Cocke appeared and took his seat at the Board during the day. The Board was organized by calling General Breckenridge to the Chair. There having been a new appointment of Visitors by the Executive of the State since the last meeting in obedience to the act of Assembly...
32II. Draft Bill, 23 October 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
An act Regulating the clearance of Armed vessels— Be it enacted &ca that no vessel armed or provided with the means of being armed at Sea, in which, or the Cargo whereof, a Citizen or inhabitant of the US. shall be interested or embarked shall Receive at any Custom house of the US. any clearance, or be suffered to leave the port where she is found so armed or providd. but on Security given to...
Vol. 4. p. 324--"to encourage Agriculture"--How 332--Agricult. manufs. Come. & navy may be protected agst casual combts within [draft?] 449. not too much regulat—meet [un?]equaly [ ] in foreign intercourse 453—"foster fisheries for navy", & food, & protect manufacrs. adaptd. to our [ ] these rules of action [five? fine?] principle of Constn. 5. p. 31 "Take a broader field of Legisln., whether...
To George Wythe, judge of the High court of Chancery of the district of Richmond in the commonweatlth of Virginia.  Humbly complaining sheweth unto your honor your orator Craven Peyton of the county of Albemarle that Bennet Henderson late of the same county being in his lifetime seized & possessed in feesimple of a tract of land therein on the Rivanna river surrounding & adjacent to the town...
Tomson J. Skinner of Massachusets to be Commissioner of loans for Massachus ets William Few of New York to be Commissioner of loans for New York Daniel Humphreys of New Hampshire to be Atty for the US. in the district of New Ha mpshire Thomas Rutter of Maryland to be Marshal for the district of Maryland. Joshua Prentiss of Massachusets to be Surveyor of the   of Marblehead and Inspector of the...
An Act for the more effectual preservation of the peace in the harbors and waters of the US. & on board vessels. Foreign armed vessels within the harbours. committing breaches of law. A.G. l. 4. after ‘felony’ insert ‘infraction of revenue-law or other statute.’ I had rather extend the provision to cases cognisable by the authority of individual states. but if this be objectionable, the cases...
List of Vegetables (perhaps non-descripts) from the River Washita Racine à Chevreuil (Deer’s root) This root is a globular farinaceous body from the size of a hen’s egg to that of a Mellon; it is without stem, leaf or any part above ground, & there are scarsely any perceptible fibres in the form of roots connected with the principal body. It is covered by a fibrous thin husk of a blackish...
Sketch of the Apparent, Monthly Balances—Advances in the Presidents a/c with J Barnes will Appear from the Annexed Statem. Commencing 1802 1802 Monthly Int. a 6 ⅌ Ct Jany 30. To Amt of a/- rendd. ⅌ leds. 117. 5346.55. Feby 8. By Warrt. deducted  " 2000.  Feby. 8th 3346.55. 16 50. to Mar 4 To Amt includg Errors & Advances 7361.70
(Those who deny that the power of Congs to regulate foreign commerce includes a protective power, yet contend that the power grantable to the States to impose duties on, it was intended to provide for a protection or substitute, and who rely for a proof on the testimonies of L. Martin, must yield to the inference that the protection is a branch of the comercial [expansion sign] power, distinct...
Payments by the Treasury for Navy Department in 1805 Drs. 2 Feby. } 250,000 to 30 March April } 295,000 & May Credit given in London Stg. 18,000 80,000 Drs. 625,000 Payments for War & Indian Departments January to May 1805