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Results 3091-3100 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Although for some time I have had neither the honor nor the pleasure of inquiring after your health and that of your dear family, I, nevertheless, have been thinking about you and them, and, at the same time, shall never forget the kindnesses and friendship shown me by you and your countrymen, particularly by you. And if you do not enjoy, in our country, all the health and happiness that you...
Yours of the 22 d. of Feb y: has come to hand this moment, and has given me much satisfaction. I always admired the noble and independant spirit of my friend; but I now see cause to admire it still more. You have confered additional obligations upon, or to express myself otherwise, you have rendered additional services to your Country, by breaking to peices chains forged to hold it in a state...
I do myself the honour to present schedules, shewing the vacancies in the 1st. & 2d. Regiments of Artillerists & Engineers, and the 3d Regiment of Infantry, on the permanent military establishment of the United States, together with the cadets in the Corps of Artillerists, and the names of all the Gentlemen recommended for Lieutenancies in the same, with the letters recommending them. In...
È comparso alla luce un’elogio dell’Abate di Mably, scritto sotto gli auspici dei 2. vecchi Abati ben noti a Vostr’ Eccellenza, uno dei quali è (a mio giudizio) un gran birbone, e l’altro un buon coglione. Secondo il detto elogio, Vostr’ Eccellenza pregò l’Abate di Mably d’aver la bontà d’illuminare noi poveri ignoranti Americani su i principi di legislazione e d’amministrazione, e quando il...
You had done me the honour of answering my letters to you, so fully, that I had supposed I should never again, perhaps, trespass on your time and attention. I am induced, however, once more, to trouble you. I this day received an anonymous letter, under no date, and bearing the Boston Post office mark. It is very well written, and appears disinterested. It is respectful, liberal, and evinces a...
I received at this place your letter of the 1st of Sepr. instant with its several references. I have been attacked here with a bilious fever from which I am getting slowly better, a restoration to my former state of health being impeded by the business I have been obliged to attend to and having no assistant to copy for me except a youth my nephew. The inclosed papers from No. 1 to No. 5...
If I have not addressed you before it was not that gratitude did not prompt an expression of the feelings your early patronage & continued kindness had excited— You are pleased to enquire the name and age of our Child—We have given him his Grandfathers name of William—he is 2½ Years and rather (if a Mother may be credited) promissing than otherwise— I am proud my dear Sir to find that the...
On receipt of your favors of Aug. 18. & 23. I conferred with mr̃ Barclay on the measures necessary to be taken to set our treaty with the pyratical states into motion through his agency. supposing that we should begin with the emperor of Marocco, a letter to the emperor & instructions to mr̃ Barclay seemed necessary. I have therefore sketched such outlines for these as appear to me to be...
you did me the honour some time since after reading my memoir of Dr Hugh Williamson to write me a letter stating some particulars relative to the Hutchinson letters’ which were new to me and which are calculated to unfold some secrets of that affair that before were inexplicable, I mean relating to the agency of Mr Temple and Mr Hartley— I read that part of your letter to the new york...
J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 13. de ce mois. Je suis très sensible à la confiance avec laquelle vous m’avez communiqué vos idées sur la position actüelle des Etats-unis, et sur le besoin qu’ils ont de l’assistance immédiate de quelques Vaisseaux de ligne et frégates. M. le chev. de Ternay et M. le Cte. de Rochambau ont été expédiés précisément...