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Results 3091-3120 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
3091 Adams, John Quincy 20th. 1786-05-20 Cranch went to Boston this day, and brought me back, another large packet from my Sister,...
3092 Adams, John Quincy 21st. 1786-05-21 We had to day a Doctor Haven, from Portsmouth to preach; to day: he took his text from Psalm...
3093 Adams, John Quincy 22d. 1786-05-22 We recite this week to our own Tutor Mr. Reed, in Gravesande’s experimental Philosophy. This...
3094 Adams, John Quincy 23d. 1786-05-23 We could not recite this morning, because Mr. Reed, was not in at prayers. This morning a number...
3095 Adams, John Quincy 24th. 1786-05-24 It is feared that some bad consequences, will ensue, from the high-go, of the Syllogists last...
3096 Adams, John Quincy 25th. 1786-05-25 Government met, and were assembled, almost all this day, to determine what Punishment to inflict...
3097 Adams, John Quincy 26th. 1786-05-26 This morning after Prayers, Borland, was called out to read an humble Confession, signifying his...
3098 Adams, John Quincy 27th. 1786-05-27 No reciting this morning. I was employed all day in studying mathematics, which are the most...
3099 Adams, John Quincy 28th. 1786-05-28 Parson Hilliard preach’d us a Sermon in the morning from Isaiah LIV. 14. In righteousness shalt...
3100 Adams, John Quincy 29th. 1786-05-29 We recite this week to Doctor Jennison, but he was not in this morning. Je fus ce soir a...
3101 Adams, John Quincy 30th. 1786-05-30 The weather cleared up, in the afternoon. A number of the Class have had leave to be absent till...
3102 Adams, John Quincy 31st. 1786-05-31 Election day. This is a day of great festivity throughout the Country. The last Wednesday in May,...
3103 Adams, John Quincy [June 1786] 1786-06-01 We had this forenoon a Lecture from Mr. Williams. Upon the reflection and the refraction of...
3104 Adams, John Quincy Thursday June 1st. 1786. 1786-06-01 We had this forenoon a Lecture from Mr. Williams. Upon the reflection and the refraction of...
3105 Adams, John Quincy 2d. 1786-06-02 We had another Lecture from Mr. Williams to day, with an explanation of the different optical...
3106 Adams, John Quincy 3d. 1786-06-03 We had a Lecture this morning upon Electricity; we received two small shocks, which however, gave...
3107 Adams, John Quincy 4th. 1786-06-04 Attended meeting all day. It was very uncomfortable, the weather being so warm, and we are...
3108 Adams, John Quincy 5th. 1786-06-05 We had a Lecture from Mr. Williams, concerning heat, proper Lecture for the weather. Je fus le...
3109 Adams, John Quincy 6th. 1786-06-06 Mr. Williams gave us another Lecture upon heat; and introduced a new System of his own. But the...
3110 Adams, John Quincy 7th. 1786-06-07 We had this morning a continuation of Mr. Williams’s System; by which, he pretends to account for...
3111 Adams, John Quincy 8th. 1786-06-08 A very warm day again. I was in the morning with Mr. Williams, at the Philosophy Chamber. I made...
3112 Adams, John Quincy 9th. 1786-06-09 Quite unwell almost all day. We had a Lecture from Mr. Williams, upon magnetism. The weather has...
3113 Adams, John Quincy 10th. 1786-06-10 The Course of Philosophical Lectures was closed, with one, giving an explanation of the Orrery,...
3114 Adams, John Quincy 11th. 1786-06-11 Mr. Howard a Minister from Boston, preach’d in the forenoon from, Proverbs I. 20. Wisdom crieth...
3115 Adams, John Quincy 12th. 1786-06-12 Recite this week to Hale, who was absent this afternoon. Je n’ai rien fait de toute la journée,...
3116 Adams, John Quincy 13th. 1786-06-13 No reciting this morning. This reciting in Locke, is the most ridiculous of all. When the Tutor...
3117 Adams, John Quincy 14th. 1786-06-14 The Freshmen, by their high Spirit of Liberty, have again involved themselves in difficulties....
3118 Adams, John Quincy 15th. 1786-06-15 We did not recite this morning. The struggle between the Freshmen and Sophimores still continues....
3119 Adams, John Quincy 16th. 1786-06-16 Warm weather. Nous eûmes une assemblée extraordinaire de nôtre Societé; Dwight y fit un discours,...
3120 Adams, John Quincy 17th. 1786-06-17 This day, the Bridge over Charlestown Ferry was compleated, and as the same day 11 years agone,...