James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Daniel Webster, 27 March 1826

To Daniel Webster

Mar. 27. 1826

Having to thank you for a copy, just come to hand, of the Exve. Communications to the H. of Reps relating to the Congress at Panama,1 I take occasion to supply the omission to do so for a former favor of a like sort. I hope you will not doubt the value I set, as well on the motive as the matter for which I am indebted: But as such documents generally reach me thro’ other channels, I feel some scruple in permitting you to be at the trouble of forwarding them; possibly too at the loss of some other friend. Be so good therefore as to accept a release from your obliging promise, with an assurance of my continued and cordial esteem & regard.

Draft (DLC).

1For this document, see JM to John Quincy Adams, 27 Mar. 1826, and n. 1.

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