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Results 30931-30960 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
30931 MacCreery, William Adams, John To John Adams from William MacCreery, 9 August 1778 1778-08-09 I this day received the Letter which you did me the Honor to Write me under the 31st. Ultimo....
30932 Washington, George Laurens, Henry George Washington to Henry Laurens, 9 August 1778 1778-08-09 White Plains, New York, August 9, 1778 . Discusses desirability of forming a corps consisting of...
30933 Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, 9 … 1778-08-09 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania M. le Roy m’apprend que malgré les grands objets dont...
30934 Washington, George General Orders, 9 August 1778 1778-08-09 Lieutenant Coll Russell will take Command of the 10th Virginia Regt until further orders. Varick...
30935 Washington, George Arnold, Benedict From George Washington to Major General Benedict … 1778-08-09 I have been favd with yours of the 30th ulto inclosing a return of the Troops in the City and of...
30936 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 9 August 1778 1778-08-09 At 10 OClock last night the Inclosed Letter came to hand from General Sullivan with one addressed...
30937 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 9 August 1778 1778-08-09 Mr Fuhrer & Mr Kleinsmit have lately left the British lines and come in to us. The account they...
30938 Washington, George Malcom, William From George Washington to Colonel William Malcom, 9 … 1778-08-09 I recd yours of the 7th with the weekly returns enclosed. I have not the least objection to...
30939 Washington, George Mease, James From George Washington to James Mease, 9 August 1778 1778-08-09 Major Clough has informed me thro Capt. Smith that he has lately received a letter from Colo....
30940 Nelson, Thomas Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Thomas … 1778-08-09 Letter not found : from Brig. Gen. Thomas Nelson, Jr., 9 Aug. 1778. On 20 Aug., GW wrote Nelson :...
30941 Washington, George Shreve, Israel From George Washington to Colonel Israel Shreve, 9 … 1778-08-09 I have been favd with a letter of the 6th signed by yourself and other Feild Officers of the...
30942 Franklin, Benjamin Jones, John Paul Benjamin Franklin and John Adams to John Paul Jones, 10 … 1778-08-10 We do not think ourselves authorized to give any Orders concerning the Deductions to be made from...
30943 Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de First Joint Commission at Paris Sartine to the Commissioners, 10 August 1778 1778-08-10 Depuis la letter, que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire, Messieurs le 29 du mois dernier, le...
30944 Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de First Joint Commission at Paris Sartine to the Commissioners: A Translation, 10 August … 1778-08-10 Since the letter that I had the honor to write you on the 29th of last month, the Commissionaire...
30945 Washington, George Sullivan, John George Washington to Major General John Sullivan, 10 … 1778-08-10 White Plains [ New York ] August 10, 1778 . Regrets “the tardiness of the militia.” Informs...
30946 American Commissioners Jones, John Paul The American Commissioners to John Paul Jones, 10 … 1778-08-10 LS : National Archives; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National...
30947 Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de American Commissioners Sartine to the American Commissioners, 10 August 1778 … 1778-08-10 LS and copy: Library of Congress; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society <Versailles, August 10,...
30948 Leveux, Jacques Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques Leveux, 10 August … 1778-08-10 ALS : American Philosophical Society Deux americains se sont presentés chez moy il y a deux Jours...
30949 Murfey, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Murfey [Murphy], 10 … 1778-08-10 ALS : American Philosophical Society You’l Exscuse the Liberty I take in Righting as Necesity...
30950 Washington, George General Orders, 10 August 1778 1778-08-10 Lieutenant Colonel Carlton is appointed to take command of the Post at Terrytown. Ensign...
30951 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From George Washington to Major General Lafayette, 10 … 1778-08-10 Your favor of the 6th Instt which came to my hands yesterday, afforded a fresh proof of the noble...
30952 Washington, George Lee, Richard Henry From George Washington to Richard Henry Lee, 10 August … 1778-08-10 A few days ago I received your favor of the 26th Ulto, inclosing one from Colo. Spotswood, for...
30953 Stark, John Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John Stark … 1778-08-10 Dear General —Your letter of the 5th instant has come to hand by express. I am very happy to hear...
30954 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan … 1778-08-10 I have been duly favoured with yours of the 6th. I regret much the tardiness of the militia, as...
30955 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major General John Sullivan … 1778-08-10 The Count De-Estaing and myself were by Agreement to land our Forc[e]s here this Morning but I...
30956 Lee, Richard Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Henry Lee, 10 August … 1778-08-10 I agree entirely with you concerning the importance of the confederation, and have never failed...
30957 Washington, George General Orders, 11–12 August 1778 1778-08-11 A sufficient number of Officers having not yet presented themselves as Candidates for Commissions...
30958 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 11 August 1778 1778-08-11 I am desirous of conveying to you, in a manner that will not probably fail of success, and...
30959 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams, 11 August 1778 1778-08-11 you will pardon me if I do not write to you very often for you know how I used to teaze you to...
30960 Dobrée, Peter Frederick First Joint Commission at Paris Peter Frederick Dobrée to the Commissioners, 11 August … 1778-08-11 My Father in law has just now comunicated me the Honble. Mr. Lee’s Letter of the 4 Instant which...