Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Jean Baptiste de Ternant, 15 November 1792

From Jean Baptiste de Ternant1

Philade. 15 Nove. 1792
l’an 4 de la libé. fre.

En conformité de nos arrangemens, je vous prie de faire payer au citoyen Laforest2 Consul general de france ou à son ordre la somme de 2,358 piastres au 15 du present, et celle de 8997, au lr. decembre suivant, lesquelles ⟨deux⟩ sommes completteront le 3e. payement à effectuer par les Etats unis.3


LC, Arch. des Aff. Etr., Corr. Pol., Etats-Unis description begins Transcripts or photostats from the French Foreign Office deposited in the Library of Congress. description ends , Supplement Vol. 20.

1Ternant was French Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States.

2Antoine René Charles Mathurin de La Forest.

3This was the third payment from a grant of four hundred thousand dollars from which payments were to be made on the debt owed France. In an exchange of letters on March 8, 1792, Ternant had made arrangements with H for this grant, and a change in the dates on which payments were to be made was arranged in August, 1792. See Ternant to H, August 22, 1792.

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