George Washington Papers

General Orders, 9 August 1778

General Orders

Head-Quarters W. Plains Sabbath Augt 9th 1778.

Parole Gadsden—C. Signs Hatfield Ipswich.

Lieutenant Coll Russell will take Command of the 10th Virginia Regt until further orders.1

Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The orderly book of Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln includes the following additional orders for this date: “For detachment to parade tomorrow 5 oClock P.M. furnished with 40 rounds p. man and two days provisions ready cooked—Colonel Courtlandt Lt Colonels Mebbin and Millen Majors Buchert and Hait—Sixteen light Dragoons properly officered are to parade at the same time, furnished with the like quantity of Provisions—A non commissiond officer with 6 light Dragoons are to attend the parade tomorrow Morning at guard mounting” (MHi: Lincoln Papers).

1Lincoln’s orderly book has “Colo. Russell”; the order refers to Col. William Russell of the 13th Virginia Regiment.

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