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J. M. thanks Mr. Kane for his friendly communication of the 28th. March. Although in his present condition he cannot enter into an examination of the topics involved in the pamphlet, they suggest their own importance, and will doubtless receive from others the attention they deserve. He begs Mr. Kane to be assured of his respect and good wishes. FC (DLC) .
I hardly know how sufficiently to express the very great delight and instruction I derived from the days your hospitality permitted me to spend under your roof. They will ever be remembered as among the happiest of my life. Mr Van Buren has this moment put into my hands the first volume of Armstrong’s work on the late war. I remember you expressed a curiosity to see it, & I beg leave to...
J. Madison with his respects to Govr. Cass, offers him many thanks for the copy of his late discourse before the American Historical Society at Washington. He has read it with great pleasure, the greater, from its favorable bearing on the literary reputation of our Country—"If History be Philosophy teaching by example," it will itself be instructed by the Philosophy of such discourses. FC (DLC) .
I am about to trouble you in a matter of delicacy and of interest. I do so, not without great reluctance: indeed nothing could impel me to it, but what I consider an imperious duty to a friend, and to truth. Mr. Smith, the competitor of Mr. Slaughter, in the Senatorial Canvass, asserted on thursday last, at a publick meeting, in the upper part of this county, as a gentleman of intelligence and...
Having made a partial collection of the autographs of distinguished individuals, the undersigned would feel extremely gratified, if he could add yours to the number. Also, if it would not be asking too great a favor, the undersigned would feel exceedingly happy, if you would at the same time enclose the autographs of Jay and Hamilton , or whatever other distinguished contemporary and friend of...
I have received, with your letter of the 15th. inst: a copy of your "Election Sermon on the 6th of Jany.," and thank you for the pleasure afforded by the able, and instructive, lessons which it so impressively adapted to the occasion. I cannot conceal from myself that your letter has indulged a partiality, which greatly overrates my public services: I may say nevertheless, that I am among...
The enclosed letter from Col: Ch: Todd was recd. to day. I have an imperfect recollection of the conversation as well as of the subject alluded to. I have however of certain remarks made by you at the time, & repeated frequently since, respecting Genl. Armstrong’s conduct on recieving the resignation of Gen’l Harrison, and as I have an impression on my mind that you noted the circumstances at...
Professor Palfrey of Harvard College being desirous of paying his respects to you on his return to Boston from Louisiana, I take great pleasure in introducing him to your personal acquaintance—His character is no doubt already well known to you. I beg leave to present my respects to Mrs. Madison & to subscribe myself your respectful & obed. Servt. RC (DLC) .
J. Madison, with his best respects to Mr. Leigh, thanks him for the Copy of his interesting letter of March 2d. to the General Assembly; interesting both from the importance of its subject, and the ability with which it is treated. FC (DLC) .
The precise obligation imposed on a representative, by instructions of his constituents, still divides the opinions, of distinguished statesmen. This is the case in Great Britain, where such topics have been most discussed. It is also now the case, more or less < >d was so, at the first Congress under the present Constitution, as appears from the Register of Debates, imperfectly as they were...